
  • 网络compound vibration;complex vibration;coupled vibrations
  1. D-S理论在复合振动识别中的应用

    Application of D-S Evidential Theory to Compound Vibration Recognition

  2. 复合振动仪治疗原发骨质疏松症的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Compound Vibration Machine on the Treatment of Osteoporosis

  3. 复合振动系统中局部扭转共振现象的研究

    The Research of Part - Torsion Resonance in Complex Vibration System

  4. 夹心式纵-弯复合振动模式超声换能器的研制

    Piezoelectric ceramic sandwiched transducer of ultrasonic longitudinal flexural complex mode vibration

  5. 超声振动系统的纵-弯和扭-弯复合振动

    Analysis of longitudinal-flexural and torsional-flexural complex-mode vibrations of ultrasonic vibration systems

  6. 复合振动对去势大鼠腓肠肌肌纤维的影响

    Effect of compound vibration on gastrocnemius muscle fibers in ovariectomized rats

  7. 变截面桥墩复合振动基频近似算法

    Approximate algorithm of compound fundamental frequencies of tapered bridge piers

  8. 超声波复合振动加工机理及应用的研究

    On the Mechanism and Application of Ultrasonic Compound Vibration Machining

  9. 纵-扭复合振动模式指数型复合超声变幅杆的研究

    The longitudinal - torsional composite mode ultrasonic sectional exponential horns

  10. 超声复合振动系统中局部共振现象的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of local resonance phenomenon in ultrasonic compound vibration systems

  11. 柔性结构复合振动的向量控制及实验研究

    Vector Control of Flexible Structure Compound Vibration and its Realization

  12. 其次,复合振动试验更能真实反映产品在实际环境中所受到的振动激励。

    Second , Compound vibration test can simulate more complex environmental vibration .

  13. 塔式起重机回转复合振动及动载荷计算

    Tower crane slewing compound vibration and dynamic load calculation

  14. 大振幅纵-扭复合振动模式超声变幅杆

    Longitudinal-torsional Composite Mode Exponential Ultrasonic Horns with Large Amplitude

  15. 径向及径&扭复合振动模式夹心式压电超声换能器研究

    Study on Sandwiched Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducers of Radial and Radial-Torsional Compound Vibration Mode

  16. 工具杆对超声扭转复合振动系统共振频率的影响

    Effects of tool rod on resonant frequency of ultrasonic torsional processing vibration system

  17. 复合振动对去势骨质疏松大鼠骨强度的作用

    The effect of compound vibration on bone strength in ovariectomized SD rat osteoporosis models

  18. 超声复合振动系统中的局部共振现象实验研究

    Experimental study on the phenomenon of " local resonance " in compound ultrasonic vibration systems

  19. 本文用有限元软件对超声复合振动系统中的局部共振现象进行了仿真计算。

    An all-purpose finite-element software is used to analyze local resonance in ultrasonic compound vibration systems .

  20. 对超声复合振动系统中局部共振现象的一种解释

    An explanation for the mechanism of " local resonance " in a compound ultrasonic vibration system

  21. 最后以复合振动信号为例,给出它的最大熵概率密度函数。

    As an example , the maximum entropy probabilistic density function of a compound vibration signal is calculated .

  22. 介绍一种用于在复合振动状态下能准确测量振动角速率的压电陀螺传感器。

    This is a piezoelectric gyroscopic sensor which is applied to measure the angular rate vibration accurately in the compound vibration conditions .

  23. 本文利用一种新型复合振动流化装置,使在一般操作条件下无法实现正常流化的细颗粒床层处于良好的流化状态。

    A new type of vibrating fluidized bed was developed to fluidize fine powders which are difficult to fluidize under conventional conditions .

  24. 设计了一种夹心式纵弯复合振动模式超声换能器,该换能器由纵向夹心式压电超声换能器与弯曲正六边形薄板组成。

    In this paper , a longitudinal-flexural composite mode ultrasonic transducer composed of the sandwich longitudinal mode ultrasonic transducer and the flexural regular hexagon plate is studied .

  25. 由于耦合振动的复杂性,利用有限元法以及实验对给定几何尺寸的复合振动系统进行了分析,得到了系统的导纳&频率曲线,振动模态以及位移分布。

    Because flexural and coupled vibration of the composite vibration system is very complicated , the modal shapes , displacement distribution and harmonic response are analyzed by finite element method and experimental measurement .

  26. 根据高耸工程结构复合振动基频计算公式,研究了在只测结构基频的情况下初步估计基础约束刚度最小值的方法,以及平动刚度和转动刚度之间的关系。

    According to approximate formulas of fundamental frequency , a method was put forward to estimate preliminary the lowest of foundation restraints stiffness , and the relationship of translational restraint and rotational restraint was found .

  27. 传统的夹心式压电超声换能器主要有纵向、扭转和弯曲振动以及它们的复合振动模式夹心换能器,如纵扭、纵弯复合振动模式等。

    At present , traditional sandwiched piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers mainly include longitudinal , torsional and flexural vibration mode sandwiched transducers as well as the composite vibration modes of them , such as longitudinal-torsional and longitudinal-flexural mode sandwiched transducers , etc.

  28. 对超声复合振动系统中的局部共振现象,基于熟知的棒或管中声波产生和传播的理论,提出一种机理解释。

    For the mechanism of the phenomenon of " local resonance " in a compound ultrasonic vibration system , an explanation is proposed , based on the well-known theory of production and propagation of acoustic wave in a rod or shell .

  29. 计算采用系统级的动特性分析方法获得了曲轴轴系的扭转、弯曲、伸缩振动及其复合振动,计算结果表明油膜刚度、阻尼系数的增加会导致活塞-轴系振动频率的增加。

    The calculation about the torsion , bend , flexibility and compound vibration was carried out . The result shows that the vibration frequency of the piston crankshaft system and block increase with the increasing of stiffness and damping coefficients of oil film .

  30. MEMS复合式振动能量采集器的设计及模拟

    Design and Simulation of MEMS Based Hybrid Vibration Energy Harvester