
zēnɡ qiánɡ qì
  • enhancer;intensifier
  1. X射线阴极的研究及其在像增强器中的应用

    The Research of X-ray Cathode and Its Application in Image Intensifier

  2. X射线与影像增强器作用过程的蒙特卡罗研究

    Monte Carlo Study of Interactions of X Rays with Image Intensifier

  3. 近贴型X射线象增强器原理、性能和评价第一部份X射线成象的一般原理

    The Principle , Performances and Evaluation of X-ray Image Intensifiers

  4. 光电X射线影像增强器探照灯射出一道道强光。

    Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier The searchlights projected powerful beams of light .

  5. 基于FPGA像增强器自动门控电源电路设计

    Design of FPGA Based Auto-gated Power Supply Circuit for Image Intensifier

  6. X射线在影象增强器中背向散射特性的研究

    Study of backscattering properties of X-ray in intensifiers

  7. X射线图像增强器像元响应不一致性的分析及校正

    Analysis and correction of XRII-CCD pixel response nonuniformity

  8. 超声线性成像诊断仪图像增强器式线阵列X射线数字成像系统

    Ultrasonic linear image diagnosis device Line Scan Digital Radioscopy System Based on Image Intensifier

  9. CCD用于像增强器亮度增益测试的研究

    Research on test of image intensifier 's brightness gain with CCD

  10. 基于BP网络的图像增强器像元通道不一致性校正研究

    Study on nonuniformity correction of XRII-CCD pixel channel response based on BP neural network

  11. 一种新型X射线象增强器光电阴极

    New photoelectron cathodes for X-ray image intensifier

  12. 双近贴式X射线像增强器成像不均匀性的分析与校正

    Analysis and Correction for Nonuniformity of the Two Side Proximity of X-ray Image Intensifier Radiography

  13. 新型组合式X射线影像增强器

    The Novel Combined X-Ray Image Intensifier

  14. X射线像增强器象质评价

    Performance study of X-ray image intensifier

  15. X射线像增强器用微通道板的研制

    Microchannel Plate for X-ray Image Intensifier

  16. 这些X射线相机设备是由一台X射线图像增强器和一台CCD相机构成的。

    These are X-ray camera units comprised of an X-ray image intensifier and a CCD camera .

  17. 光电X射线影像增强器

    Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier

  18. 介绍一种自行研制的X射线象增强器。对该增强器的主重性能作了较为详细的描述。

    A X-ray image intensifier developed by us is introduced and its main performances are described in detail .

  19. x射线图象增强器

    X ray image intensifier

  20. 数字化射线扫描成像中的图像评价与控制图像增强器式线阵列X射线数字成像系统

    Evaluation and Control of Image Quality for X-ray Linear Array Detector Line Scan Digital Radioscopy System Based on Image Intensifier

  21. 一种利用CCD测量像增强器MTF的方法研究

    Study on Method of Measuring MTF for Image Intensified Tube by Using CCD

  22. 新型Gamma射线像增强器

    A New Type of Gamma-ray Image Intensifier

  23. 可以使用此存根增强器工具来减少构建基于J2ME的安全Web服务客户机的时间。

    You can use the stub enhancer tool to save development time in building J2ME-based secure Web services applications .

  24. 图像增强器式线阵列X射线数字成像系统计算机X射线成像系统(CR)读出系统设计与实验研究

    Line Scan Digital Radioscopy System Based on Image Intensifier Design and Experimental Research of a New Readout Device of the Computed Radiography

  25. 实数LMS算法自适应线谱增强器稳态响应的求解

    A Solution for Steady-State Response of Adaptive Line Enhancer of Real LMS Algorithm

  26. 采用低照度高分辨率CCD代替价格昂贵的像增强器大大降低了系统成本。

    Using low illumination and high resolution CCD instead of expensive image intensifier can decrease the system 's cost greatly .

  27. 因此,该方案并不适合X射线能量较高的场合,如工业无损检测中使用的影像增强器。

    So , this method is not suitable for cases involving the use of high energy X-rays , such as non-destructive detection in industry .

  28. 微通道板行波选通分幅相机动态特性的Monte-Carlo模拟微通道板变换式像增强器

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of a Gated V-type MCP Framing Camera ; microchannel-plate inverter image intensifier

  29. 像增强器MTF测量理想像面选择方法研究

    Method of choosing ideal imaging plane in image intensifier MTF measurement

  30. 影像增强器型C形臂具有成本低、使用广泛的特点。但影像增强器会使C形臂存在不可避免的图像失真,导致C臂图像不能正确进行空间定位及导航。

    Though Image Intensifier c-arm is well known for its low cost and widely usage , C-arm image cannot orientate and navigate location correctly , due the unavoidable image distortion .