
  • 网络Movie Download;ipad;iphone;rmvb
  1. 坐在后排的乘客还能用此系统将电影下载到iPad上。

    A back seat passenger can use it to stream a movie onto an iPad .

  2. 如果使用3G网络,一部高清电影下载完成需要1个小时,而使用4G,只需要几分钟。

    A movie of high definition usually takes one hour to download if powered by 3G , while on 4G , the same movie will download in just a few minutes .

  3. 对于大多数女人来说,这是不可能的任务,于是她们跑去隆胸,或是患了暴食症、厌食症以及其他自psp电影下载我厌恶的精神性疾病。

    For most women , this is impossible task , then they ran breast augmentation , or had gluttony , anorexia and other self of mental illness .

  4. 我们会用打车应用Uber支付出租车费,在Facebook上为个人定制产品结账,把电影下载到我们的亚马逊(Amazon)Kindle平板电脑上——而不用从钱包里抽出塑料信用卡。

    We 're paying for taxi rides using our Uber app , checking out personally tailored offers on Facebook , and downloading films to our Amazon Kindles -- without ever pulling the plastic out of our wallets .

  5. 它现在拥有一个正确的电影下载管理器。

    It now feature a proper download manager for movies .

  6. 仍然不清楚当你买一个电影下载时你得到什么。

    And it is still not clear what you get when you buy a movie download .

  7. 这里有地方,你可以找到经典电影下载或流式视频剪辑。

    Here are places where you can find downloads or streaming video clips from classic films .

  8. 随着时间的推移,伤亡数字也将会唐山大地震电影下载不断增加。

    With the passage of time , the number of casualties will also continue to increase .

  9. 人们对网络媒体资源尤其是电影下载的需求日益增加,针对这一市场,电影行业仍然缺乏一个可持续的商业发展模式。

    Although the Internet features excess demand for media , especially movie downloads , the motion picture industry lacks sustainable business models for this market .

  10. 但是因为宽带连接的速度相对较慢,所以电影下载一般用“排列式”下载方式转由隐藏控制下载。

    Because of the relatively slow speed of the broadband link , film downloads take place in the background , using a " queue and view " model .

  11. 迪士尼的目标是要打造一个引擎,推动中国对大量迪士尼产品的需求,包括玩具、服饰、室内陈设,电影下载和电子游戏。

    Disney 's goal is to create an engine that will drive demand in China for a wide range of Disney products : toys , clothes , furnishings , movie downloads and video games .

  12. 尽管这并非什么理想的解决方案:有谁会为了看部电影去下载一个基于苹果操作系统(iOS)的应用?

    Not an ideal solution & who wants to download an IOS app for each and every movie ?

  13. 重点打击音乐和电影非法下载、盗版CD和DVD光盘、非法软件、汽车零部件以及药品销售。

    This is an attempt to combat illegal downloads of music and movies , sales of pirated CDs and DVDs , illegal software , auto parts and pharmaceuticals .

  14. 买票请认准网站amctheatres.com/titanic,购票时还会得到电影的下载版本,这样主题曲《MyHeartWillGoOn》想起的时候,就能自己在家哭了呢。

    And if you buy a ticket , which you can do at amctheatres.com/titanic , you also get a digital download so you can weep to " My Heart Will Go On " in the privacy of your own home later on .

  15. 但是对于个人电视节目与电影的下载业务,还是有其发展空间。

    But downloads of individual television programmes and films are already available from MovieLink , Amazon , Apple and others .

  16. 联邦政府颁布了更多新的规定来限制网络上音乐和电影的下载,这可让网虫们扫兴之极。

    Scores of netizens were disappointed today when the Federal Government released more stringent regulations on the downloading of music and movies on the Internet .

  17. 在此之前,福克斯电影的数字下载只适用于Windows和苹果iTunes这两个占主导地位的个人电脑和智能手机平台。

    Until now , digital downloads of its movies have only been available for Windows and Apple iTunes , the dominant PC and smartphone platforms .

  18. 电视和电影节目的下载市场仍然规模不大,但有望扩展。

    The download market for TV shows and movies is still small but expected to grow .

  19. 像一些其他的家伙说,当收看时间,只是暂停您的电影和等待下载,酒吧,直到你认为是稳定的比开始看您的爱好显示,所有。

    Like some other 's guy say when watching time just pause your movie and wait for the download bar until you think is stable than start watching your loving show , that all .

  20. 毫无疑问,对网飞公司商业模式最大的毁灭性威胁来自电影现在可以在线下载和观赏。

    Of course , the biggest threat of disruption to Netflix 's business model comes from the ability to download or watch movies directly online .

  21. 同时有一个与火山天文台的链接,而且包含了鲁阿佩胡火山爆发的信息,1996年爆发的电影和图像能够下载。

    There is a link to the Mount Erebus Volcano Observatory ( MEVO ) . Moreover a Mount Ruapehu eruption information page is contained with downloadable movies and images from the1996 eruption etc.

  22. 提升后的下载速度将使360度全景虚拟现实视频、即时云存储、娱乐升级、快速缓存超高保真音乐和电影以及无需下载安装的即时应用成为可能,从而提升用户体验。

    The improved download speed will enhance users ' experience by allowing for 360 degree panoramic VR video , instant cloud storage , entertainment upgrades and fast cache of ultra hi-fi music and movies , and instant APP , which removes the need for download or installation of applications .

  23. 该公司正奉行一个混合战略,为客户提供从电影票销售到电影下载即拥有(download-to-own)的所有服务。

    It is pursuing a hybrid strategy , offering its customers everything from cinema ticket sales to download-to-own films .

  24. 观众将利用流媒体服务在线收看电影,而不是将电影下载后观看,要观看较新的电影需要支付约5美元。

    Viewers will stream rather than download the films and pay about $ 5 for newer titles .

  25. 越来越多的书籍、电影、音乐等传统介质的作品被上传到网络空间,在线盗版电子书籍、盗版电影、BT下载等著作权网络侵权案件频频发生。

    More and more traditional media such as books , movies , music works have been uploaded to cyberspace , online pirated e-books , pirated movies , BT download and other copyright online infringement cases occurred frequently .