
  • 网络stoke;Stoker;Bram Stoker;stork;Stokke
  1. 《Variety》杂志最先报道称,马克·加蒂斯和史蒂文·莫法特目前正在制作布莱姆·斯托克故事的新版本。

    As first reported by Variety , Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat are currently working on a fresh version of Bram Stoker 's tale .

  2. 一个新的版本,由爱尔兰作家ColmTóibín写的介绍,将于今年出版纪念斯托克去世一百周年。

    A new edition , with an introduction by the Irish writer Colm T ó ib í n , was published this year to mark the centenary of Stoker 's death .

  3. 他们刚在斯托克地区开了一家新宾馆。

    They 've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area

  4. 他的一位朋友正在斯托克举办宴会。

    A friend of his is having a do in Stoke

  5. 出现这个问题最严重的地区是蒂斯河畔斯托克顿和斯托克城,在过去三年里,生活在那里的人们的平均寿命下降了九个多月。

    The problem emerges as worst in places like Stockton-on-Tees and Stoke-on-Trent , where life expectancy 's fallen more than nine months in the last three years .

  6. 他们也有同样的感觉。斯托克-洪堡格和她的同事们指出“闷爆”现象的三个主要方面:“感到非常无聊、陷入成长危机和意义危机。”

    Stock-Homburg and her colleagues have identified three main aspects of the boreout phenomenon : " being terribly bored , having a crisis of growth and having a crisis of meaning " .

  7. 应用斯托克司方法与莫洛金斯基理论计算重力似大地水准面,然后用GPS水准进行拟合校正以提高精度。

    The correction of GPS leveling calculates geoid and improves precision with satisfied achievements .

  8. CdS纳米棒呈现出明显的量子限域效应,并具有较大的斯托克位移现象。

    Obvious quantum confinement effect and large Stokes shift are observed from the CdS NRs .

  9. 斯托克欧洲基督教指数(stoxxeuropechristianindex)由533家欧洲公司股票组成,他们的收入都来自宗教人士认可的来源。

    The Stoxx Europe Christian index is comprised of 533 European companies that only derive revenues from religiously approved sources .

  10. 由于流浪者和巴伦西亚战平,这场胜利也让曼联占据了C组头名的位置。马切达现在正专注准备联赛对斯托克的比赛。

    Allied to Rangers'draw with Valencia , victory puts United in control of Group C in the Champions League , and Macheda is now focused on Sunday 's Premier League trip to Stoke .

  11. 斯托克表示,一个包括梵蒂冈代表在内的委员会负责筛选股票,这些股票是从斯托克欧洲600指数(stoxxeurope600index)成份股中挑选出来的。

    A committee , which Stoxx says includes representatives of the Vatican , screens shares , which are drawn from the Stoxx Europe 600 index .

  12. “因为我们学院和大学的卓越性和多样性,在世界范围内有更多学生正选择在美国学习,”助理国务卿(R)安?斯托克说。

    " Because of the excellence and diversity of our colleges and universities , more students worldwide are choosing to study in the United States ," said Ann Stock , Assistant Secretary of State ( R ) .

  13. 来自英国特伦特河畔斯托克市康布里其区DIS窑炉公司的工程师对该窑炉设计进行了一些改造,并随同新间歇窑安装一并完成。

    Engineers from DIS Kilns of Cobridge , Stoke-on-Trent , UK , designed changes to the kiln , to be implemented along with the installation of the new periodic .

  14. 花旗集团(Citigroup)高管布莱恩•斯托克则在曼哈顿的联邦法庭被控在知晓该行对赌计划的同时,仍然向客户出售债务抵押债券(collateralizeddebtobligations)。

    Citigroup ( c ) executive Brian stoker is facing allegations in federal court in Manhattan that he sold collateralized debt obligations to clients despite knowing that Citi was planning to bet against those same assets .

