
  • 网络D-Sub;vga in;input
  1. 对电脑输入命令后必须回车才能执行该命令。

    Once you input an order to the computer , you have to press the " Enter " key to execute the order .

  2. 文章提出了一种基于MEMS的输入系统的设计方案,即将加速度计运用于电脑输入系统中,通过加速度计信号来解析用户的动作。

    This paper gives a design scheme of input device based on MEMS accelerometers : use accelerometers to detect the user 's motion .

  3. 查字与电脑输入多用54型汉字编码

    Multi-purpose TYPE-54 Chinese characters coding for searching & computer inputting

  4. 电脑输入所有的项目申请书,跟踪各申请的评审情况。

    Log in all proposals and track the status of review for each application .

  5. 本文介绍了适合于查字和电脑输入的多用54型汉字编码。

    This paper introduces the multi-purpose Type-54 Chinese characters coding suitable for searching computer inputting .

  6. 汉字电脑输入技术获得突破以后,印刷排版进入了电脑时代。

    After the techniques of inputting Chinese characters into computer have been improved , there comes the computer era in typesetting .

  7. 然而,尽管苹果发烧友推崇不已,但我发现iPhone的屏幕虚拟键盘实际上不太可能用来编写短信、移动电邮或输入联系人详细信息(尽管你可以在个人电脑上输入这些信息,然后与手机进行同步)。

    Despite the claims of Apple enthusiasts , however , I found the onscreen virtual keyboard virtually impossible to use for text messaging , mobile e-mail or entering contact details ( although you can enter these on a PC and then synch them over ) .

  8. DCR16电脑自动输入/输出控制系统采用结构化分析方法做需求分析的全过程,包括其数据流图的绘制,数据词典、小说明的示例,并结合实例对该方法的优缺点进行了评述。

    This paper describes the whole process in which DCR-16 computer auto-input-output control system performs requirement analyses with an SA method , including DFD making , examples of data dictionaries and instructions . Advantages and disadvantages of this method are evaluated in practice .

  9. 个人电脑图形输入板是个人电脑图形输入板的微软的版本。

    The Tablet PC is Microsoft 's version of a tablet PC.

  10. 一种基于部首无字根的电脑汉字输入法

    A new Method of Chinese Computer Input without Radical

  11. 结构化分析方法之应用实例&DCR-16电脑自动输入/输出控制系统

    The Practical Application of SA Method & DCR-16 Computer Auto-input / output Control System

  12. 我们往电脑里输入一些事实数据。

    We feed our facts into the computer .

  13. 你的电脑无法输入中文吗?

    I just love English in fact .

  14. 在电脑中输入无意义的材料可能会把程序搞乱。

    It 's possible to throw the computer program out of joint by typing in nonsense .

  15. 是的,电脑键盘输入让令人生畏的多笔的汉字书写毫无意义了。

    It 's true that computer keyboarding has now made the dreaded writing of multi-stroke-characters mostly moot .

  16. 谈判各方在每一轮协商结束后可以在电脑中输入关乎自身谈判地位的秘密信息。

    Negotiating parties would give the software confidential information on their bargaining positions after each round of talks .

  17. 非常抱歉没有给您及时的回复,我现在的电脑无法输入日文。

    I am deeply sorry for my late reply and now Japanese can not be typed on my computer .

  18. 我每天会花半个小时在往电脑上输入文章上,既练文章又练单词。

    I spent half an hour every day to type passages , . It helps to both writing and vocabulary .

  19. 你打开电脑必须输入一个单词或一段代码或数字之类的东西

    You turn it on and you had to type a word or a set of code letters or numbers , whatever ,

  20. 那天早上,当我在电脑里输入我的文章时,不安困扰着我,那是一种让我难以确定的生理感觉。

    What bothered me that morning as I typed up my piece was a disquiet , a physical sensation I could not quite identify .

  21. 外套与输出轴的径向有一个插销孔。插口:连接电脑的输入和输出的外部接驳器。

    There is a pin hole between outside shell and output axis . Port : An external connector that provides input and / or output connection to or from a computer .

  22. 插口:连接电脑的输入和输出的外部接驳器。白求恩刚要开口辩驳,就给将军摆摆手止住了。

    Port : An external connector that provides input and / or output connection to or from a computer . Bethune started to protest but the General waved him to be silent .

  23. 警察看了看我的签证表,在电脑里输入了一些东西,然后笑着问我职业一栏里的“媒体顾问”是什么意思。

    My officer studied my visa form , tapped something into his computer and then asked me with a big smile what I meant by " media consultant " in answer to the question about profession .

  24. 在网络世界里人们是通过一台计算机寻找另外一台计算机,于是人们只要在电脑上输入这台主机域名就能通过网络找到这台计算机。

    People are through a set calculator to look for moreover one set calculator in the network world , hence people as long as input this host area on the computer can find out this set calculator through a network .

  25. ROM中装有电脑的基本输入输出系统(BIOS)。

    ROM in the computer equipped with a basic Input / Output System ( BIOS ) .

  26. 一个调查团队用iphone识别出了附近的一台电脑键盘上输入内容,准确率高达80%。

    One team of researchers used an iPhone to track typing on a nearby computer keyboard with up to 80 percent accuracy .

  27. 将电脑用于除输入密码外任何其它用途。

    For anything else other than the entering of the code .

  28. 你能学习你电脑中未输入过的事吗?

    Can you learn stuff that you haven 't been programmed with ?

  29. 汉字编码与电脑键盘中文输入

    Chinese Character Coding and Chinese Input in the Computer Keyboard

  30. 电脑将用户输入的信息储存在内存中。

    The user inputs the data , and the computer stores it in its memory .