
dǎ zhàng
  • fight;go to war;make war;fight a war;take up the hatchet;combat
打仗 [dǎ zhàng]
  • (1) [make war;fight a war]∶进行战争;作战

  • (2) [take up the hatchet]∶上战场卖命

  • 引诱印第安人为英国打仗

打仗[dǎ zhàng]
  1. 他协助招募志愿者到巴基斯坦打仗。

    He helped to recruit volunteers to go to Pakistan to fight .

  2. 我父亲确实离开了大学去和德国人打仗了。

    My father did leave his university to fight the Germans

  3. 自三月份起这个国家就准备要打仗。

    The country has been on a war footing since March .

  4. 这个国家正在打仗。

    The country is now at war .

  5. 最近15年来他们一直在打仗。

    They 've been at war for the last fifteen years .

  6. 索尼娅的丈夫正在前线打仗。

    Sonja 's husband is fighting at the front .

  7. 英格兰不想打仗,但也不想丢面子。

    England doesn 't want a war but it doesn 't want to lose face

  8. 美国不敢打仗。

    America has no stomach for a fight

  9. 我们身处柏林的人在1941年初几乎感受不到正在打仗。

    We in Berlin hardly knew a war was on during the early part of 1941 .

  10. 如果我是个年轻人,我宁愿进监狱也不愿为这个国家打仗。

    If I were a young man I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country

  11. 这种非正规打仗的责任是很大的。

    This irregular fighting was a thing of much responsibility .

  12. 现在,我们用枪打仗。

    Now , we fight with guns .

  13. 的的确确的,先生,他们把所有愿意打仗的犯人都放掉。

    Yes , sir , they turned loose every convict who was willing to fight .

  14. 骑士穿着盔甲打仗。

    Knights fought in armour .

  15. 打仗之前,指挥官下令给战神供奉两只小公牛。

    Before the battle , the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the God of war .

  16. 男孩们用木头做的假木剑玩打仗游戏。

    The boys played soldier with dummy swords made of wood .

  17. 这是万军之耶和华点齐军队,预备打仗

    The LORD Almighty is mustering an army for war .

  18. 古希腊人在打仗前用羊和小牛作祭品。

    The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle .

  19. 一名参与者梦见一条吃素的鳄鱼因为无法吃小孩而感到苦恼,另一名参与者则梦见用小猫而非枪支打仗的士兵。

    One participant detailed5 dreaming about a vegetarian6 crocodile who was distressed7 about not being able to eat children , while another dreamed of soldiers who fought with kittens instead of guns .

  20. 不要眼红别人比你做得好,只需要每天打破你自己的记录,因为成功是你和自己打仗。

    Don ’ t be jealous that people have done better than you.All you need to do is keep breaking your own record every day , for success is a fight between you and yourself .

  21. 打仗勇敢能为他的亲人和家乡增光。

    Bravery brought face to his kin and his home village .

  22. •“吃货:嘴巴停不住,吃东西像打仗”

    • " the glutton , overeating and eating too fast "

  23. 要不要我都送过去?那么谁去打仗?

    Should I send them all ? Who 'll fight then ?

  24. 那么我们要教你们的人怎么打仗?

    So who will we be training your boys to fight ?

  25. 你去打仗有何意?

    What were you trying to prove by going to war ?

  26. 去带领萨凡纳的年轻人去打仗。

    To lead the young men of savannah in to battle .

  27. 当他们说要打仗时.他们总是信守承诺的

    When they talk about war , they keep their word .

  28. 美国已武装起来,准备打仗。

    The United States armed itself in preparation for the war .

  29. 作为一个相信耶稣的人,每一天,你都要与三个敌人在打仗。

    As God 's child you daily face these 3 enemies .

  30. 他们让我们去打仗,就吃这个?

    They are asking me to fight , eating this ?