
qiāo jìn
  • Knock in;drive in
敲进[qiāo jìn]
  1. 你能把这钉子敲进木头里去吗?

    Can you knock this nail into the wood ?

  2. 现在,如果你想访问这个网站,你就必须google一下或者手动把网址敲进地址栏。

    Now , if you want to visit the sites you have to have google it or type in the address manually .

  3. 这位工人正在把一枚钉子敲进一片木头里。

    The worker is driving a nail into a piece of wood .

  4. 三锤子把钉子敲进了木头。

    Three strikes of the hammer drove the nail in the wood .

  5. 乔用锤子把一只大头钉敲进墙中用来挂一幅画。

    Joe hammer a tack into the wall to hang a picture .

  6. 一根长棍子应该被敲进土里。

    A long stick should be knocked into the earth .

  7. 为了修椅子,他把钉子敲进木头里。

    To mend a broken chair , he drove a nail into wood .

  8. 男孩冬冬冬地把钉子敲进木板。

    The boy pounded the nails into the board .

  9. 他正把一颗颗钉子敲进木板。

    He is pounding nails into a board .

  10. 把钉子敲进墙里面去。

    Hammer a nail into the wall .

  11. 说得更直白一些,就是听写,把文字敲进电脑里。

    To put it more plainly , is the text dictation , typing in the computer .

  12. 小汤米每年都会看着一群强壮的人把帐篷的钉子敲进地上,然后看着他们把台子搭好;

    Every year little Tommy watches the strong men pound the tent pegs into the ground .

  13. 那窗户老是发出格格的响声,我必须敲进一块楔子把它装牢。

    That window keeps rattling ; I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put .

  14. 他还说,病人把硬币敲进树干就可以痊愈。

    He said that a sick person could press a coin into a tree and their illness would go away .

  15. 我们所要做的只是将查询内容敲进计算机,其他五所大学的图书馆会自动地搜索这个信息。

    All we have to do is type in a request and five other university libraries automatically search for that information .

  16. 每当需要查找一个单词的定义时,我就会试着将它敲进谷歌词典的搜索框中,回车,含义很快就蹦出来了。

    Whenever I need a word defined , I just type it into the search box and the meaning pops right up .

  17. 这些硬币通常是路人用石头敲进采伐木的树干的,希望以此带来好运。

    The coins are usually knocked into felled tree trunks using stones by passers-by , who hope it will bring them good fortune .

  18. 如果一位年轻男士能一下就把钉子敲进树里,就能得到心上人的一个吻。

    If a young man could drive a nail into a tree with one blow , he earned a kiss from his sweetheart .

  19. 木块为红、黄、绿、蓝几种颜色,可以用木锤将木桩敲进木椅。

    The pegs are red , green , yellow , and blue , and can be pounded into the wooden bench using the hammer .

  20. 与会者可利用鼠标器和制图工具对文档进行编辑或加注,或者从键盘上敲进修改内容。

    Participants can edit the documents or make notations using their mice and drawing tools , or by typing in the changes from their keyboard .

  21. 不过我们处在一个“粘贴复制”的时代里,把你的笔记敲进电脑当然也一样有效。抄录和编译的过程,能够简单而长久地帮助你记忆这些词条。

    The acts of writing and interpreting make it easier to remember and use a word later on that just copying it into your notes will .

  22. 他老是连续不断地锤击,把钉子敲进木头,而且钉头与板面平齐之后,还是一个劲儿地敲。

    He would hammer a nail into the wood with a series of blows that continued to down long after the head was flush with the boards .

  23. 呼叫中心员工做的所有工作,只不过是把数据输入到电脑里,所以,完全可以取消这种疲倦的中间人,由你自己来把资料敲进电脑。

    All call centre staff do is input data into computers and so it makes every sense to cut out the weary middleman and type in the stuff yourself .

  24. 敲-进们前敲一下门是礼貌。

    It 's polite to knock once before entering .

  25. 这颗钉子我敲不进墙,也许钉子弯了,要么我必定是碰上了砖头。

    I can 't hammer this nail into the wall ; either it 's bent or I must have struck a brick .