
dǎ bǐ
  • compare;draw an analogy;make an analogy
打比 [dǎ bǐ]
  • (1) [draw an analogy]∶比方

  • 讲抽象的事情,拿具体的东西来打比,就容易使人明白

  • (2) [compare]〈方〉∶比较

  • 他六十多岁了,怎能跟小伙子打比呢

打比[dǎ bǐ]
  1. 讲抽象的事情,拿具体的东西来打比,就容易使人明白。

    When you talk about abstract things , people can understand you better if you draw concrete analogies .

  2. 打比刚打的牌更高的牌。

    Play a higher card than the one previously played .

  3. 有冇人想去睇或参加比赛?有的话打比我。

    Anyone want to go and compete ? give me a call if you want .

  4. 他个子很高,和费利克斯差不多,身体肥胖,用枪打比瘦子好击中。

    He was tall , about Feliks ' height , and beefy , easier to shoot than a small man .

  5. 这种举动并未引起我的特别注意,因为我看过普通人民被打比狗被打更为平常。

    There was nothing in this action to attract my particular attention , for I had seen common people struck more commonly than dogs .

  6. 他会把你打得比现在还要,惨。

    Now he will beat you uglier than Ya are now .

  7. 打篮球比打排球更加令人兴奋。

    Playing basketball is a lot more exciting than playing volleyball .

  8. 打小孩比养小孩容易。

    It 's easier to beat a child than raise it .

  9. 舞跳得比我好,网球打得比我好

    You 're a better dancer , a better tennis player .

  10. 比尔对吉姆的打篮球比踢足球安全的说法提出异议。

    Bill challenged Jim 's remark that basketball is safer than football .

  11. 她酬球打得比我好得多。

    She is much better at tennis than I am .

  12. 你、我、没有人,能打得比伤病还重。

    You , me and nobody is gonna hit as hard as Injuries .

  13. 今天他的水平没有发挥出来,他通常打得比这好。

    This is one of his off days ; he usually plays better .

  14. 而且他打篮球比任何别的同学都好。

    And he play basketball better than anyone else .

  15. 在这个过程中,你会打它比以往明快、直!

    In the process , you will hit it crisper and straighter than ever !

  16. 但是我觉得打电话比发电邮费钱。

    But I think making a phone call is more expensive than sending an email .

  17. 你不是他的对手,他打网球比你强得多。

    You 're no match for him ; phe plays tennis far better than you .

  18. 我没能抓住好机会,她打得比我更具有侵略性。

    I never took the good opportunities and she was much more aggressive than me .

  19. 你们若不能打得比对手好,就将被击垮。

    You don 't play as well as your opponents , they could take your seat .

  20. 白蚁和其他昆虫是它的主食,因为它打不过比它大的动物。

    Termites and other insects are its main food , because it cannot fight bigger animals .

  21. 某种程度来说,玩家打电玩比大多数人工作还要认真。

    In some ways , gamers work harder at their games than most people do at their jobs .

  22. 巴塞罗那打得比我们好,他们控制了比赛,创造了很多机会。应该获胜。

    Barcelona played better than us , they controlled the game , created more opportunities and they deserved to win .

  23. 但是,不管你有什么愚蠢的理由,地球人都知道火箭打马刺比打爵士更有信心。

    But for whatever goofy reason , the Rockets seem to have more confidence against the Spurs than against the physical Jazz .

  24. 没有人敢把球打得比一支短打更远,艾美特,罗莎莉和贾斯帕一直在内野里徘徊着。

    No one dared to hit harder than a bunt , and Emmett , Rosalie , and Jasper hovered in the infield .

  25. 全明星之后就没有太多建树了。我认为他今年打了比他之前都要多的比赛。

    Then after the all-star break did not have much success so I think he played more games this year than he has every played by far .

  26. 我们必须记住,打地基比砌墙更需要坚实,长期目标脱离了扎实的短期目标的实现是不能实现的。

    It should be remembered that just as building is no stronger than its foundation , long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals .

  27. 在规模最大的大学联盟电竞赛事中,如今有上万学生在打,比去年多了4400人,而且比在大学一级联盟打篮球的队员还多了4600人。

    More than 10,000 students now play in the biggest college league , 4,400 more than last year and 4,600 more than the number of men who play on Division I college basketball teams .

  28. 活动的组织者表示,麻将竞聘发起于2012年,至今已有很高的人气。主要在男性学生中受欢迎,雇主们也很喜欢。雇主说,打麻将比冗长的简历更能反映应聘者的情况。

    Organisers said the recruiting tournaments began in 2012 and had gained popularity , mostly among male students , and also with hirers , who say the game revealed more about the candidates than just long pages of resumes .

  29. 其他项目亮点频出乒乓球女单8级决赛,中国选手茅经典和黄文娟打成3比1,分获冠亚军,茅经典实现了该项目三连冠。

    During the women 's singles class 8 table tennis final , China 's Mao Jingdian won 3-1 against her teammate Huang Wenjuan , dominating the event with her third straight gold medals .

  30. 我们打得不比平时好,也不比平时糟。

    We played no better or wores than usual .