
  • 网络The Official Story;La Historia Oficial;release to manufacturing
  1. 据官方说法,他是因健康状况不佳而辞职的。

    Officially , he resigned because of bad health .

  2. 根据官方说法,即将以全新订阅模式发售的Window10将会是纳德拉领导能力面临的第一次大考。

    Officially speaking , the upcoming Windows 10 launch , which will be sold under a new subscription mode , will be the first big test of Nadella 's leadership .

  3. 詹姆士:OK,改成「很可惜,因为行程太满,我没办法出席。」让它听起来不像制式或官方说法。

    James : OK , change that to'Unfortunately , I will not be able to attend due to my busy schedule'to make it sound less like a legal document .

  4. 官方说法是,中国经济的开放程度不足以被纳入TPP。

    The official line is that the Chinese economy is just not open enough to merit inclusion .

  5. NPR詹妮弗·卢登报道称这似乎违背了利比亚的官方说法。

    NPR 's Jennifer Ludden reports that appears at odds with what Libyan officials are saying .

  6. 在欧元区问题上,IMF对于此次危机的看法追随了欧洲/德国的官方说法,这可能对欧洲乃至全世界造成损害。

    On the eurozone , the IMF has towed the official European / German line on the crisis , possibly to the disservice of Europe and the world .

  7. 这未必是说官方说法是错的,而是imf未能挑战正统观点,放弃了其在政策辩论中担任重要裁判员的角色。

    It is not that the official line is wrong but that the IMF has failed to challenge orthodoxy , forfeiting its role as a valuable referee in the policy debates .

  8. 麦克这一生一大部分时间都在挑战肯尼迪遇刺案的官方说法,仔细研究宝丽来(Polaroid)照片和警方记录,以期找到凶手的杀人动机。

    Gary Mack spent much of his life challenging officialdom on the JFK assassination , poring over Polaroid pictures and police recordings to find a plot behind the president 's murder .

  9. 这个名叫詹姆斯·韦伯(JWST)的空间望远镜直到今天还在作坊里待着,而且其发射时间被再三推迟(最新的官方说法是2018年)。

    The James Webb space telescope ( JWST ), as the new machine is called , is still in the workshop , and its launch date has been set back repeatedly ( 2018 is the latest official estimate ) .

  10. 根据官方说法,中国油价的调整与国际原油价格同步。

    Officially , China adjusts fuel prices in step with the international price of crude .

  11. 那么这是官方说法么?

    Dinovi : so is that official ?

  12. 活动人士对官方说法即因为根本争议得到解决,所以就不需要抗议不以为然。

    Activists dismissed the suggestion that protests were not needed because the underlying disputes had been resolved .

  13. 按照官方说法,手机业务也在进行“重建”这是苦苦挣扎的一种委婉说法。

    The handset division , too , has been officially " rebuilding " , a euphemism for struggling .

  14. 尽管是一些模棱两可的官方说法,事实说明佛里芝尔女士极有可能来过现场。

    Despite the fuzziness of official statements , the balance of probability is that Ms Fritzl really was present .

  15. 最终,就像官方说法所展示的那样,随着中国继续购买美国国债,中国最不愿意看到的就是美元贬值。

    Ultimately , as official rhetoric demonstrates along with continued Treasury buying the last thing China wants is a devalued dollar .

  16. 但是来自本地制造业团体的非官方说法,仅在南方省份广东停产歇业的工厂就远超过这个数字。

    Unofficially , local manufacturing groups believe many more than that will go out of business in the southern province of Guangdong alone .

  17. 据官方说法,孟买交通高峰期的火车“超级密集拥堵”,而孟买的火车也正因此而闻名。

    MUMBAI 's trains are famous for carrying what is officially called a " super-dense crush load " of passengers during rush hour .

  18. 官方说法似乎表明,该船是一股反常龙卷风的受害者,中国的内河客船航运业有着良好的安全记录。

    Official accounts have suggested that the ship was the victim of a freak tornado and China 's domestic cruise industry has a good safety record .