  15. 宾利总裁沃尔夫冈•施莱博这个月在斯托克向《前哨报》(TheSentinel)暗示,全新SUV可能会搭载暂不说明的“绿色技术”&可能是指混动引擎。

    Bentley chairman Wolfgang Schreiber hinted to the sentinel newspaper in Stoke-on-Trent , England earlier this month that a new SUV could include unspecified " green technologies " & perhaps a hybrid engine .

  16. 阿迪达斯首席财务官罗宾•斯托克(RobinStalker)表示,他预测,该公司毛利润率将超过48%,此前的预测是47.5%至48%之间。

    Robin Stalker , chief financial officer of Adidas , said he expected a gross margin of more than 48 per cent compared with a previous forecast between 47.5 and 48 per cent .

  17. 英国斯托克大学皇家医院发现其病房成为了“口袋妖怪”(现实增强宠物养成对战类RPG手游)的道馆,玩家可在道馆中训练其新捕捉的任天堂精灵。

    Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit is on the same spot as a Pokemon Go ' gym " - where players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures .

  18. 在声明中,瑞银表示,损失是在过去3个月内投资标普500指数(s&p500)、dax指数和欧元区斯托克指数(eurostoxx)等股指期货造成的。

    In its statement , the bank alleged that the losses had been built up over the past three months in S & P 500 , DAX and euro Stoxx index futures .

  19. 斯托克后卫赖恩。邵克罗斯在铲断Ramsey腿的问题上打破沉默,说他现在还没有接到阿森纳中场的任何回音。

    Ryan Shawcross , the Stoke City defender , has broken his silence on the tackle that broke Aaron Ramsey 's leg and said that he is yet to receive any contact from the Arsenal midfield player .

  20. 在斯托克城(Stoke-on-Trent)的陶器厂,英籍日本人金子玲子(ReikoKaneko)将日本元素与英国几个世纪以来在生产瓷器方面的专长相融合。

    Working from her pottery in Stoke-on-Trent , Anglo-Japanese ceramic designer Reiko Kaneko fuses Japanese principles with centuries of British expertise in the production of porcelain .

  21. 斯托克的第一本完整的书,是早些时候在都柏林写的,一本名叫《TheDutiesofClerksofPettySessions》的非小说,紧随其后的是小说、演讲稿、短篇故事、文章、连续剧和两卷欧文回忆录。

    Stoker 's first full-length book , written earlier in Dublin , was a piece on non-fiction entitled The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland , and was followed by novels , lectures , short stories , articles , serials and a two-volume memoir of Irving .

  22. 斯托克首席执行官哈特穆格拉夫(hartmutgraf)表示:“越来越多的投资者要求推出一个透明度高的指数,帮助各大基金购买那些与宗教原则相容、赚钱方式符合基督教价值观的公司的股票。”

    Hartmut Graf , chief executive of Stoxx , said : " there has been more and more investor demand for a transparent index that helps funds buy stocks of companies that are religiously compliant and make revenues in line with Christian values . "

  23. 如果想要的话他可以娶斯托克步里奇夫人?

    Could have married lady Stockbridge if he 'd wanted to ?

  24. 本文作者为历史学家、英国中特伦特河畔斯托克选区工党议员

    The writer is a historian and Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central

  25. 第二部分:斯托克豪森的音乐观念。

    The second chapter is titled as Music Concepts of Stockhausen .

  26. 这比我对斯托克那个球的庆祝动作好了不少。

    It 's an improvement on my celebration against Stoke though .

  27. 垃圾热处理新技术&斯托克焚烧技术

    New Thermal Treatment Technology Used in Waste Management System & Stoker

  28. 包头矿的拉曼光谱谱线的斯托克加宽

    Study on the Raman Spectra of Baotite Stark Width of Spectral Line

  29. 没错,乔治•斯托克终于成功了,但差点搭上了自己的性命。

    George stalk had succeeded & practically to his grave .

  30. 葛林斯托克说,相关谈将于下周恢复。

    Greenstock said the related talks will resume next week .