
lú fǎ tàn hēi
  • furnace black
炉法炭黑[lú fǎ tàn hēi]
  1. 由于表面羧基含量的差异,接触法炭黑可以获得比炉法炭黑更高的接枝率。

    The grafting mass percent of connect black is more than of furnace black because of difference in carboxyl group content .

  2. 炉法炭黑难于在水中分散,炭黑聚集体颗粒进一步聚集,因此其平均粒度远大于接触法炭黑。

    The mean granularity of furnace black particle dispersed in water is higher than of connect black because the trend that the particles of furnace black are attached each other is strong .

  3. 实验结果表明,较高的分子量有利于炉法炭黑的分散。

    The experiment result show that higher molecular weight is favorable for carbon black dispersion .