
  • 网络Polyphonic Novel
  1. 这种写作技巧充分体现了复调小说理论强调的主人公思想意识的主体性特征。

    This writing technique embodies the subjectivity in a polyphonic novel .

  2. 巴赫金的复调小说理论是以对话理论为基础的。

    Mikhail Bakhtin 's polyphonic novel is based on his dialogic theory .

  3. 鲁迅复调小说的成因探析

    Discussion and Analysis of the Cause of Luxun 's Polyphony Novel

  4. 第四章分析了作为复调小说《押沙龙,押沙龙!》产生的历史背景和重要意义。

    Chapter Four analyzes the historical background and significance of Absalom , Absalom !

  5. 这一点集中体现在他的美学理想、复调小说和叙事方式的追求上。

    This feature reflects on his aesthetical ideal 、 two-note 's novel and narrative fashion .

  6. 摘要巴赫金在对陀思妥耶夫斯基创作的解读中提出了复调小说理论。

    The theory of polyphonic novel was put forward by Bahtin in the interpretation of dostoevsky .

  7. 复调小说的两种模式&对巴赫金复调小说理论的一个补充

    Two patterns of Polyphony novel

  8. 剖析性的对位式复调小说&从情节艺术角度解读米兰·昆德拉小说

    Analytical Novel with Contrapuntal Counterpoint & To Interpret Milan Kundera 's Novels from the Art of Plot

  9. 国内学界对巴赫金的研究主要集中在对话理论、复调小说与狂欢诗学。

    Chinese scholars have studied Bakhtin focusing on his Dialogue Theory , Polyphonic Novel and Carnival Poetics .

  10. 中国复调小说取得的成绩,我以为,是表现了中国小说现代化的所达到的高度的。

    The accomplishment achieved in Chinese polyphony novels , I believe , represents the altitude reached in modernization of Chinese novels .

  11. 第一章介绍了米哈伊尔·巴赫金在《陀思妥耶夫斯基的诗学问题》中所定义的复调小说。

    Chapter One gives an introduction to the polyphonic novel defined by Mikhail Bakhtin in his Problems of Dostoevsky 's Poetics .

  12. 他在人文学科的各个领域中加以积极应用,生发了复调小说理论、对话理论、狂欢化理论等。

    Bakhtin practiced outsideness in most fields of the humanity and gained his polyphonic novel theory , dialogism and carnival theory .

  13. 在米兰·昆德拉的“复调小说”观念体系中,“文体的复调”占据了重要的位置。

    The polyphony of fiction style plays an important role in the poetics of polyphonic fiction of Czech French novelist Milan Kundera .

  14. 笔者试图想通过对这一论题的阐述,重点讨论库切对复调小说的继承与超越;

    The author attempts to want through to this thesis elaboration , the key discussion storehouse cuts to duplicate accent novel inheritance with surmounts ;

  15. 本文认为,巴赫金所提出的复调小说概念实际上有违于小说创造的音乐学原则,只不过代表了小说史上某一种复调小说模式,可称之为对话模式的复调小说。

    This article holds that the concept of Polyphony novel as dialogic novel raised by Mikhail Bakhtin is merely one sort of Polyphony novel in history of novel .

  16. 作者指出,复调小说在概念内涵上由内容到形式再到文体的延扩史,象征了现代小说结构模式的演变过程;

    The author points out that the developing history of the concepts on the polyphonic fiction is a symbol of the forming process of modern fiction in its structure patterns .

  17. 所有这一切使得《喧哗与骚动》不仅成为复调小说领域的巅峰之作,也成就了其在世界文学史上不朽的传奇。

    All these make The Sound and the Fury not only the pinnacle in the field of polyphonic novels , but also the immortal legend in the world literary history .

  18. 集中探讨了人物设置、复调小说理论和幽默的风格这三个与存在之思密切相关的艺术样式。

    In this part , the author focuses on discussing the character set , the polyphonic novel theory and the humorous style which are closely related to the thinking of being .

  19. 人道主义是福克纳矛盾思想的根源,又是巴赫金理论的核心,涵纳于复调小说的艺术形式之中。

    Humanitarianism is the root of Faulkner 's ambivalent thought , and also , the pith and marrow of Bakhtin 's theory , contained in the artistic form of the polyphonic novel .

  20. 小说的开放式结尾则体现出了一部复调小说在思想上的未完成性,以其内容上的留白为读者提供了一个平等参与、对话的空间。

    The open ending of the novel brings with it multitude of significance and marks the unfinalizability of its contents and ideas , which provides the readers an open space to participate .

  21. 复调小说理论传入中国之后,给中国的小说创作和小说评论带来了新的视角。促使中国诸多学者对这一理论进行探讨。

    After the theory " polyphonicnovel " came into China , which brings a new perspective to Chinese novels and fiction , and it also prompted many Chinese scholars to explore this theory .

  22. 引言部分还谈到了以往评论家们关于这部作品在体裁上的争论,而事实上任何传统体裁的分类法都不能完全概括复调小说的全部特征。

    We will also review , in the introduction , traditional discussions on its generic ambiguity among critics , which fail to account for the characteristic complexity of As I Lay Dying as a polyphonic novel .

  23. 小说中不同人物的不同意识具有平等价值的意识独立的共同存在并相互影响,它们相互碰撞、交织。从而体现了复调小说的重要影响,例如人物主体性的增强。

    Different characters have different consciousness , which , with equal value and independent existence , responds to and interacts with one another , showing the significant effect of the polyphonic novel , i.e. the reinforcement of subjectivity of characters .

  24. 自我与他者,复调&小说《赎罪》的对话性解读

    " The Self and Others " and Polyphony-A Reading of Dialogism in Atonement

  25. 他借用了音乐学中的术语复调来说明这种小说创作中的多声部现象。

    He borrows the musical term polyphony to describe such multiple-voiced phenomenon in the creation of the novel .

  26. 复调不仅是金庸小说的结构特征还是特殊的文学话语与思维方式,它使金庸小说多元文化价值与观念异质并存,辩证统一。

    Polyphony is not only the structural features of his novels , but also the special literature discourse and thinking way . It makes his novels have co-existence of polynary values , ideas and dialectical unity .

  27. 反讽的小说复调理论&兼论米兰·昆德拉的复调小说

    Ironic Theory of Polyphonic Novel : Commenting Milan Kundera 's Polyphonic Novel

  28. 文体的复调与变奏&对米兰·昆德拉复调小说的一种解读

    Milan Kundera and the Style of Polyphonic Fiction

  29. 昆德拉大胆的尝试改变小说的文本,提出新的复调理论,进行了一系列的现代复调小说创作。

    He had a daring attempting on the novel 's version , developed a new polyphony theory , and engaged in the creation of series modern polyphony novels .