
  • repeater
  1. 我们的主要产品包括移动复读机、手机助力器、汽车氙气组件,GPS跟踪器,间谍安全产品,LED灯,LVD灯光和其他相关产品

    Our main product line includes Mobile Repeater , Cell phone booster , Xenon HID Kit , GPS Tracker , Spy Security products , LED lights , LVD Lights and other related products

  2. 是真正的电脑复读机。

    Is a real computer Repeater .

  3. 电子词典MP3播放器复读机等数码类电子制品。

    Electronic Dictionary MP3 player and so repetition of digital electronics products .

  4. 2000年语言复读机行业监督抽查结果及分析

    The Result and Analysis of 2000 Spot-check for Speech Repeating Players

  5. 我想你需要一个镜子和语言复读机,因为你想练习你的英语发音。

    I do think you need a mirror and a language repeater since you want to practice your English pronunciation .

  6. 个人特点:反应很快,跑在思考前面;口齿清晰,像复读机;亲切,有两颗兔牙。

    Personal characteristic : Good reaction lack for logic ; good pronunciation like a machine and friendliness with two rabbit teeth .

  7. 一种以三菱公司的3802单片机为中心控制与数字录音技术相结合的立体声复读机的研制。

    This paper describes the design and implementation of a stereo repeater using a 3802 single-chip microcomputer by Mitsubishi as its central control .

  8. 我公司是一家专业生产教学复读机、校园广播及校园收音机等电子产品的厂家。

    Our company is a company specializing in the production of teaching reading , campus radio , campus radio and electronic products manufacturers .

  9. 教育电子产品公司已经成功地推出了数十种不同型号的语言复读机、电子词典、随身听复读机等系列产品。

    Education electronics company has successfully launched dozens of different models of language video machines , electronic dictionaries , video players and other products .

  10. 本文试从八一女排与天津女排争夺步步高复读机杯全国女排联赛冠军的比赛中双方的得与失,分析的探讨排球比赛中矛与盾的相互关系。

    This article adept the way of counting score of two teams that women 's volleyball team and Tianjin women 's volleyball team contest for " step by step " Cup Women 's Volleyball League Matches .