
yán shí kě zuàn xìnɡ
  • Rock drillability;drillability of rock
  1. 岩石可钻性的分级是确定生产定额、设计钻头和选择最佳参数的依据。

    It is necessary for defining the drillability of rock in establishing production quota , designing bits and choosing optimum parameters .

  2. 基于BP神经网络的岩石可钻性测井计算研究

    On Calculating Rock Drillability From Log Data Based on BP Neural Network Technology

  3. PDC钻头钻进的岩石可钻性研究

    Study on rock-drillability for PDC bit drilling

  4. 该方法从测井信息与岩石可钻性的内在关系出发,选用与岩石可钻性密切相关的多个测井参数,通过BP神经网络技术建立利用测井资料准确求取岩石可钻性的数学模型;

    From log information and rock drillability , we select some log parameters related to rock drillability , and establish a mathematical model to accurately obtain rock drillability by BP neural network .

  5. 文中选用数据组合处理方法(GMDH)建立岩石可钻性与各岩石力学特性参数的函数关系,编制了该方法确定可钻性的计算机软件。

    The self-organization method ( GMDH ) is studied to build the relationship between rock drillability and the rock characteristic parameters .

  6. 依据Bond裂纹学说,提出了一种以井底返出的岩屑为对象的岩石可钻性测试方法,并建立了岩石可钻性极值和岩屑分形维数的关系模型。

    According to Bond crack theory , this paper sets forth a new rock drillability testing method which takes the detritus from the bottom hole as the research subject . A correlation model of drillability grades and cuttings fractal dimensions is established .

  7. 在试验测定岩心的微钻头可钻性Kd和声波时差△t的基础上,分析了岩石可钻性与声波时差的关系,建立了用声波时差确定岩石可钻性的计算模式。

    The paper analyzes the relationship between rock drillability ( Kd ) and sonic interval transit time (△ t ), and creates a computing model of using △ t to determine Kd .

  8. 将该法应用于SC油田Du4井的测井资料处理中,为邻井及时地提供了较为准确的地层岩石可钻性剖面,也为该区的新井钻头选型提供了科学依据。

    This method was used for processing the log data of well Du-4 in SC oil field , thus providing a relatively accurate rock drillability profile for its adjacent wells and a scientific basis for the bit type selection of new wells in the field .

  9. 岩石可钻性井底卸载效应研究与实践

    Study and practice of the bottom-hole unloading effect on rock drillability

  10. 岩屑声波法评价岩石可钻性的试验研究

    Testing Study on rock drillability evaluation by acoustic velocity of cutting

  11. 广西岩石可钻性分级研究初探

    A preliminary discussion on the grading of rock drillability in Guangxi

  12. 利用声波时差资料确定岩石可钻性的研究

    Study of determining the rock drillability with sonic interval transit time

  13. 油田岩石可钻性统计分级法

    Statistical classification of the drillability of the formations in oil fields

  14. 深部井眼岩石可钻性与岩石力学特性实验研究

    Experimental Studies of Rock Drillability and Rock Mechanics of Deep Well-bore

  15. 金刚石钻进微钻法岩石可钻性分级的探讨

    On the grading of drillability of rocks for micro & diamond bit

  16. 金刚石钻进岩石可钻性分级新方法

    A New Method for Grading the Drillability of Rocks in Diamond Drilling

  17. 中原油田岩石可钻性与声波时差关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Rock Drillability and Acoustic Travel Time

  18. 地层倾角对岩石可钻性的影响规律研究

    A study on angle of bedding effect on rock drillability

  19. 岩石可钻性与地层孔隙压力关系的测井研究

    On Relation Between Rock Drillability and Formation Pore Pressure from Log Data

  20. 声波时差测井在岩石可钻性预测中的应用

    Application of Acoustic Travel Time Logging in Rock Drillability Prediction

  21. 微钻法进行岩石可钻性分级

    Classification of the Drillability of Stone by Means of Micro - drilling

  22. 为深井钻井应用岩石可钻性进行钻头优选,提高钻井速度提供了依据。

    , which is basis of bit optimization and increasing drilling speed .

  23. 模拟井底应力条件下的岩石可钻性实验研究

    Drillability test study under modeling conditions of bottom hole stress

  24. 岩石可钻性钻速模式研究

    A Study on Drilling Rate Model of Rock Drillability

  25. 一种测定岩石可钻性的新仪器

    A New Instrument for Measuring the Drillability of Rocks

  26. 用自组织法确定岩石可钻性的研究

    A study on rock drillability using the self-organization method

  27. 岩石可钻性呈椭球型分布时地层与钻头相互作用模型

    Interaction Model between Formation and Bit during the Elliptic Distribution of Rock Drillability

  28. 基于岩石可钻性指标的地层界面识别理论与方法

    Theory and approach of identification of ground interfaces based on rock drillability index

  29. 一种新的岩石可钻性分级方法研究

    Researches on a New Classification Method of Rock Drillability

  30. 野猫井岩石可钻性钻前预测方法研究

    Prediction method for wildcat well rock drillability before drilling