
  1. 我想起了阿信,一个像哥哥的男生!

    Reminds me of Oshin , a brother of the boys like !

  2. 在朋友离开的时候,我又留了纸条给阿信。

    I left a2nd note to aShin when my friend passed away .

  3. 在2011年上映的电影《翻滚吧!阿信》中,彭于晏扮演一位体操运动员。

    Peng played a gymnast in his 2011 movie Jump , A-Shin ! .

  4. “阿信”在哪一频道播出?

    What channel is oshin on ?

  5. 在阿信的店我们买了很多当地的小吃回家做手信。

    From " Ah Sin Shop " we bought quite number of local snack back as sovenir .

  6. 我听“在梅边”,是因为我在翻译阿信的歌词。

    I listened to " Beside the Plum Tree " because I was translating Ashin 's lyrics .

  7. 阿信很支持我们的项目,也给我们一些相关的壮语音乐和视频。

    Xiaoaxin very supportive of our project , but also give us some of the Zhuang-related music and video .

  8. 在此作者以格雷马斯的叙事动素理论为依托,尝试分析阿信和刘慧芳这两位女性人格建构的区别。

    This article uses the Greimas narrative theory to analyze the distinctions of the character construction between Oshin and Liu Huifang .

  9. 一些领导人在住持阿信督桑拿长老主张催促下,他们希望保持独立。

    Some DKBA leaders say they want to keep their organization independent upon the urging of the influential abbot , Ashin Thuzana .

  10. 所以,阿信,是流行文化的巨星,也可以是21世纪新艺术领域里一颗闪亮的明星。

    Ashin is now a pop cultural star , and also may soon become a star within the realm of the new art of the21st century .