
shuǐ mì xìnɡ
  • Water tightness;watertightness
  1. 提高石材幕墙水密性及气密性的方法和对策

    Methods and Strategies to Improve Watertightness and Airtightness of Curtain Walls

  2. 箱涵变形缝水密性检测

    Watertightness Detection of Movement Joints of Box Culverts

  3. 我们已经迅速做出反应并确认没有人员伤亡,潜艇仍然具有良好的水密性。并不会对环境造成任何影响。

    There have been no injuries and the submarine remained watertight .

  4. 测深仪换能器船台安装和水密性检查。

    Inspection installation and water tightness transducer of echo sounder on berth .

  5. 专用水密性检测仪的研制开发

    Development of the Test Apparatus of Hermetic Capability

  6. 中空玻璃设计,隔音隔热,具有极佳的水密性和气密性,防风防水。

    Our insulating glass , soundproof and heat resistant , is good at water & air tightness and can proof water and wind .

  7. 优越的气密性。水密性。隔音。隔热。环保。节能性能优越。

    The product , good at air and water tightness , does well in soundproofing , heat-resistant , and environmental protection and energy-saving .

  8. 门框采用里高外低设计,气密性、水密性、隔热、防寒、隔音性能优越。

    It has excellent air tightness , water tightness , heat insulation , winter proofing and sound insulting property as the frame adopts the inside high and outside low design .

  9. 热缩套管工艺应用于舰船电缆密封,不但具有良好的外观和水密性,还有优良的绝缘、耐磨和应力消除作用。

    The heat shrinkable sleeve applied to the sealing for marine cable has not only the advantage of good appearance and watertightness , but also a high quality of insulation , wear-resisting and stress relieving effect .

  10. 工程实践表明,结构的强度、刚度、稳定性、水密性均满足干地施工要求,大大降低了最终接头的施工风险,确保了施工质量。

    Practice of the project indicated that the strength , stiffness , stability and watertightness of the final joint met the requirements of dry condition construction . The method also decreased the construction risk and ensured the construction quality .

  11. WEISH威旭软膜天花表面经过防霉处理和抗雾化处理,不会以为潮湿而发霉,有水汽时天花不会结水露,水密性好不漏水。

    The surface of WEISH soft membrane Ceiling undergoes mildew proofing and anti-misting treatments , therefore , it will not get moldy because of moisture nor will dews form on it when there is steam .

  12. 就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性?

    For watertight bulkheads , how do you check the watertightness ?

  13. 本文所讨论的密封问题是指:利用一种物理规律,通过某种技术和装置,实现微小型水下机器人需要的局部环境,水密性研究也是微小型水下机器人的一项非常关键的技术。

    The seal technology studied in this paper is to make use of a certain physical rule , some technology and devices to get some local environment , which is needed by underwater micro-robot .