
  • 网络Corex;P lasmasmeh process
  1. 熔融还原法铬合金的直接合金化

    Feasibility Study on Direct-Alloying of Chromium Alloy Steel by Smelting Reduction

  2. 熔融还原法镍渣炼铁的热力学与动力学热熔转印机,热熔压烫机

    Thermodynamic and kinetic in recovery of iron from nickel residue heat fusion press

  3. 氧化锌矿火法处理新工艺&铁浴熔融还原法

    A New Pyrometallurgical Process for Treating Zinc Oxide Ore-Iron Bath Smelting Reduction Process

  4. 熔融还原法冶炼高速钢

    Smelting Reduction Process of High Speed Steel

  5. 由于使用无需任何预处理和造块的矿粉,熔融还原法既可节能、又能减少污染。

    The smelting reduction process saves energy and lessens pollution through using of ore fines without any pretreatment and agglomeration .

  6. 利用熔融还原法的基本原理,对低品位氧化锌矿的处理进行研究;

    According to basic principles of the melting reduction process , a treatment of low-grade zinc oxide ores is investigated .

  7. 分析了铁浴熔融还原法和铝浴熔融还原法的基本理论,进行了实验研究,并各自考察了温度、时间、碱度的影响。

    The authors analyse basic principles of the iron bath melting reduction process and the aluminium bath melting reduction process , conduct their experiments , and investigate the effects of such test conditions as temperature , time and basicity on the experiments , respectively .

  8. COREX熔融还原炼铁法

    COREX Melting - Reduction Ironmaking Process

  9. COREX是用非炼焦煤与氧气的熔融还原炼铁法,取代传统的高炉、焦炉、烧结组成的炼铁系统。

    COREX ironmaking means that conventional ironmaking system with blast furnace , coke oven and sintering circuit is replaced by melting reduction ironmaking with non-coking coal and oxygen .

  10. COREX法是目前世界上成功地投入工业生产的唯一的熔融还原炼铁法。

    COREX process is considered to be the only coal - based melting - reduction ironmaking process which has been successfully put into industrial operation presently in the world .