
guān yáo cí qì
  • kuan yao porcelain
官窑瓷器[guān yáo cí qì]
  1. 宋代官窑瓷器型风格与特色

    Style and characteristics of porcelain shapes from official kilns of Song Dynasty

  2. 明定陵出土的官窑瓷器

    Official Kin Porcelain unearthed form Dingling of the Ming Tombs

  3. 这是北宋官窑瓷器的典型特征。

    This is a typical characteristic of the Northern Song Dynasty porcelain kiln .

  4. 官窑瓷器:贵族的玩物

    Royal Porcelain is The Aristocrats ' Favor

  5. 烧官窑瓷器靠的就是紫金土,找不到就不能烧。

    Burn royal porcelain lean is purple and gold , can not find the can 't burn .

  6. 明清时期官窑瓷器上菊花纹样形式美研究

    Research about the Formal Beauty of the Chrysanthemum Pattern on the Official Kilns in the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  7. 上海市李惠利中学明代墓群发掘简报明定陵出土的官窑瓷器

    Report on Ming Tombs in LI Hui-li Middle School site , Shanghai Official Kin Porcelain unearthed form Dingling of the Ming Tombs

  8. 汝官窑瓷器装饰多只饰以釉色,以釉色取胜;而汝民窑瓷器的装饰更为丰富。

    Ru official kiln porcelain decoration only decorated with glaze , glaze and to win ; Ru kilns porcelain decoration is more abundant .

  9. 官窑瓷器是因为皇室所用,故造型、纹饰、色彩、质量都堪称登峰造极。

    These porcelain are for the use by royal family , so the make , ornamentation , coloring are of the highest quality .

  10. 清代官窑瓷器元素成分数据库建立工作,是上海博物馆古陶瓷科技分析研究中的一个重要组成部分。

    The construction of element composition database on Qing Dynasty guan porcelain is an important part of scientific research on ancient ceramics in Shanghai Museum .

  11. 明、清是中国瓷器发展的顶峰时期,尤其是官窑瓷器取得了相当高的艺术成就。

    Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty are the high time for Chinese porcelain , official kilns especially had made their high artistic achievements during this period .

  12. 目的是通过这些论述可以对明清时期官窑瓷器上的菊花纹有进一步的了解。

    Then , we would have a better understanding of the Chrysanthemum pattern drawn on the official kilns in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty from my statements .