
  • 网络melting method;Fusion;melt pelletization
  1. 熔融法在X荧光分析硅锰合金中的应用

    Application of the Melting Method to Si - Mn Alloy 's XRF

  2. 中性皂熔融法合成蔗糖酯的研究

    A Study on the Synthesis of Sugar Ester by Melting Method

  3. X射线荧光熔融法在炉渣多元素分析中的应用

    Application of fluorescent X ray fusion method in multi-element analysis on furnace slag

  4. X荧光熔融法在铁矿石分析中的应用

    Application of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Fusion Sample Preparation at Iron Ore Analysis

  5. 熔融法合成高粘度PET的研究

    An Investigation of preparing High Viscosity PET by Melt Polymerization

  6. 采用熔融法研究了马来酸酐(MAH)接枝ABS。

    The maleic anhydride ( MAH ) grafted ABS is studied by molten method .

  7. 轴向温度梯度对熔融法YBCO液相损失的影响

    Effect of Axial Temperature Gradient on the Egression of Liquid Phases in Melting Growth Process of Bulk YBCO

  8. 对KOH熔融法从石菖蒲挥发油(以下简称挥发油)制备α细辛醚的工艺过程进行了研究。

    The preparation of α asarone from volatile oil of grassleaf sweetflag rhizome via alkali fusion was investigated .

  9. 然后以图案化的多孔氧化铝模板为二次模板,采用熔融法和溶液法分别制备了不同聚合物的图案化的纳米管阵列,如PS,PMMA,EVA,PE等。

    The article adopts solution and melting polymer wetting AAO template to prepare patterned polymer nanotube arrays such as PS and PMMA , EVA and PE .

  10. 报道了一种制备YBa2Cu3O(7-δ)超导陶瓷的方法&部分熔融法。

    A partial melting process used to prepare YBa_2Cu_3O_ ( 7 - δ) superconducting ceramics is reported .

  11. 用Raman光谱和X射线径向分布函数研究了高纯石英熔融法、酸沥滤法和溶胶-凝胶法三种不同方法制取的高纯SiO_2纤维的结构。

    The structure of silica fibers made by high-purity quartz fusion method , acid leaching method , and sol-gel method was studied by using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray radial distribution function ( RDF ) .

  12. 结果表明:在用氧化钙熔融法分解富锆尾矿过程中加入少量NaOH可以大大提高锆的浸出率。

    It was found that the leaching percentage of Zr can be great increased by adding a little NaOH in the fusing process of concentrated Zr tails reacting with CaO .

  13. 对于熔融法,熔体的温度影响了纳米管的结构:240℃和270℃都可以制得ABS纳米管,但其管壁和管长都不同。

    For the melt wetting method , the structure of products depends on temperature of polymer melting . The nanotubes can be prepared at 240 ℃ or 270 ℃, respectively with different length and wall thickness .

  14. Eu3+:ThO2晶体是用熔融法生长的。

    The Eu 3 + : ThO 2 crystal was grown by the flux technique .

  15. 研究了溶胶-凝胶法、高温熔融法、预煅烧法分别制备的BaO-TiO2-B2O3-SiO2体系LTCC的介电性能、烧结性能以及微观结构。

    This paper studied the dielectric performances , fired properties and microstructure of BaO-TiO_2-B_2O_3-SiO_2 glass-ceramics for LTCC , which was fabricated by sol-gel method , pre-calcined method and molten method , respectively .

  16. 对区域熔融法生长有机低维单晶的炉体结构做了新的设计和实验,同时成功地生长出有机材料ABP纤维和薄膜两种形态的低维单晶。

    The growth furnace for the low dimensional organic crystal by the floating-zone method was designed and has been used successfully to grow crystal of ABP both in fibers and films .

  17. 针对skutterudite材料制备工艺中熔融法和固相反应法合成周期长、工序多的不足,尝试将机械合金化法应用于skutterudite材料制备中。

    Considering that melting and solid state reaction methods are complex and time - consuming in preparing skutterudite materials , mechanical alloying is selected to be studed .

  18. XRF熔融法测定铁矿石中的铁硅钙镁铝锰磷一种含铁、镁、钙、锂、钠的复合铝硼硅酸盐和氢氧化铝,常为黑色,透明有色的可用作宝石。

    A mineral that is a complex borosilicate and hydroxide of aluminum containing iron and magnesium and calcium and lithium and sodium ; it is usually black but occurs in transparent colored forms that are used as gemstones .

  19. 本文的研究对象是低烧结温度、低介电常数的玻璃材料(代号LDK),用作LTCC玻璃陶瓷基板的主料。玻璃的制取采用高温熔融法。

    Low sintering temperature and low dielectric constant glass material ( designed as LDK ) is the objective of this paper , which used as the main compostion of LTCC glass-ceramic substrates and fabricated by high-temperature melting .

  20. 选用CYK-302型无机抗菌剂,采用共混熔融法纺丝制备了聚丙烯抗菌纤维,探讨了其抗菌性能和物理机械性能。

    PP antibacterial fibers were prepared from CYK-302 type inorganic antimicrobial with blend meltingspinning , and its antibacterial properties and physical mechanical properties were discussed .

  21. 毛细管下降区域熔融法生长有机纤维单晶

    Growth of Organic Crystal Fiber by Zone Melting in Descended Ampoule

  22. 采用熔融法把纳米钠基蒙脱土填充到聚丙烯中。

    The nano Na-montmorillonite was filled into PP by melting method .

  23. 熔融法在粗杂铜取制样方法中的应用

    Application of melting method into copper blisters and scraps sample preparation

  24. 惰气熔融法测定无氧铜中氧

    Determination of Oxygen in Oxygen-Free Copper by Inert Gas Fusion Method

  25. 熔融法生物玻璃与溶胶-凝胶法生物玻璃的矿化特性研究

    Study on Biomineralization Properties of Melt-Derived Bioglass and Sol-Gel Derived Bioglass

  26. 熔融法处理聚四氟乙烯表面的改进

    The improvement of melting method for the surface modification of Polytetrafluoroethylene

  27. 熔融法在分析试样处理中的应用

    The Application of Molten Method in Processing of Analytic Sample

  28. 熔融法六钛酸钾合成机理研究

    A Synthetic Mechanism of K_2Ti_6O_ ( 13 ) whisker by Melt Method

  29. 用腐蚀熔融法制造单模激光二极管与单模光纤相耦合的半球微透镜

    Etched and fused hemispherical microlenses for coupling single-mode laser into single-mode fiber

  30. 熔融法聚乙烯蜡接枝马来酸酐的研究

    Study on grafting of polyethylene wax with maleic anhydride by melting method