
  • 网络Flight motion;Air Sport;fai
  1. 研究了飞行运动系统的鲁棒H∞模型降阶问题。

    The problem of robust H ∞ model reduction for flying movement systems .

  2. 在对昆虫扑翼飞行运动的仿生模拟基础上,对实际可飞的微扑翼飞行器的扑翼运动建立了三维翼型的运动学与空气动力学模型。

    A three-dimensional flapping wing model was established for the MAV , which mimicked biological locomotion , such as insect flight .

  3. 飞行运动如滑翔降伞和模型滑翔机近年在香港逐渐流行。

    Aviation sports activities , including paragliding and model sailplane soaring , are becoming more popular in Hong Kong in recent years .

  4. 其次,对复杂又不稳定的直升机飞行运动模型设计了模糊神经网络控制器;

    Secondly , because the armed helicopter model is complex and less stability , A fuzzy neural network controller ( FNNC ) is designed ;

  5. 由于计算是从基本飞行运动方程出发,故对紊流的离散型和连续型有统一的求解方法。

    Because the response calculations are all based on the flight kinetic equations , the solutions for discrete and continuous gust models can be obtained using the similar method .

  6. 建立了低速旋转的尾翼式弹箭飞行运动和柔性弯曲变形耦合的动力学模型和一般运动方程组;

    In the paper , a dynamic coupled model of the flight motion and the flexible bending motion for a finned missiles with low spin rate is created and the general equations of motion is developed .

  7. 丹从事滑翔伞飞行运动已经近37年之久。大多数时间他都在南部山脉接近盐湖谷尽头的飞行场练习上空乘风飞翔。

    He has been flying for about 37 years and he can be found most days catching the breeze at the flight park on a mountain ridge at the south end of the Salt Lake valley .

  8. 本文阐述了不同运动条件下如步行运动、拦截行为、飞行运动和驾驶运动观察者所使用的行为控制策略,这些控制策略与各种信息源密切相关并依赖于特定的任务。

    The behavioral control strategies used by observers in different motion conditions such as walking , interceptive action , flying and steering action are discussed in this article , these strategies are related with different information source and rely on specific task .

  9. 非线性飞行混沌运动的修正RBF神经网络控制

    Modified RBF Neural Networks Control for the Nonlinear Flight of Chaotic Motion

  10. 由于飞行平台运动误差或湍流大气中微波传播的影响会直接导致信号相位的波动,机载SAR的方位聚焦一直是SAR成像研究中的重要内容。

    Phase fluctuations can be induced by platform motion error or microwave propagation effect in turbulent atmosphere .

  11. 基于CPG的扑翼飞行节律运动控制

    Rhythmic movement control of flapping-wing flying based on CPG

  12. 为提高飞行模拟器运动平台的运动精度,以一飞行模拟器的6自由度Stewart运动平台为模型,研究了提高并联运动平台精度的方法。

    A method is presented to improve the motion accuracy of parallel Stewart platforms using a flight simulator as an example .

  13. 地面运动物体、航空与航天飞行器的跟踪测量中,GNSS被广泛用于运动轨道的实时跟踪、定位,飞行两运动体的防撞、对接,地面测控网站的定位及统一授时等方面。

    GNSS is widely applied in tracking surveying and locating the object of motion , the flier and the spacecraft .

  14. 持续载荷飞行模拟器运动系统研究

    Study of Motion System of Flight Simulator of Persisted Load

  15. 基于虚拟四目的立体视觉固定飞行昆虫运动参数测量系统

    Tether Insect Motion Parameters Measurement System Based on Stereo Vision

  16. 六自由度飞行模拟器运动系统设计研究

    Research and Design on 6-DOF Motion System of Flight Simulator

  17. 飞行模拟器运动平台的计算力矩控制

    Computed-torque control for a moving flight simulator platform

  18. 当飞行体运动时,通过飞行体与等离子体的相互作用,使周围等离子体密度产生扰动。

    Through the interactions the moving bodies make the density of plasma around them disturb .

  19. 基于动力学模型的电力线巡检飞行机器人运动规划

    Research on Motion Planning of Flying Robot for Overhead Powerline Inspection Based on Dynamic Model

  20. 多自由度飞行模拟器运动平台运动平滑性的研究

    Research on Motion Smoothness of the Flight Simulator Platform with Multi - Degrees of Freedom

  21. 飞行模拟器运动系统可为飞行员提供与真实飞行器相同或相近的运动感觉。

    Flight simulator motion system can provide real aircraft pilots the same or similar motor and sensory .

  22. 根据昆虫扑翼飞行节律运动的原理,设计一个压电驱动的两自由度扑翼机构。

    A 2-DOF piezo-actuated flapping mechanism was designed according to the theory of flapping-wing flying rhythmic movement of insects .

  23. 本文针对弹丸滑翔飞行的运动特性,根据能量守恒原理,采用能量分析法对弹丸在滑翔段的弹道特性进行了研究。

    A study on the trajectory properties of a gliding projectile was done according to the energy conservation law .

  24. 仿真表明计算力矩控制可以使飞行模拟器运动平台的跟踪误差在较短的时间内收敛,并且误差趋近零。

    Simulations show that the computed-torque control rapidly reduces the tracking errors of the parallel flight simulator platforms towards zero .

  25. 通过对动态飞行模拟器运动分析,结果表明动态飞行模拟器相似性准则可以评价仿真的相似性。

    The result , which we analyze motion feature of DFS , shows that DFS 's similarity rules can evaluate simulation 's similarity .

  26. 本文对飞行模拟器运动系统的静压伺服作动器进行了分析,介绍了系统主要元件的结构原理。

    This paper analyzes hydrostatic servo actuator in motion system for flight simulator , and introduces structural principle of main component of the system .

  27. 摘要当红外预警系统对低空飞行的运动目标进行检测时,由于云杂波的存在,系统的检测性能会受到严重影响。

    When the infrared early warning system is detecting a moving target at low altitude , its detection performance will decrease significantly because of cloud .

  28. 第6章,给出了编队飞行相对运动自主控制的任务,根据相对运动特性制定了运动规划方案,建立了包含数学模型、控制律的知识库。

    In chapter 6 , tasks of autonomous control of Formation Flying were showed . Motion programming was constituted based on characteristics of relative motion .

  29. 靶场试验时,需要对飞行目标运动过程中的参数作跟踪、记录和检测。

    In the testing task of shooting range , we need to track the flying target , survey its moving parameters and then register them .

  30. 目的探讨飞行人员运动试验T波正常化心电图特点及临床意义,为其健康鉴定提供参考依据。

    Objective To investigate the clinical significance of T wave normalization in the exercise test for the flight crews and to provide the reference for the heath identification of the flight crews .