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  • furnace shell;furnace mantle
炉壳[lú ké]
  1. 高炉及配套热风炉炉壳用钢拓展性研究

    Development Research of steel used in furnace mantle of blast furnace and complement hot-blast furnace

  2. 炉壳变形小,托圈强度、耳轴强度设计能满足生产需求。

    The deformation of the furnace shell is small , and the design of the strength of the bracket ring and ear axis can meet the production request .

  3. 汽雾冷却时炉壳温度的BP网络预报

    Prediction of BP network for temperature of BOF shell with Hi-Vap cooling

  4. 高炉炉壳顶部KJ柱区局部稳定性的研究

    Local Stability Calculation of KJ Columns Welded at Roof of Stack Shell

  5. 通过转炉炉壳蠕变变形影响因素的分析和ANSYS软件建立了炉壳蠕变变形的计算模型。

    The calculation model for creep deformation of furnace shell has been established by analysis on the influence factors of shell creep deformation and ANSYS software .

  6. 梅钢150t转炉炉壳钢板焊接工艺研究

    Welding procedure study of 150 t converter vessel for Meishan Steel Plant

  7. 宝钢300t转炉炉壳的整形效果及分析

    Study of Refining Results for Shell on 300t BOF of Baoshan Steel

  8. 宝钢300t转炉炉壳变形测试研究

    The Measurement Study of Shell Deformation on 300t BOF of Baoshan Steel

  9. 宝钢300t转炉炉壳寿命预测

    Prediction of Surplus - life for Shell of Bao Steel 300t BOF

  10. 梅钢150t转炉炉壳专用钢的开发

    Development of special steel plate for the shell of meishan 's 150t reformed converter

  11. 梅钢150t转炉新炉壳有限元应力分析

    Stress analysis on the shell of meishan 's 150 t reformed converter by finite element method

  12. 爆炸法消除100t转炉炉壳中腰环缝的焊接残余应力

    Relieving Welding Residual Stress of Circular Weld in the Middle of 100t Converter Shell by Explosion Treatment

  13. 以有限元为手段,利用ANSYS软件包,对具有大型复杂结构、复合传热和汽雾冷却等复杂工作状态下的转炉炉壳温度场进行了分析。

    Based on the FEM , and making use of ANSYS software package , the temperature field of BOF shell was analyzed under complicated working state for a large complicated structure and complex heat transfer status and Hi-Vap cooling etc.

  14. 柔性螺栓是DEMAG公司制造的某炼钢厂转炉中连接托圈和炉壳的非常重要的联结装置。

    The flexible connecting bolts are important fastenings connecting the DEMAG converter shell with its trunnion ring .

  15. 炉壳液压顶升法在50t转炉检修中的应用

    Usage of The Method of The Converter Shell Hydraulic Press Rising in The Number One Converter 's Big Repairing

  16. 210t转炉炉壳焊接工艺

    Brief introduction on welding 210t converter shell

  17. 高炉炉壳用AG50钢专用焊条的研制

    Develop on electrode for blast furnace shell steel ( ag50 ) welding

  18. 对重钢50t转炉进行了炉壳(炉身段)温度场分析,计算表明:转炉隔热层石棉板的厚度为30mm时,炉壳温度就能控制在360℃以内,低于炉壳材质的蠕变温度。

    Ltd. The calculation indicates that converter heat insulation layer thickness of asbestos board is about 30 mm . The converter shell temperature can be controlled within 360 ℃, which is lower than the creep temperature of shell material .

  19. 210t转炉是包钢薄板坯连铸连轧厂的主要设备,而炉壳是其重要部件,焊接工艺直接影响薄板的正常生产。

    T converter is a major piece of the equipment of CSP and the shell is the important part of it , its reasonable welding is a key for a normal producting of CSP . 210 to .

  20. 当石棉板厚度为30mm左右时,炉壳温度可以控制在360℃以下;低于炉壳材质的蠕变温度,炉壳所受到的热膨胀应力仅为没加石棉板时的50%。

    When the thickness of asbestos board reaches 30 mm , the shell temperature could be controlled below 360 ℃, which is lower than the creep temperature of the shell material , and the thermal expansion stress of the shell is only 50 % of that without asbestos board .

  21. 包钢新1号高炉炉壳整体弹塑性有限元分析

    Elastoplastic analysis of new No.1 blast furnace of Baotou Steel Group

  22. 转炉炉壳的汽雾冷却温度与炉衬材料的关系

    Relationship between hi-vap cooling temperature and lining refractories for BOF shell

  23. 高炉炉壳抗震承载力的一种实用计算方法

    A practical calculating method for seismic bearing capacity of blast-furnace wall

  24. 纤维制品与炉壳钢结构之间的粘结。

    Binding fiber products to the steel construction of stove outside .

  25. 高炉炉壳设计方法的探讨

    An approach to designing method for the shell of a blast furnace

  26. 转炉炉壳热弹塑性有限元分析

    Thermal elastic - plastic FEM analysis of shell of BOF

  27. 应用快速红外测温仪检测高炉炉壳温度

    Test blast furnace casing temperature using fast infra-red temperature detector

  28. CAD/CAM在高炉炉壳制造中的应用

    The Application of CAD / CAM to Manufacturing Shell of Blast Furnace

  29. 转炉炉壳热膨胀应力和温度差应力的分析

    Analysis of Thermal Expansion Stress and Temperature Difference Stress for BOF Shell

  30. 汽雾冷却时转炉炉壳温度场的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on temperature field of BOF shell under Hi-Vap cooling