
fù jué quán
  • referendum
  1. 创制权和复决权在西方运用最广。

    The initiative and referendum were used most widely in the West .

  2. 他们建议给予人民另一个和最后的手段&创制权和复决权。

    They proposed to give the people an alternative and a last resort-the initiative and referendum .

  3. 采用投票复决权和收回权以后,对于当前控制大城市选举的方法有些什么影响?

    What effect will the introduction of the referendum and recall have upon present methods of conducting elections in cities ?

  4. 最后的争论[斗争];最后的手段(尤指诉诸武力)他们建议给予人民另一个和最后的手段&创制权和复决权。

    They proposed to give the people an alternative and a last resort-the initiative and referendum . The strike is the ultima ratio of Trade Unionism .

  5. 更重要的是,这项法令将创制、复决和罢免诸权作为城市政治机制的组成部分。

    It incorporated the initiative , referendum , and recall as part of the machinery of city politics .