
  • 网络gps;Geometrical Product Specifications;Geometrical product specification and verification
  1. 第二章:介绍了产品几何技术规范(GPS)的基本概念;

    In the second chapter , the concept of geometrical product specifications ( GPS ) is introduced .

  2. GB/T10610-1998产品几何技术规范表面结构轮廓法评定表面结构的规则和方法

    Geometrical product Specifications ( GPS ) - Surface texture : Profile method-Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture

  3. 现代产品几何技术规范(GPS)的不确定度理论及应用技术研究

    Study on theoretic and application technique of uncertainty in New Generation Geometrical product specification

  4. 现代产品几何技术规范(GPS)体系及应用分析

    New generation geometrical product specification and verification ( gps ) system and its application analyse

  5. 在国际标准中,产品几何技术规范(GPS&GeometricalProductSpecificationandVerification)是制造业中最重要的技术标准。

    In international standards , the Geometrical Product Specification and Verification ( GPS ) standard system is one of the most important technical standards in the manufacturing industry .

  6. 新一代产品几何技术规范GPS标准是为了促进当今现代制造业发展,在早期GPS基础上最新提出的标准体系。

    New generation of GPS is a standard norm put forward for bringing about an advance in nowadays modern manufacturing industry on the basis of early GPS .

  7. 现代产品几何技术规范(GPS)中提出的操作及算子技术,为实现几何产品检验/认证过程的数字化和规范化提供了必要的技术基础。

    Operation and operator technologies introduced by Geometrical Product Specification and Verification ( GPS ) provide the necessary knowledge grounds for digitization and standardization of verification process of geometrical product s .

  8. 第二章:分析了ISO/TC213公差语义,介绍了产品几何技术规范(GPS)对特征的定义及其检测过程,阐述了其中的二元原则,研究了特征的各种属性。

    In chapter 2 , tolerance semantics defined by ISO / TC 213 is analyzed . The geometrical feature definition of the GPS ( Geometrical Product Specifications ) and verification operation is introduced .

  9. 揭示现代产品几何技术规范(GeometricalProductSpecificationandVerification,GPS)中规范过程和检验/认证过程的物象对应关系,以及其表面模型存在着对偶性、操作技术存在着共性的内在规律性;

    Indicate object-mirror corresponding relation between the specification stage and verification stage of geometrical product specification and verification ( GPS ), and the inherent regularity between the duality of their surface models and commonness of their operation technology .

  10. 圆柱度误差;产品几何技术规范;采样方案;误差评定;

    Cylindricity error ; Geometrical product specification ; Sampling strategy ; Error evaluation ;

  11. 本文首先给出基于新一代产品几何量技术规范的基本定义,并对同一要素的不同形位公差之间的约束关系进行了分析。

    Firstly , the basic conceptions based on the new generation geometrical product specifications are presented and the restraint relationships among different geometrical tolerances of the same factor are analyzed .