
  • 网络Recovery;resilience
  1. 通过可复原性和抗合谋性两方面的安全性分析得此策略有地解决了CA私钥的安全保护问题。

    And also reveals that this tactic effectively solves the problem of protecting safely the CA private key to depend on analysis of the security from resilience and withstanding conspiracy attack .

  2. 并对其三维交联结构、热稳定性、失水-吸水动力学、温度敏感性、pH敏感性、体积复原性等进行了研究;

    The three dimensions structure , thermostability , reversional volume , swelling / deswelling kinetics , temperature-sensitivity and pH-sensitivity of the hydrogel were also investigated .

  3. 研究表明,P(AMPS/NIPA)二元智能凝胶具有高的溶胀比,较好的失水-吸水可逆性、体积复原性和响应速率,同时对温度和pH值有良好的响应性。

    The investigation demonstrated that the P ( AMPS / NIPA ) dualistic hydrogel had large swelling ratio , good temperature-sensitivity , pH-sensitivity , swelling / deswelling reversibility and rapid responsive ability .

  4. 由实验结果可看出,改进的NAS-RIF算法比原算法具有更好的图像复原性。

    Computer simulations show that this improved NAS-RIF algorithm has better image restoration .

  5. 音乐表演时,应严格遵守作曲家的原始乐思和乐谱,进行复原性的表现;

    One should abide by he composer 's original thought and music score and play restoringly ;

  6. 讨论了加水量、水温、稳定剂种类和添加量对酸奶粉复原性的影响。

    The influence on restoration of yogurt powder by quantity and temperature of water , the kind and dose of stabilizer have been discussed in the paper .

  7. 论文分别对淮河上游和黄河中游志桩设立及其水报运作情况进行了复原性研究。

    The paper recovers the establishment of water gauge station on the upper and middle reaches of the Huai River and the middle reaches of the Yellow River .

  8. 其学术意义,首先是建立在连续时空序列上的城市空间扩展的复原性研究,这也是当前区域历史信息数据化的前沿性研究。

    The academic contributions of this thesis are as follows : 1.It is a study to reconstruct generate continuous temporal and spatial series to fully map and understand the continuing spatial expansion . It is also a forland research of Chinese Historical Geographic Information System . 2 .

  9. 抗旱性包括逃旱性、避旱性、耐旱性和复原抗旱性。

    Drought resistance includes drought escape , dehydration avoidance , drought tolerance and drought recovery .

  10. 基于公路承灾体健康的理念,认为公路承灾体易损性主要受控于公路结构本身的健康性态,采取技术可行、经济合理的技术措施使结构健康复原是工程性减灾措施的目的。

    Based on the health concept of highway hazard-affected body , thought hazard-bearing body vulnerability is mainly controlled by the health state of highway structure , the purpose of engineering disaster alleviation measures is making structure health recovery by taking technically feasible and economy reasonable measures .

  11. 这一方法对进一步开发3-D表面深度重建及复原景物结构探索性研究有着十分重要的意义。

    This method is highly important for us to develop further exploring research on3-D surface depth reconstruction and recovery of scene structure .

  12. 实验结果表明,这两种方法对复原图像中周期性误差的消除有普遍意义。

    Experiment results show that these two methods have universal significance in the removal of periodic error disturbance in restored images .

  13. 笔者在合理分析目前历史性建筑的保护与数字技术结合基础上,提出对其数字化复原可行性与优越性。

    Based on the reasonable analysis of the historical buildings protection and digital technology combination , the author puts forward the feasibility and superiority of digital restoration .

  14. 并且用实验验证了滤波复原过程的必要性,以及总结出能够解决由于图像内容不同严重影响秘密信息检测的一种有效途径。

    Also , through the experiment , the necessity of filtering restoration is testified . And , an efficiency approach is proposed to resolve the influence of different image contents on secret messages detecting .