
  • 网络BOOTS
  1. 根据博姿网站,PregnacareMax维生素是给准妈妈的“终极方程式”。

    Pregnacare Max , according to the Boots website , is " the ultimate formula " for mums-to-be .

  2. 巴拉现在担任联合博姿(AllianceBoots)批发和品牌业务的首席执行官,此前管理过这家医药企业,后来又收购了它。

    Barra , now chief executive , wholesale and brands for alliance boots , subsequently managed the pharmacy , and then bought it .

  3. 联合博姿周日称,已斥资5600万英镑收购南京医药(NanjingPharmaceutical)的12%股权。以销售额衡量,南京医药是中国第五大医药批发商。

    Alliance Boots said on Sunday that it had spent £ 56m to acquire a 12 per cent holding in Nanjing Pharmaceutical , the fifth largest pharmaceutical wholesaler in China by sales .

  4. 私募股权公司已经拿下了一些商业街上最耳熟能详的私人公司,包括博姿、j.crew、玩具反斗城和汉堡王。

    Private-equity companies have taken some of the most familiar names on the high street private , including boots , J.Crew , toys " R " us , and Burger King .

  5. 分开购买维生素药片通常比维生素复合制剂便宜-博姿卖的维D90片1.09英镑,但是宝宝得到的维生素肯定是越多越好吗?

    Buying both tablets separately is usually cheaper than multivitamin preparations - Boots sells vitamin D at ? 1.09 for 90 tablets . But surely the more vitamins your developing baby gets , the better ?

  6. 此笔交易将令联合博姿的批发业务扩大至15个国家。

    That expands Alliance Boots ' wholesale operations to 15 countries .

  7. 联合博姿的零售业务大多在英国,在那里,该公司遇到了来自超市连锁店日益激烈的竞争。

    Most of Alliance Boots ' retail business is in the UK , where it faces intensifying competition from supermarket chains .

  8. 许多银行都不愿意发放贷款,就像他们也不愿意为一桩涉及英国医药经销连锁商联合博姿公司的交易放款一样。

    Banks will hold those loans , as they will for a similar deal involving Alliance Boots , a British pharmacy chain .

  9. 联合博姿将利用现有资源,通过一家英国子公司进行此次收购。美国美华公司将持有这家子公司20%的股权。

    Alliance Boots will make the acquisition from existing resources through a UK subsidiary in which BMP will take a 20 per cent stake .

  10. 联合博姿称,南京医药在江苏省市场具有重要地位,并在8个省的12个城市设有经销中心。

    Alliance boots said it had a strong market position in its home province of Jiangsu , operating distribution centres in 12 cities across eight provinces .

  11. 博姿是孕期产品的赢家,所以一定有对孕妇实用的产品对,对吧?

    It 's the winner of pregnancy product of the year for Boots , so it has to be something that 's great for pregnant women , right ?

  12. 为了应对这种需求,我们推出了博姿直发膏,这款产品可以使头发永久变直,这样,女性们就不用再费那么多时间用直发器拉直头发了。

    In response , we have launched the Boots straighten kit , which works to permanently straighten hair , reducing the amount of time a woman will spend with her straightening irons .