
miàn shā
  • veil;yashmak
面纱 [miàn shā]
  • (1) [veil]

  • (2) 妇女用来遮盖头部和肩部的、而在东方国家还经常为已婚妇女用来遮脸的长纱

  • 犹太妇女戴面纱作为尊严和谦恭的标志

  • (3) 指修女头饰的外罩

面纱[miàn shā]
  1. 如果我不戴面纱就会有辱门楣。

    It would dishonour my family if I didn 't wear the veil .

  2. 她罩的面纱遮掩了她的面容。

    The veil she was wearing obscured her features .

  3. 这些妇女戴着面纱是遵从这个国家的习俗。

    The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country .

  4. 多年以来表演教学一直蒙着神秘的面纱。

    For years the teaching of acting has been shrouded in mystery .

  5. 一位戴面纱的女士朝我友好地微笑。

    A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile .

  6. 该书旨在揭开医学治疗的神秘面纱。

    This book aims to demystify medical treatments .

  7. 《太阳报》在黛安娜王妃的一张照片下写了一段说明文字——“披着面纱的王妃”。

    The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana ' Princess of Veils '

  8. 关于这个问题的更重要的评论,参看《揭开面纱的伊希斯》第一卷。

    For the more salient remarks on the matter , cf. Isis Unveiled , Vol. I.

  9. 突然我看见阿尔罗伊夫人在我的前面,蒙着厚厚的面纱,走得很快。

    Suddenly I saw in front of me lady alroy , deeply veiled and walking very fast .

  10. 信回教的妇女出门之前往往用面纱把脸遮起来。

    Moslem women used to veil their faces before going into public .

  11. 译文)我非常感谢你们巨大的努力给这张多灾多难的订单披上神秘的面纱

    I am appreciated your great efforts for ornamenting this suffering order to a mysterious yashmak . (

  12. 这张在晨光中泛着莹光的网,里面织着可爱而又神秘的图案,看起来就如同一层纤美的面纱。

    The web glistened in the light and made a pattern of loveliness and mystery , like a delicate veil .

  13. 我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱的激动心情。

    I think it the excitement only a free man can feel , a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain .

  14. 他试图在自己的文章中揭开围绕SOA的这些概念的神秘面纱。

    In his article he tries to demystify the concepts around SOA .

  15. 为帮助您了解Spring如此重要的原因,让我们一层层剥开它神秘的面纱。

    To help you understand why Spring is so important , let 's peel back the layers .

  16. 随着人们不断对公布的大量DNA序列进行分析和数据挖掘,基因的神秘面纱也随之揭开。

    As the DNA sequence has been constantly published and analysis , the veil of gene is uncovered .

  17. 揭开先进计划系统的神秘面纱企业资源计划(ERP)是先进管理的代表。

    Discussion of Advanced Planning and Scheduling System ERP is the symbol of advanced management .

  18. 揭开SAT的神秘面纱

    Unveiling the Mystery of the SAT

  19. 但是毫无疑问,古代DNA研究是揭开人类历史神秘面纱非常有用且必不可少的工具。

    Nevertheless , ancient DNA can undoubtedly be a useful and necessary tool to unveil the mysterious migration history of human beings .

  20. Harry会掀起面纱

    Harry will lift this veil over your head

  21. 周三上午,亚马逊公司在曼哈顿举行了一场效仿苹果公司(Apple)的发布会。会上,公司老板杰夫•贝佐斯揭开了新产品的面纱。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) boss Jeff Bezos unveiled the new models at an Apple-like press event in Manhattan this morning .

  22. 自从克拉克和沃森发现了DNA的双螺旋结构,基因的本质开始揭开其神秘面纱。

    Since Clark and Watson discovered the double helix structure of DNA , the nature of the gene had began to unravel its mystery .

  23. 当然,现在iPad2已经揭开了神秘的面纱。

    Now of course , we know better .

  24. 苹果公司发出了9月7日(发布会)的邀请函,揭开iPhone7的面纱。

    Apple has sent out invites for a September 7th event where it is expected to unveil the iPhone 7 .

  25. 经过数月关于GOOGLE开发什么东西来挑战Facebook的猜测之后,这个搜索巨人最终揭开了它的社会产品+1的面纱。

    After months of speculation about Google building something to challenge Facebook , the search giant has finally unveiled its social product + 1 .

  26. 新的第三代框架即将撩开面纱,这些框架将为doc/litSOAP提供更好的支持,并能带来潜在的性能提高。

    New third-generation frameworks are being unveiled , which offer much better support for doc / lit SOAP as well as potential performance improvements .

  27. GT希望,揭下苹果硬罩在双方协议上的神秘面纱能有利于自己的案子。

    GT hopes that lifting the veil of secrecy that Apple has imposed will help its case .

  28. 黑莓手机生产商RIM预计将于1月30日正式揭开新手机以及黑莓10操作系统的神秘面纱。

    Rim is expected to formally take the wraps off the new device as well as the BlackBerry 10 operating system on January 30 .

  29. 大约10年前,我的一位前同事劳拉•里奇曾写过一本书:《意外的超级富豪:揭开保罗•艾伦的神秘面纱》(TheAccidentalZillionaire:DemystifyingPaulAllen)。

    Almost ten years ago , Laura rich , a former colleague of mine , wrote the accidental zillionaire : Demystifying Paul Allen .

  30. 那里的UFO正常情况下是不会可见的,但是因为面纱的微小部分而被看见?

    Would the UFO that was there normally not have been visible , but was seen because of the thinning of the veil ?