
  • 网络PHILADELPHIA;The Philadelphia Story
  1. 我们的第一位嘉宾是真正的好莱坞明星他拍过《光荣》《黑潮》《费城故事》

    Our first guest is one of the Hollywood true movie stars with films like Glory , Malcolm X and Philadelphia .

  2. 他在《费城故事》里扮演的律师乔伊?米勒告诉我们他可以胜任任何一个普通人的角色,而在《生死豪情》中大家又见到了他作为一名英勇军官的另一面。

    As lawyer Joe Miller in Philadelphia , he showed us that he was more than capable of playing the everyman character , and in Courage Under Fire we saw him as a valiant military officer .