
  • 网络Fluxing
  1. 基于正交试验,研究工业纯铝中去除氧化夹杂物的电熔剂处理技术的净化效果及其影响因素。

    Based on the orthogonal experiments , the effect and influencing factors of molten aluminum treatment to remove oxide inclusions by elec-flux process are investigated .

  2. 铝净得率最高,渣中铝含量占总投料的百分比M均明显低于所有常规熔剂处理工艺,对原材料的损耗少;

    They have the highest aluminum alloy net gain rate , and the percent of aluminum alloy pellets in the dregs of total original materials M are obviously lower than all the conventional fluxes treatment technologies , and the loss of the original materials is the lest ;

  3. 高效排杂熔剂净化处理电工圆铝杆的试验研究

    Study on the Purification of Electrical Aluminum rod by Using High-efficient Flux Removing Inclusions

  4. 电工铝杆用高效排杂净化熔剂及其处理效果

    High-efficient Purification Flux for Removing Inclusions Used for Electrical Aluminum Rod and Its Treating Effect

  5. 高效排杂熔剂净化处理对电工圆铝杆组织与性能的影响

    Influence of purification with high-efficient flux removing inclusions on structure and properties of the electrical round aluminum pole

  6. 探讨了高效排杂熔剂净化处理对电工圆铝杆的冶金质量与性能的影响作用及规律。

    The effect and rule of purification by using high efficient flux removing inclusions on the metallurgical quality and properties of electrical aluminum rod were studied .

  7. 2经过电熔剂净化处理后,铝材的延伸率有很大的提高(单纯的电熔剂处理后其延伸率可以达到44.2%)

    Secondly , after aluminum is dealt with by elec-flux technique , the extension rate of aluminum is greatly increased ( the extension of aluminum is 44 . 2 % ) .

  8. 熔剂喷政处理过程的两神物理模型

    Two Physical Models of the Flux injection Treatment Process for Al-Si Alloys

  9. 考察了影响低硫测定的主要因素,采用医用氧气、W-Sn助熔剂、坩埚预处理等途径降低并稳定了空白。

    Influencing factors for the determination of trace sulfur were investigated . The blank value of sulfur was reduced and settled by the pre-treatment of ceramic crucible and using W-Sn fluxing agent and oxygen gas for medical use .

  10. 保护熔剂对熔体温度处理工艺及效果的影响

    Effect of Protecting Flux Imposed on Melt Thermal Treatment