
  • 网络The Powerpuff Girls;Power Puff Girl
  1. 在名为《飞天小女警Z》(Demashita!PowerpuffGirlsZ)的新版动画中,三个小女孩不但长大了,腿变长了,还穿上了超短裙。

    On ' Demashita ! Powerpuff Girls Z , ' the heroines have grown up , sprouted long legs and wear skirts well above their knees .

  2. YoshiyaAyugai曾参与重新设计《飞天小女警》的角色形像。MarvelEntertainmentInc.和GothamEntertainment曾在2004年针对印度市场对《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)形像进行翻创,尽管原形像已深入人心。

    Marvel Entertainment Inc. and Gotham Entertainment introduced a transcreated ' Spider-Man ' to the Indian market in 2004 , although the original had been familiar there for a long time .

  3. 克雷格•麦克科拉肯(CraigMcCracken)制作《飞天小女警》时,特意赋予了他认为带有“日本色彩”的造型。

    When Craig McCracken created the Powerpuff Girls show , he deliberately gave it what he thought was a'Japanese look . '

  4. 本月早些时候,CartoonNetwork在首播的第五部“飞天小女警”大电影《飞天小女警:四人组》中公布了新加入的第四位小女警的形象。

    Earlier this month , Cartoon Network announced that an official fourth member of The Powerpuff Girls would make her debut in the five-part movie event , The Powerpuff Girls : The Power of Four . And now we finally have our first look at the new Powerpuff Girl in action .

  5. 克雷格•麦克科拉肯(CraigMcCracken)制作《飞天小女警》时,特意赋予了他认为带有“日本色彩”的造型。但当2001年节目开始在日本播放时,并未吸引到大量观众。

    When Craig McCracken created the Powerpuff Girls show , he deliberately gave it what he thought was a ' Japanese look . ' But when the show first aired in Japan in 2001 , it failed to attract a wide audience .

  6. 去年《飞天小女警》在日本播出时,她们的形像却发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    Last year , though , the ' Powerpuff Girls ' showed up in Japan with a whole new look .

  7. 从片花中可以看到,新的《飞天小女警》将由主角四人共同努力,将汤斯维尔市从“前所未有的邪恶势力”中解救出来。

    According to its synopsis , The Powerpuff Girls : Power of Four will bring all four Powerpuff Girls together to save the city of Townsville from " forces of evil that are bigger than ever . "

  8. 铁粉们都记得这样一个情节,花花,泡泡和毛毛在尤教授的实验室中创造了第四个飞天小女警,然而由于她们搞错了配方,邦妮最终爆炸了。

    Diehard fans remember that Blossom , Bubbles , and Buttercup once created a fourth Powerpuff Girl in their father 's lab , but they didn 't use the right amount of sugar , spice , and everything nice , so Bunny ultimately exploded .