
  • 网络TV series
  1. 这个村子曾是一部热门电视系列剧的拍摄场地。

    The village was used as the location for a popular TV series .

  2. 但这位编剧邀请马丁参与重新制作非主流电视系列剧《阴阳魔界》(TheTwilightZone)。

    the writer drafted Martin into working on a remake of cult TV series The Twilight Zone .

  3. 英国广播公司昨日为一部生动再现犯罪活动的电视系列剧进行了辩护,称其并没有窥探他人隐私之嫌。

    The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism .

  4. 他们是在她客串出演热播电视系列剧《守护者》时认识的。

    They met when she made a guest appearance in the hit TV show Minder .

  5. 风靡一时的电视系列剧《发展受阻》(ArrestedDevelopment)停机5年后,Netflix公司开始制作其续集。

    Netflix ( NFlx ) is resurrecting the cult favorite TV show arrested development five years after it was canceled .

  6. 该片主演是GeorgeClooney,他因出演电视系列剧《急诊室》而成为超级巨星。

    The leading actor of the movie is George Clooney , who became a super star by acting in a famous TV serial called Emergency Room .

  7. 你认为这个星期的电视系列剧怎么样?

    What do you think about this week 's TV series ?

  8. 奥特曼电视系列剧于1966年首播。

    The Ultraman television series first appeared on TV in1966 .

  9. 为一部新电视系列剧出的吸引人的主意。

    A catchy idea for a new television series .

  10. 她的第一部电视系列剧刚刚完成,就已经开始着手下一个项目了。

    She has only just completed her first television series , but her next project is already under way .

  11. 我今晚看了电视系列剧《都市欲望》第一季第九集三遍。

    I watch the nineth episode of the teleplay 《 sex and the city 》 & 《 the turtle and the hare 》 third tonight .

  12. 它曾是一部很受欢迎的电视系列剧,但每周的情节都大致相同,因此正在逐渐失去吸引力。

    It 's been a popular TV series , but the plot is much the same every week and it 's all wearing a bit thin .

  13. 这部电视系列剧分别用半个小时的时间专门介绍大众牌轿车、伦敦地铁系统图、可口可乐瓶和阿格炉。

    The television series devoted half-hour programmes to the Volkswagen car , the map of london 's underground railway system , the Coca-Cola bottle and the Aga cooker .

  14. 它们推出相互竞争的打车应用和即时通讯服务,并在众多领域角力,从餐厅点评应用,到在它们的视频平台上投放哪些美国电视系列剧。

    They have launched rival taxi-hailing apps and instant messaging services , and compete over everything from restaurant review apps to which US TV serials are shown on video-hosting platforms .

  15. 由于他对连环画事业的贡献,他甚至在火热的电视系列剧《英雄》中都有个公交司机的龙套角色,何况《英雄》中大量的成分是基于他的作品。

    He even has a cameo role in the popular TV series Heroes as a bus driver , for his contribution to the comics and the fact so much of Heroes is based on his work .

  16. 美国电视情节系列剧的叙事艺术

    The Narration Arts of American TV Melodrama Series

  17. 影评人罗杰·埃博特写道:“没有一部犯罪电影能像好家伙一样优秀-就连教父也不行”。好家伙给予了导演-大卫·蔡司许多的灵感,并让他创造出了家庭影院频道的电视系列大剧-“人在江湖”。

    Movie critic Roger Ebert wrote : " No finer film has ever been made about organized crime - not even The Godfather . " Goodfellas inspired director David Chase to make the smash-hit HBO television series The Sopranos .

  18. 《超越罪恶》:我罗列此表的一个标准之一就是电视剧的长度,一部超过100集的电视系列剧肯定要比一部刚刚开始播映的更受青睐。

    Breaking Bad : One of my criteria for this list was that volume matters : a series with over a hundred episodes is to be preferred over one that just began .

  19. 在日本,电视卡通是个大生意,每个星期会制作出大约40部新的电视动画系列剧。

    Television cartoons are big business in Japan , where around 40 new animated TV series are produced every week .

  20. 首映式令人印象最深刻的不是电视剧本身(在我看来有点拼拼凑凑的),而是一部电视系列剧竟能引发这么多知识界人士的评论与兴奋。

    But what was most memorable about the event was not the actual show ( which in my view was somewhat patchy ) , but the fact that a television series was generating so much intellectual buzz and frisson in the first place .