
lú gài
  • bell;furnace lid
炉盖[lú gài]
  1. 采用本文简化的模型可以估算坩埚在不同位置下、不同的石墨毡开孔形状和大小时坩埚盖和炉盖之间总的辐射热阻和传热量。

    The total radiation resistance and the heat transfer amount between the crucible lid and the furnace lid can be calculated using the simplified model presented in this paper for different positions of the crucible and different shapes and diameters of the hole in the graphite felt .

  2. 莫来石&粉煤灰整体浇注焙烧炉盖的研究应用

    Study of Calcining Entire ? Cast Furnace Lid Made with Mullite ? Fly Ash

  3. 回收使用过的电炉小炉盖,经过破碎分级后作为原料应用于CAS浸渍管浇注料中。

    The waste integrative casting lid of EAF can be used in the CAS impregnated tube castable after it was crashed and classified .

  4. 300t回转式铜精炼炉盖启闭装置及主要参数计算

    Open and Close Devices for a 300t Rotary Copper Refining Furnace Cup

  5. 然后我用炉盖上的煤烟把它们擦亮。

    Then I shined them with soot from the stove lids .

  6. 整浇炉盖在阴极焙烧炉上的应用

    Application of Integral Casting Furnace Cover on Cathode Baking Furnace

  7. 不要打开炉盖。

    Do not open the lid of the stove .

  8. 电炉炉盖骨架的腐蚀断裂分析

    Analysis for corrosion crack of furnace cover framework

  9. 起重机,用于提升治金退火炉炉盖或提出铸块

    Lifting machine for raising covers of metallurgical annealing pits or for lifting out ingots

  10. 灰铸铁炉盖产生裂纹和变形的原因分析

    The Analysis of the Causes of Crack and Deformation of Grey Cast Iron Bung

  11. 炉盖自动提升锥阀故障分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Slip - in Cartridge Valves Troubleshooting for the Furnace cover Automatic Promotion

  12. 矮烟罩电炉炉盖腐蚀变形的原因及防护措施

    Causes for corrosion and distorsion of furnace cover on a low-hood electric furnace and the protective measures

  13. 炉盖排风罩在精炼炉除尘系统中的应用

    The application of furnace cover with exhaust hood in the dust collection system of the refining furnace

  14. 对炉盖制作材料的选择条件和焊接工艺作了说明和改进,以提高焊接的质量。

    Otherwise , the theories of choosing materials and joint process have been put forward to improve the quality of joint .

  15. 对管式水冷系统的优点、设计要点作了详细的叙述,并简单介绍了新型喷淋式水冷炉盖。

    Detailed introduction to the advantages and design gist is presented . New spray type water cooling furnace cover is shortly introduced .

  16. 该研究是针对坩埚盖(籽晶粘附于坩埚盖上)和炉盖之间的传热行为进行的。

    The analysis was focused on the heat transfer between the furnace lid and the crucible lid to which the seed was attached .

  17. 稀有的中国风格的铜香炉,带原装炉盖,出于日本明治(1868-1911)时期。

    An unusual pair of Chinese style bronze incense burners , both with original covers , made in Japan during the Meiji period ( 1868-1911 ) .

  18. 通过对均热炉盖在整个运行过程中的温度场的数值计算和实验测定研究,得到了整个过程中炉盖的内部温度分布和急冷急热区的位置。

    According to numerical and experimental research soaking pit lid in whole operative process , in this paper the temperature distribution of lid and the region in which the temperature is rapidly changes are obtained .

  19. 直接向电极表面喷水雾化冷却方法,不增加电耗及钢中含[H]量,可显著降低电极吨钢消耗量,延长炉盖寿命。

    Directly injecting water onto the electrode surface can greatly decrease the electrode consumption of per ton steel and prolong the life of furnace cover without increasing the electric consumption and [ H ] contents in steel .

  20. 对于热源(燃料、挥发分、填充料焦)、热耗(气体、砖、焦炭、阳极以及通过炉盖、侧墙和炉底的热损失)都与气体渗透和气体质量流一起加以考虑。

    Heat sources ( fuel , volatiles , packing coke ) and heat sinks ( gas , brick , coke , anode and losses through cover , sidewall and foundation ) are all considered together with air infiltration and gass mass flow .

  21. 本文针对电炉炉盖骨架的腐蚀泄漏事故,分析了在特定炉体冶炼环境中炉盖骨架的各种腐蚀断裂形式和原因,提出并探讨了控制和减缓炉盖骨架腐蚀断裂的措施。

    In connection with corrosion leakage accident of furnace cover framework , all kinds of forms and reasons or corrosion crack in cover framework are ana - lysed under specific furnace smelting environment . Measures to control and slow down the corrosion crack are presented and studied .

  22. 改进后的PLC系统恢复了对LF炉炉盖冷却水温度的自动监视,消除安全隐患,对稳定和安全生产具有较大的意义。

    Improved PLC system recovers automatic temperature monitoring of cooling water for LF furnace and eliminates hidden troubles , so it is very significant for stable and safe production .

  23. 文中简述了国内外钢炉包包盖的几种结构,重点介绍国产LF钢包炉包盖的结构及其主要尺寸的确定。

    In the paper , several kinds of roof structure of the ladle furnaces ( LF ) at home and abroad are simply described , and the domestic ones as well as the determination of their main dimensions are emphasized .

  24. 工频炉炉盖升降电气控制设计

    Design and Discussion of Main Frequency Furnace Covering Raise-fall Electric Control

  25. 二段炉大盖泄漏原因分析及其改进措施

    Analysis of Causes for Leakage from Secondary Reformer Cover Plate and Improvement Measures

  26. 低水泥浇注料在波伦法铬铁化渣炉炉盖上的试用

    Tryout of low cement casting material in furnace cover for smelting FeCr slag with Perrin Process

  27. 连铸精炼炉炉盖液压提升系统调速性能的改善然后我用炉盖上的煤烟把它们擦亮。

    Improvement of Hydraulic Lift Velocity Adjustment Behavior of Cotinuous Caster Refinery Stell Pack Cover Then I shined them with soot from the stove lids .

  28. LF精炼炉水冷炉盖的改进设计与应用

    Improving Design and Application of Water - cooled Cover of LF Refining Furnace

  29. 热风炉烟道阀门盖爆裂分析

    Bursting Analysis of Flue Valve Cover on Sirocco Stove

  30. 介绍一种环保型喷嘴燃油熔铜反射炉,利用炉盖式套管提升机构实现封闭式熔炼。

    A kind of environmental protection fuel melting copper reverberatory furnace with spray nozzle is introduced .