
guān chǎng
  • officialdom;official circle;government run markets
官场 [guān chǎng]
  • (1) [officialdom;official circle]

  • (2) 政界

  • 朝廷用文治,大开官职场。--唐. 杜甫《冬至日寄小姪阿宜》诗

  • (3) 旧时指官吏阶层及其活动范围(贬义,强调其中的虚伪、欺诈、逢迎、倾轧等特点)

  • 混迹官场

  • (4) [government run markets]∶政府设立的交易市场

官场[guān chǎng]
  1. 尽管宾夕法尼亚大道(pennsylvaniaavenue)上上下下都表示抗议,但美国官场可能一直会“照本宣科”。

    Protestations up and down Pennsylvania Avenue notwithstanding , US officialdom was always likely to follow that script .

  2. 整治权力文凭,净化官场空气;

    Punish authority diploma , to purify the air of officialdom ;

  3. 拉罗说,高收入家庭的子女可以更自如地应对官场上的事宜,在学习和工作中也易取得成功。

    Children from higher-income families are likely to have the skills to navigate bureaucracies and succeed in schools and workplaces , Ms. Lareau said .

  4. 新时期官场小说的主题意蕴阐释

    Brief Analysis of the Subject Connotation of New Time Government Novels

  5. 对于官场生活我是既无打算又毫无才能的。

    I have neither talents nor inclination for a public life .

  6. 当代官场反腐小说的叙事模式研究

    The Study of Modern Officialdom Anti-corruption Novel s ' Narration Modes

  7. 第四章归纳新时期官场小说的叙事特点。

    The fourth part summarizes the narrative features of officialdom novels .

  8. “程朱理学”在官场的统治地位一直到1911年辛亥革命爆发。

    it dominated official circles until the Republican Revolution of 1911 .

  9. 官场小说:在世纪之交兴起

    The Rise of Official Novels by the Turn of the Century

  10. 论刘震云官场系列小说的权力特征

    Features of " Power " in Liu Zhenyun 's Official Novel Series

  11. 第三章:新官场小说的理性化。

    Chapter three : Rationalization of the new officialdom fictions .

  12. 新时期官场文学权力批判浅探

    Criticism of the Political Rights in Official Literature of the New Period

  13. 历史理性与人文情怀的双重张力&新时期官场文学略论

    Literary Works on Officialdom of the New Period : Ration and Humanity

  14. 与税务稽查员打交道往往是一种官场应对训练。

    Meetings with tax inspectors are often bureaucratic assault courses .

  15. 青年时代弃绝官场,立志于报馆和律师。

    In youth he abandoned Officialdom and dedicated to lawyer and newspaper .

  16. 社会的道德堕落导致了官场道德堕落,从而导致了官场的腐败。

    The decadence of social morals leads to the corruption of officialdom .

  17. 宏村巷子旁有一条小渠官场整个村子。

    Hongcun alley next to a small drainage throughout the village officialdom .

  18. 呼唤和谐:新官场小说的审美旨归

    Calling for Harmony : Aesthetic Purpose of Modern Officialdom Novels

  19. 论元代官场贪赃盛行的原因

    On the Reasons of Prevailing Bribe-taking in Yuan Dynasty

  20. 官场是历来倍受人们关注的社会存在。

    Officialdom is the social existence focused by people .

  21. 那些在官场内有朋友的人也许能使他们的要求得到满足。

    Those who have friends in an office may have their requests fulfilled .

  22. 名片是封建等级制度的产物,源于古人于官场中求拜见。

    Business Card is the product of Feudal System .

  23. 在官场的竞赛中,我落后了。

    I 've fallen behind in the career race .

  24. 他在官场上平步青云。

    He advanced steadily through the ranks of officialdom .

  25. 20世纪90年代官场小说三题

    Three Topics about the Officialdom Novels in the 1990s

  26. 他被逐出了官场。

    He was frozen out of official life .

  27. 诺曼人征服英国期间,英国官场采用法语作为官方语言。

    During the Norman Conquest British officialdom took on French as their official language .

  28. 嘉庆年间由于官场黑暗,他被清廷流放西域。

    Owing to dark officialdom , he was exiled to the west of china .

  29. 中国社会森严的等级制度和尔虞我诈的官场需要人们有一个逃避的地方。

    The intensely bureaucratic and highly organized hierarchies of Chinese society required an escape .

  30. 我终于对官场的勾心斗角感到厌烦了。

    Eventually I wearied of the bureaucratic infightings .