
  • 网络The Sacred Mission
  1. 作品激发出来的高尚情感,崇高信念和神圣的使命感,激励了千千万万的将士和人民大众为中国的解放事业和建设事业勇往直前。

    The lofty emotion and concept and the sacred mission of his works have inspired thousands of soldiers and the masses to devote themselves to the cause of the liberation of the motherland and the building of national .

  2. 奉献三峡:一个神圣的使命

    Dedication to The Three Gorges , a Holy Mission

  3. 作为绿色青年:创造绿色,是我们神圣的使命;

    As green youth : The creation green , is our sacred mission ;

  4. 在新的世纪里,报刊编辑肩负着光荣而神圣的使命。一位称职的当代编辑,应是真理的传播者;

    In the new century , the editorial department shoulders the divine mission .

  5. 因而,中国企业的海外直接投资肩负着神圣的使命。

    Therefore , China 's enterprises ' direct overseas investment undertakes a sacred mission .

  6. 神圣的使命要求青年教师必须具备扎实的教学、科研能力和良好的职业道德素养。

    The profession itself requires that they have solid capability in both teaching and research and sound professional ethics .

  7. “你们肯定会完成此次光荣而神圣的使命。”在发射之前他对宇航员们讲道。

    " You will definitely accomplish this glorious and sacred mission ," he told the astronauts before the launching .

  8. 在这个竞争的社会里,每一位教育工作者都肩负着神圣的使命。

    In this competitive society , every educator shoulders the sane mission of making for a better future for education .

  9. 为此,必须有一大批政治合格,作风优良,敬业爱岗,业务精深的大学校长来组织领导高校完成这一神圣的使命。

    So a lot of presidents with qualified politics , excellent style of work , profound professional work are needed .

  10. 提利昂,有时候我真觉得艾里沙爵士说得没错,你的确是在嘲弄我们和我们神圣的使命。

    Sometimes I fear Ser Alliser saw you true , Tyrion . You do mock us and our noble purpose here .

  11. 以德治国,大学教育肩负着更加神圣的使命。

    If our nation is to be ruled by morality , then the duty of college moral education will be more sacred .

  12. 我感到这是一个神圣的使命,不仅仅是为了帮助人们,同时也是为了保存和发展我们的英语语言。

    I feel it is a crusade , not just to help people , but also to preserve and promote our English language .

  13. 这是一项极大的荣誉,我们整个团队都认为能够为利物浦这家伟大的球队工作是一件非常神圣的使命。

    It 's a privilege to be working for Liverpool and we all feel as though we are working for something greater than ourselves .

  14. 教书育人是教师的职责和神圣的使命。组织机构和职责

    To impart knowledge and educate people is the duty-bound mission of teachers , to fulfill which every teacher should make due efforts . Structure and Responsibility

  15. 人类赋予了奥林匹克神圣的使命,奥林匹克运动给予高度发展的人类文明带来了不竭的动力,奥林匹克是世界上最具活力的文化元素之一。

    Human beings give the Olympic sacred mission ; give a high degree of development to the Olympic movement of human civilization . The Olympic is the most dynamic element of culture .

  16. 完成祖国统一,是中国人民坚定不移的决心,是我们神圣的历史使命。

    The realization of the reunification of the motherland represents the Chinese people 's firm determination and our sacred historical mission .

  17. 反法西斯战争赋予文学庄严、神圣、峻急的使命,要求作家去表现战争,表现战争中的人和战争的环境,传达一种战争特殊氛围里的精神体验和道德反思。

    Anti-Fascist War endowed literature with solemn , sacred and urgent mission which demanded writers to displayed war , people in war and surroundings of the war , express mental feel and ethical thought in special condition .

  18. 教书育人永远是教师的神圣职责因此,大学生政治素质教育既是高等学校一项极其重要的任务,也是一项神圣的历史使命。

    Instructing the Youth is Always the Teacher 's Sacred Duty So , college students ' quality education is not only an important task , but also a historical mission for the university .