
  • 网络Ferdinand;Rio Ferdinand;Ferdinando;Les Ferdinand
  1. 费迪南统治的最后十年

    The last ten years of King Ferdinand 's reign .

  2. 我想他对费迪南的荧光幕也做了相同的事。

    I think he did the same to Les Ferdinand 's screen .

  3. 他说:我对费迪南不太感冒。

    He said : 'I 'm not sure about Ferdinand .

  4. 我是因为与费迪南相恋才结婚的。

    I married Ferdinand for love .

  5. 直到1479年费迪南的父亲去世,他合法地成为阿拉贡国王。

    By 1479 Ferdinand 's father was dead and he was King of Aragon in his own right .

  6. 但普洛斯彼罗的报复计划遭到了挫败,因为他的女儿爱上了国王的儿子费迪南。

    However , Prospero 's plans for revenge are thwarted when his daughter meets the king 's son , Ferdinand .

  7. 伊莎贝拉回到北方以王冠作抵押募集资金,费迪南转移至格拉纳达东北部的巴萨。

    Isabella went back north to pawn the crown itself for cash ; Ferdinand moved to Baza , northeast of Grana - da .

  8. 内维尔禁赛,所以奥谢会首发。但我不知道费迪南德行不行。

    Gary is suspended so John O'Shea will be ready to play , but I don 't know if Rio will make it .

  9. 周三对巴伦西亚的欧冠比赛,弗格森爵士将给费迪南的机会证明自己的身体状态。

    Sir Alex Ferguson will give Rio Ferdinand every chance to prove his fitness ahead of United 's clash with Valencia on Wednesday night .

  10. 他残杀萨阿拉的居民,摩尔人在利亚给予费迪南的打击是其军人生涯中最惨的。

    He massacred the inhabitants of Zahara , and at Lija the Moors inflicted on Ferdinand the worst defeat of his career as a soldier .

  11. 然而,费迪南大公的司机不慎迷路,将车停在途中一家店门前时,谋杀费迪南大公的凶手正巧在那家店里享受着自己的午餐三明治。

    While lost , the driver ended up right in front of a shop where the archduke 's fated killer had been lunching on a sandwich .

  12. “那是一个非常轻微的接触,绝对不可能让一个胖子像中枪一样在地上打滚,”费迪南的说。

    " There was the slightest contact but not enough to make a fella who is12 or13 stone fall on the floor like that ," said Ferdinand .

  13. 最终,费迪南大公并未被刺客谋杀,此次事件之后,他还下令汽车司机载其前往医院看望了那次爆炸事件中受伤的手下。

    Eventually , the archduke ended up lost and off course because he asked his chauffeur to take him to the hospital to visit the people wounded in the blast .

  14. 在八月公共假期的周末,预计将有多达55000人来参加该音乐节,届时,像弗朗兹·费迪南和恺撒·切佛斯这些英国顶级乐队也会到场献艺。

    Up to 55000 people are expected to attend on the weekend of the August Bank Holiday , and top British acts such as Franz Ferdinand and The Kaiser Chiefs will entertain the crowds .