
ɡuān chāi
  • public errand;official business;petty officer;office-boys of local authorities
官差 [guān chāi]
  • (1) [official business]∶公务

  • (2) [odd-job men]∶官府的差役

  1. 印度官差们经常抓不住那些投石党,暴怒之下,将附近的乡党一并株连,在不公的情况下以同谋问罪。

    Enraged officers usually fail to catch stone-lobbers , so lash out instead at families and residents nearby , accusing them , usually unfairly , of collusion .

  2. 工商业者为了应付官府的科索,祗应官差,保护本行业同行的利益以及保证商业信誉和保证市场等,也需要组织起来。

    And it is also necessary for them to unite together so as to cope with the official demands and assignments and protect interests of the same trade , its commercial credit and its markets .