
  • 网络ChuTian Metropolis Daily;Chutian Metro Daily
  1. 据《楚天都市报》报道,他只是在今年夏天前女友向真正的警察告发之后才被戳穿。

    He was exposed this summer after his former girlfriend turned him in to the real police , the Chutian Metropolis Daily reported .

  2. 据《楚天都市报》报道称:“只有在该宿舍的学生'满意'之后,他们才能离开。”

    They were only allowed to leave if the dorm 's residents were " satisfied with their work , " Chutian Metropolis Daily reported .

  3. 对《楚天都市报》的文化解读

    A Kind of Reality - A Reading of Chu Tian Urban Newspaper from the Perspective of Culture

  4. 本文以《楚天都市报》为考察对象,从七个方面分析了该报新闻标题的语言特色:一是简洁凝炼,醒目引人;

    This article focuses on Chutian City Daily , analyses the language feature of news caption through seven aspects : 1.simple and abstracting ;

  5. 《楚天都市报》消息,湖北省汉口市一家公共厕所竟安装着玻璃墙,路人可清楚看到厕所里如厕之人。

    A public toilet in Hankou , Hubei Province has glass walls that allow passers-by a full view , the Chutian Metroplis Daily reported .

  6. 据《楚天都市报》报道,湖北省武汉市一名大学生在大学四年期间收集了10000多只昆虫。

    A university student from Wuhan , Hubei province , has maintained a collection of more than 10000 insects in his dormitory during his four years of college , Chutian Metropolis Daily reported .

  7. 据《楚天都市报》报道,湖北一对青梅竹马的恋人分离54年后重新牵手,此时他们都已有70多的高龄。

    A pair of adolescent lovers in Hubei Province didn 't manage to get together until 54 years after they separated , both of them now in their seventies , Chutian Metropolis Daily reported .

  8. 本文不仅是对5年来《楚天都市报》主流化转型的一个总结,也提出了一些都市报需要在转型中突破的难题,为其他都市类报纸的主流化转型提供借鉴。

    This paper is not only a summary of the recent5years ' transformation of " Chutian Metropolis Daily ", but also brings up the difficulties the other dailies need to overcome during the transformations , offer the references for them .

  9. 据《楚天都市报》报道,一项网络调查显示,我国职场人平均日工作时间为8.66小时,六成受访者表示是“自愿加班”。

    An online survey has found that working Chinese people spend 8.66 hours at work on average , and 60 percent of those who took the survey noted they " voluntarily work extra hours , " Chutian Metropolitan Daily reported .

  10. 为了揭发这家公司,去年4月12号,韩宇奇就打电话给武汉《楚天都市报》寻求帮助。他表示:“一位姓周的记者说我需要证据。所以,我就决定当卧底来收集证据了。”

    Going undercover To expose the company , on April 12 last year Han called Wuhan-based Chutian Metropolis Daily for help . " A reporter surnamed Zhou said that I need evidence . So I decided to go undercover to collect it , " he said .