
lú zhǎnɡ
  • head furnace worker
  1. 提高裂解原料质量,优化裂解工艺操作,是保持BA-103裂解炉长周期平稳运行的有效措施。

    To upgrade feedstock quality and optimize process operation is the effective measure to keep pyrolyzer BA-103 stably operating for long time .

  2. 裂解炉长周期运行的影响因素及措施优化

    Factors Influencing Long Term Operation of Pyrolyzer and Optimizing Measures

  3. 陶瓷蜂窝体在承钢高线加热炉长周期应用总结

    Honeycomb long time used of the heating furnaces at Chenggang

  4. 采用新型衬里结构确保加热炉长周期生产

    Assurance long time cycle production of heating furnace with new lining texture

  5. 直流电弧炉长弧泡沫渣技术

    Slag Foaming Technology with Long Arc in DC EAF

  6. 影响延迟焦化装置加热炉长周期运行的因素

    The Reasons of Problems from Furnace in Delayed Coking Unit for Long Period Operation

  7. 介绍为保证氧化炉长周期运行而设计的一套自动联锁保护装置的工作原理。

    The article introduces the operation principle of an automatic interlock protection device designed for ensure long period running of oxidation furnace .

  8. 模拟实验表明:新方案可以提高炉膛下部的压力,使炉长方向压力分布趋于均匀。

    Modelling experiments indicate that the new concept is able to enhance the bottom pressure in hearth so as to make the longitudinal pressure distribution more uniform .

  9. 文章对影响加热炉长周期运行的原因进行了分析,认为结焦、腐蚀和灰垢是引起加热妒运行失效的主要原因。

    The analysis of the factors impacting the long-term operation of fired heaters concluded that the coking , corrosion and ash accumulation were the culprits of the tube failure .

  10. 指出,采用钢包全程加盖工艺,缩短浇铸周期,开发转炉炉长操作指导计算机程序和加强管理等措施,是进行炼钢系统温度优化的有效措施。

    The steps by using ladle with cover in all processes , shortening the casting periods , developing the program of static steel making model and strengthening of management were effective for optimizing system temperature .

  11. 温度控制精度达±2℃,沿炉长方向温度曲线分布合理,炉膛截面内温度场均匀,气氛控制合理,氧化烧损率小于70g/m2;

    The control accuracy of temperature is up to ± 2 ℃, the distribution of temperature curve along the furnace is rational , the temperature field at the section of the chamber of furnace is uniform , and the atmosphere control is rational .

  12. 煤气发生炉的长周期运行

    Long - Period Performance of Gas Stove

  13. 基于二维非稳态导热模型的蓄热式加热炉炉长研究

    Research on the Length of Regenerative Reheating Furnace Based on Two-dimensional Unsteady Heat Conduction Model of Billet

  14. 介绍接触&非接触式光纤双波长高温传感器测温技术的原理和工程化设计,以及它在环境恶劣的制硫炉内长寿命的应用。

    Introduced in this paper is a technique of contact-non-contact and dual-wavelength optical fiber pyrometer , and its operation theory and engineering design . The application in harsh circumstances of sulfur making stove is discussed .

  15. 加热炉是长输管道和油田生产中广泛使用的加热设备,要求热效率高、安全可靠、适应性广、性能稳定、操作简便。

    Boilers are a kind of widely used heating equipment in long distance pipelines and oil fields , having such characteristics as high heating efficiency , safety and reliability , wide applicability , stable performance and being convenient in operation .

  16. 燃煤过程中Fe2+中间产物的形成以及Fe-O-S共熔体在炉内的长时间停留是结渣形成的重要原因。

    The formation of Fe2 + intermediate products and Fe-S-O eutectic ash particles were the important sources of the initial layer which occur in deposits formed in coal burning systems .

  17. 管式加热炉在高压长输管道上的应用分析

    Application Analysis on Tubular Heaters in High-pressure Long Pipeline Transportation

  18. 加热炉可保证长时间安全稳定的运行生产。

    And the heating furnace can ensure safe and stable operation for a long time .

  19. 恐怕肉已经有点烧焦了,我不该将它搁在炉里这么长时间。

    The meat 's a bit frazzled , I 'm afraid , I shouldn 't have left it in the oven for so long .

  20. 原油加热炉管道是长输管道输送原油的主要加热设备,炉管是加热炉的核心部件,关系到加热炉的安全与正常运行。

    Petroleum heating furnace is an essential heating device of long distance pipelines for transporting crude oil . As the core of a heating furnace , furnace tubes are vital for safe working order of the furnace .

  21. 本实用新型传热效率高、炉筒使用寿命长。

    The utility model has high heat transmission efficiency and long service life of the boiler tube .

  22. 国内生产石墨电极主要采用的是艾奇逊石墨化炉,该石墨化炉生产周期长、能耗大、效率低,而且控制技术相对落后。

    In our country , the graphitized electrode production mainly uses Acheson graphitization furnace , which has the disadvantage of long production cycle , large power consuming , low efficiency and control technique .

  23. 蓄热式加热炉炉底强度的合理选取与炉子的炉长、实际加热能力、加热质量、炉子的运行工况(燃烧负荷、炉压、检修周期、炉体寿命等)密切相关。

    The rational selection of the hearth intensity for regenerative heating furnace is related to the furnace length , actual heating capacity , heating quality and operation station of the furnace ( inflammation load , furnace pressure , overhauling period and the life of the furnace body ) .

  24. 以某轧钢厂的一台步进梁式加热炉为例,计算了钢坯表面热流沿炉长方向的分布,并反算求解总括热吸收率。

    The heat flux to slab surface of a walking beam reheating furnace along length of the furnace is computed , and total heat exchange factor is also calculated .

  25. SiC合成炉具有平面瞬态具有内热源温度场的特点,取任一垂直于炉长方向的平面进行分析,研究多热源炉传热传质规律。

    The temperature field of SiC synthesis furnace is two-dimensional , transient , and of inner heat source , so random a plane vertical to lengthwise direction can represent the whole furnace .

  26. 本文介绍天然气直烧气化炉的工艺及其控制难点,说明天然气直烧气化炉全自动开停车及联锁系统的功能及实现过程,系统的投运保证了气化炉的安全、长周期运行。

    The paper introduces the technology and difficulties in operating of the directly-lit gasification stove of natural gas , and illuminates the function and process of start or stop production with directly-lit gasification stove of natural gas and interlock control system .