
dǎ ěr guāng
  • slap sb. in the face;box sb.'s ears
打耳光 [dǎ ěr guāng]
  • [slap sb. in the face;box sb.'s ears] 张开手掌狠狠地击打面颊

  • 打孩子一个耳光

打耳光[dǎ ěr guāng]
  1. 菲菲铁青着脸,站起来狠狠扇了我一巴掌,这是我长这么大第一次在公众场合被人打耳光。

    Luxuriant and beautiful is livid face , stand up firm firm fan my spank , this is I grow so great first time to be in public circumstance by person slap sb in the face .

  2. 似乎再次链松散,我可以听到它打耳光。

    The chain again seemed loose , and I could hear it slapping .

  3. 这是打耳光的艺术。

    This is the art of slap boxing .

  4. 你究竟怎么哪&打耳光羞屏你也不走吗?

    What-after all-my insulting slap , too !

  5. 我真的觉得自己打耳光她!

    I really felt like slapping her !

  6. 你跟驴子开玩笑,将被驴尾打耳光。

    Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail .

  7. 被打耳光的这个人什么话也没有说,只是在沙子上写上:“今天,我最好的朋友在我脸上打了一耳光。”

    The one who was slapped didn 't say anything but wrote on the sand : " Today , my best friend slapped me in my face . "

  8. 如果你在童年时期经常被打耳光,你的不良行为会更多。但是你会学会怎样能不被抓到。

    If you were spanked often as a child , you 'll likely resort to misbehaving even more , but you 'll learn how to do it without getting caught .

  9. 打耳光的声音还未消失,卡巴顿腾然从椅子上喷发出来,劳拉的父亲就直直仰卧在地板上了。

    Before the sound of the slap died , Cal Barton had erupted out of his chair with smooth grace and Nora 's father was lying flat on his back on the floor .

  10. 他偶尔会推搡她或是打她的耳光。

    He would push or slap her once in a while

  11. 如果你再打扰我,我将打你耳光。

    If you annoy me much more , I 'll box your ears .

  12. 你们若不规矩.我会打你们耳光的!

    If you don 't behave yourselves I 'll box your ears !

  13. v.掌击,掌掴她因那男孩不听话而打他耳光,然后他开始哭泣。

    slap She slapped the boy on the cheek for disobedience , and he began to cry .

  14. 广告金主是智能游戏《恐怖极限》,周末,这款游戏广告出现在用户的Snapchat中,询问用户想打蕾哈娜耳光还是胖揍克里斯·布朗。

    The ad was for a smartphone game called Would You Rather that appeared inside Snapchat over the weekend asking users if they would rather slap Rihanna or punch Chris Brown .

  15. 孩子不耐烦了,被大人打了耳光;

    Children became fidgety and got cuffed by the adults ;

  16. 她打他耳光作为对他的侮辱的回敬。

    She retaliated to his insults by slapping his face .

  17. 她用力地打他耳光。

    She hit / struck him hard on the face .

  18. 一定是一种被人打了耳光的感觉。

    It must feel like a slap on the face .

  19. 他的鲁莽迫使她打他耳光。

    His impudence provoked her into slapping his face .

  20. 宁可让贤明的人打一耳光,也不愿傻瓜来亲一口。

    Better a slap from the wise than a kiss from a fool .

  21. 假使她起来打你耳光?

    Suppose she ups and slaps your face ?

  22. 我手痒,很想打他的耳光。

    My fingers itch to box his ears .

  23. 她打他耳光,骂他,但他没还手。

    She slapped him and called him nanes , but he didn 't react .

  24. 我妈妈会为此打你们耳光的。

    My ma 's gonna slapyou for this .

  25. 他突然打我耳光。

    He slapped me all of a sudden .

  26. 爸爸,爷爷刚才打我耳光。

    He cried , Father , my grandpa just now slapped me in the face .

  27. 让它打妈妈耳光有用吗?

    Does smacking the mother ever help ?

  28. 你为何打他的耳光?

    Why did you box his ears ?

  29. 她看着他,像就要打他的耳光似的。

    She looked at him as though she were about to fly at his face .

  30. 打你耳光!

    I 'll box your ears !