  19. 很少有人相信瑞银的官方说法,即奥斯佩尔想指定胡皓华为自己的最终接班人,但被其它董事会成员否决。

    Few swallow the official UBS line that Mr Ospel wanted to anoint Mr wuffli as his eventual successor , but was overruled by fellow board members .

  20. 以色列的官方说法仍然是:政府支持外交进程,伊朗是整个世界的问题,并非仅仅是以色列的问题。

    The official Israeli line remains that the government supports the diplomatic process and that Iran is a problem for the world , not only for Israel .

  21. 据官方说法,2007年警察拘留并驱逐出境的人是被派去刺杀别列佐夫斯基先生,俄罗斯想要引渡其回国接受欺诈罪的指控,而他本人认为这些都是捏造的莫须有的罪名。

    In2007 police detained and deported a man officials say was sent to shoot Mr Berezovsky , whomRussiawants to extradite to face fraud charges that he says are trumped-up .

  22. 官方说法:改变火炬接力路线是‘安全原因’。但这里根本不存在对接力手安全的威胁。

    The official word is that the torch route was drastically changed because of " public safety ," but the crowd at AT & T Park was no threat to the runners .

  23. 蛇瑜伽的官方说法是库马拉蛇治疗,它是昆达利尼瑜伽的一个分支,它的形式是将采用物理位置和在呼吸、沉思以及交谈中的专注度结合来达到的。

    Officially called Kumara Serpent Healing , its an offshoot of Kundalini Yoga a branch of the form which mixes adopting physical positions with a focus on breathing , meditating and chanting .

  24. 拇指族或者玩太多的糖果大冒险游戏的人都容易得手机依赖症。所谓“手机依赖症”,是对玩手机过多而导致手指、手腕和前臂疼痛甚至出现痉挛的非官方说法。

    Avid texters and Candy Crush enthusiasts may be subject to text claw , the unofficial term for soreness and cramping felt in the fingers , wrist and forearm after heavy smartphone use .

  25. 25岁至34岁的人与父母同住的比例从本世纪初的10.6%攀升至2007年衰退开始(按官方说法)时的11.8%。但在那之后,这一比例急剧上升。

    The percentage of 25-to-34-year-olds living with parents climbed from 10.6 % early in the 2000s to 11.8 % in 2007 , when the recession officially began . But after that the figure jumped sharply .

  26. 毕竟,欧元区政策界给出的官方说法是,欧元区银行并没有出现什么真正的问题;所以它们不想引入与2008年相仿的危机措施。

    After all , the official line from the eurozone policy world is that nothing is really wrong with the eurozone banks ; thus they do not want to introduce crisis measures that echo 2008 .

  27. 官方说法是梅根会用“蒙巴顿·温莎”这个姓氏,但是这也说明梅根婚后不能叫做“公主”。

    Regardless , the official word on the matter is that Meghan will take the Mountbatten-Windsor surname - but here 's why she won 't technically be called a princess after she walks down the aisle .

  28. 在官方说法上,台湾央行仍坚称,新台币汇率原则上由市场力量决定,只有当季节性因素或不规则因素导致市场过度波动时,央行才会进行干预。

    The central bank officially maintains that the Taiwan dollar exchange rate is in principle determined by market forces , and that the bank would only intervene when there is excessive volatility due to seasonal or irregular factors .

  29. 来自美国伊利诺伊州橡溪镇麦当劳总部对此的官方说法是,现年51岁的汤普森将“退休”。但很显然,“退休”并非汤普森独自做出的决定。

    The official word out of McDonald 's Oak Brook , Ill . , headquarters is that Thompson , 51 , is " retiring . " But it 's pretty clear that he didn 't make this choice alone .

  30. X翼战机的重量从来没有官方的说法,但我们知道它的长度为12.5米。

    The X-wing 's mass has never been canonically established , but its length has-12.5 meters .