
  • 网络dudley;Bill Dudley;William Dudley;Jared Dudley
  1. 达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。

    Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity

  2. 达德利表示,bp将任命一个直接向他汇报的新安全总管,负责的部门有权干预公司的任何业务。

    Mr Dudley said BP was appointing a new safety head , reporting to him , in charge of a division with the authority to intervene in any company operation .

  3. 据BP石油公司伦敦办公室所说,达德利(BobDudley)将向BP集团行政总裁海沃德(TonyHayward)汇报工作。

    According to the firm 's London office , he will report to Tony Hayward , BP 's group chief executive .

  4. 在ABC新闻中,BP董事总经理达德利(BobDudley)表示,深海机器人将切断破裂的管道。

    On ABC News , BP managing director Bob Dudley said underwater robots will move in tosaw off the top of the broken pipe .

  5. 澳大利亚工业矿物有限公司(industrialmetalscompanyofaustralia)常务董事达德利金司诺司(dudleykingsnorth)表示,贸易商当中有传言称,中方已实施了非正式禁令。

    Dudley Kingsnorth , executive director of the industrial metals company of Australia , said there was talk among traders that an informal ban had been implemented .

  6. 在欧文辞职10天前,秋明BP首席执行官罗伯特•达德利(RobertDudley)离开俄罗斯,原因是受到迫害和签证问题。

    James Owen 's resignation comes ten days after Robert Dudley , TNK-BP 's chief executive , left Russia , citing a campaign of harassment and visa doubts .

  7. 克里姆林宫(还有aar)并不想再次赶走达德利先生,他们热衷的,是吸引bp更深入地参与俄罗斯商业活动,并增加对bp的影响力。

    Rather than wanting to chase Mr Dudley away again , the Kremlin ( and AAR ) are keen to draw BP deeper into Russian business and gain more influence over it .

  8. 现在负责处理墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件的是墨西哥湾海岸恢复组织总裁兼首席执行官达德利(BobDudley)。

    The man now in charge of BP 's Gulf team is Bob Dudley , president and chief executive officer of the company 's Gulf Coast Restoration Organization .

  9. 市场一旦出现崩盘,达德利将在稳定市场方面发挥关键作用,就像对冲基金长期资本管理公司(longtermcapitalmanagement)濒临破产之后,其前任之一彼得费希尔(peterfisher)所做的那样。

    Mr Dudley would also play a crucial role in stabilising the markets in the event of a meltdown , as one of his predecessors , Peter Fisher , did following the near collapse of long term capital management , the hedge fund .

  10. 如果你想知道美国的政策有可能达到多激进的程度,可以听一听纽约联储主席威廉•达德利(WilliamDudley)近期的一番讲话。

    If you wish to understand how aggressive US policy might become , read a recent speech by William Dudley , president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York .

  11. 达德利表示,在过去,BP支付的股息非常高,这大幅减少了公司的现金流,并可能影响其继续投资的能力。

    Bob Dudley said that in the past BP had paid a very high dividend which took a lot of the free cash flow of the company [ and ] which probably constrained some of its ability to continue to invest .

  12. 预计鲍勃达德利(BobDudley)将会接替唐熙华。达德利出生于纽约,是BP美洲与亚洲业务的董事总经理,过去六周内,他一直在负责BP的堵油工作。

    He is expected to be replaced by Bob Dudley , the New York-born managing director for the Americas and Asia , who has been running BP 's response to the spill for the past six weeks .

  13. 达德利是在纽约经济俱乐部(EconomicClubofNewYork)演讲时发表上述言论的。这番言论显示,当看到有证据表明经济强劲到足以维持目前的就业增速时,美联储很可能会放慢QE3的速度。

    Mr Dudley 's remarks , made in a speech at the Economic Club of New York , suggest that the Fed is likely to taper QE3 when it sees evidence that the economy is strong enough to maintain the current pace of job growth .

  14. 达德利(BobDudley)来自墨西哥湾密西西比州。BP石油公司仍在继续防止石油泄漏,应对这次漏油造成的经济损失,达德利(BobDudley)目前已经成为这项工作的核心人物。

    Dudley , an American from the Gulf state of Mississippi , is now the high-profile point man for the embattled company as it continues to stop the gusher and deal with the economic damage it is causing .

  15. 他表示:随后若出现任何不利消息,都可能促使我支持再次加快(资产购买计划)的速度。达德利的这番话与美联储主席本·伯南克(BenBernanke)在近日新闻发布会上的言论相一致。

    Any subsequent bad news could lead me to favour dialling [ asset purchases ] back up again , said Mr Dudley , mirroring a comment by Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , at his recent press conference .

  16. 此后,尽管英国石油首席执行官唐熙华(TonyHayward)声称将在上周末之前透露达德利的行踪,但迄今一直秘而不宣。

    Mr Dudley 's location has been kept secret ever since , in spite of an assertion by Tony Hayward , BP 's chief executive , that it would be disclosed by the end of last week .

  17. 达德利在负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)中是个著名的鸽派。他的这番言论表明,美联储QE3减速已成共识。

    The comments by a prominent dove on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee show that there is a consensus on tapering off the Fed 's third round of quantitative easing .

  18. 预期海沃德将离职,而前Amoco职员,现美国BP高级官员达德利(RobertDudley)将接任英石油CEO。

    The expectation is that Tony Hayward will be out , Bob Dudley , Robert Dudley , formerly of Amoco and the senior man for BP in the United States will take over as the CEO of BP . Get inside !

  19. 他住在麻省达德利小农场。

    He lives on a micro farm in Dudley , Massachusetts .

  20. 达德利老师:早上7点45分吃早餐,然后上学。

    Miss Dudley : At7:45 have breakfast , then off to school .

  21. 伊丽莎白立刻把达德利送走直至猜疑散去。

    Elizabeth immediately sent Dudley away until cleared of suspicion .

  22. 达德利如今站到了台前,可惜为时太晚。

    Mr Dudley has now come to the fore , too late .

  23. 达德利的比分愈差,他的胃就痛得愈厉害。

    The worse dudley 's game got the more his stomach ached .

  24. 达德利有妻子,但有一天却突然死了。

    Dudley had a wife , but one day she died very suddenly .

  25. 今天一定要事事顺利,因为是乖儿子达德利的生日。

    I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley 's special day !

  26. 达德利:喂,我是达德利.琼斯。你是马可.史密斯吗?

    Dudley : Hello , this is Dudley Jones . Is that Mark Smith ?

  27. 达德利:嗯,不知道你可不可以帮帮忙。

    Dudley : Well , I wondered if you could do me a favor .

  28. 对达德利而言,这很值得,他的微笑也变得十分明显。

    And it was worth it for Dudley , whose smile turned out looking remarkable .

  29. 达德利老师的首项挑战是如何让洛蕾塔开始做功课。

    Miss Dudley 's first challenge will be how to get Loretta to start doing homework .

  30. 达德利的父亲因叛国罪被处决,与丧母的伊丽莎白同病相怜。

    Dudley 's father had been executed for treason , so both were orphans of the scaffold .