
qiāo zhà
  • extort;blackmail;racketeer;hijack;shakedown;ramp;gyp;gazump;rip off;fleece
敲诈 [qiāo zhà]
  • [blackmail;extort] 用暴力、恐吓手段,或滥用法律或官方职权等,从一个不情愿的人手中索取财物

  • 敲诈钱财

敲诈[qiāo zhà]
  1. 她是敲诈的主要目标。你难道看不出来吗?

    She was a prime target for blackmail , don 't you see ?

  2. 这纯粹是敲诈。

    It 's blackmail , pure and simple .

  3. 她声称他敲诈了她几千英镑。

    She claims he fleeced her out of thousands of pounds .

  4. 许多厂家都购买了保险,以防遭到敲诈。

    Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers .

  5. 我认为他想敲诈我,让我说出他想知道的一切。

    I thought he was trying to blackmail me into saying whatever he wanted .

  6. 他告诉她说他们的婚外情必须结束了,因为杰克·史密斯正在敲诈他。

    He told her their affair would have to stop , because Jack Smith was blackmailing him

  7. 她向他敲诈了1000美元。

    She demanded $ 1000 blackmail from him .

  8. 他因敲诈被捕入狱。

    He was put into prison because of rackets .

  9. 你总能用敲诈手段从她那儿得到钱。

    You could always use blackmail to get the money out of her .

  10. 你在另一个房间时,他承认向nelson一家敲诈。

    While you were in the other room , he confessed to me that he extorted money out of nelson 's family .

  11. (Junker)先生现称企图阻扰他就是在敲诈。

    Mr. Junker 's now said that attempts to block him are blackmail .

  12. 在学校,有个同学告诉Johnny大多数成年人至少隐藏了一个秘密,这使你很容易敲诈他们,你只要说,“我都知道了。”

    At school , Little Johnny was told by a classmate that most adults hide at least one dark secret and this makes it very easy to blackmail them merely by saying ," I know the whole truth . "

  13. 从前还没被易趣网上的陌生人敲诈之前。

    Back before people got ripped off by strangers on ebay .

  14. 华盛顿不会资助我的敲诈,所以我借了那笔钱。

    Washington wouldn 't fund my sting so I borrowed it .

  15. 我难以相信她在敲诈你。

    Lynette : I can 't believe she was blackmailing you .

  16. 用敲诈方法他们从总经理那儿获得25000英镑。

    They get & 25000 from the managing director by blackmail .

  17. 但是一直都是他敲诈我们。

    But it was his plan all along to blackmail us .

  18. 林达涉嫌敲诈市长的丑闻。

    Linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor .

  19. 那个缺德的人说我敲诈他,是不是?

    That bastard said I blackmailed him , didn 't he ?

  20. 有两个年轻人曾企图向他敲诈30万美元。

    Two young men tried to shake him down for $ 300000 .

  21. 然后很很敲诈他一笔。

    And then soak him for all he 's worth .

  22. 但他补充道,这些作风包括敲诈和威胁。

    But he added those methods included blackmail and threats .

  23. 使用武力、恐怖手段、敲诈伎俩等

    The use of force , terrorism , blackmail , etc

  24. 他们就去敲诈那些倒霉的瘾君子。

    They rip off unfortunate souls of their hard-earned drugs .

  25. 如果有人企图敲诈我,我就向警察告发。

    If someone tried to blackmail me I would tell the police .

  26. 敲诈你去帮我得到我想要的东西。

    C. * blackmailing you to get something I want .

  27. 你真是有搞敲诈的前途。

    You just might have a future in this racket .

  28. 他敲诈了我一大笔钱。

    He wrung a large sum of money from me .

  29. 他想利用性丑闻来敲诈市长。

    He tried to use the sexual scandal to blackmail the mayor .

  30. 敲诈者向受害人共勒索了10万美元。

    The blackmailers exacted a total of $ 100000 from their victims .