
  • 网络vivien;Vivien Leigh;Vivian Leigh;Vivian Mary Hartley
  1. 他成了费雯丽忠诚的朋友和给她安慰的人。

    He became Vivien Leigh 's devoted friend and comforter .

  2. 费雯丽(VivienLeigh)用的时间比李康生吃高丽菜的时间少得多,但传达出同样的绝望之感。

    In a tiny fraction of the time it takes for Mr. Lee to finish off that cabbage , Vivien Leigh conveys the same desperation .

  3. 墙壁上悬挂的照片告诉人们,60年来,富丽接待的贵宾包括圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)、尼赫鲁(Nehru)、劳伦斯·奥利维尔爵士(SirLaurenceOlivier)、格里高利·派克(GregoryPeck)和费雯丽(VivienLeigh)。

    As the photographs on the walls attested , the Folly 's 60-year-old guest dossier includes Mahatma Gandhi , Nehru , Sir Laurence Olivier , Gregory Peck and Vivien Leigh .

  4. 费雯丽的一生:成名与运气(1)

    Vivien Leigh 's Life : Fame and Fortune ( 1 )

  5. 劳伦斯·奥利维尔与费雯丽的爱情生活(2)

    Love Lives - Laurence Olivier & Vivien Leigh ( 2 )

  6. 费雯丽与奥利佛1940年结婚,婚姻维持21年;

    Feiwenli and Olive in1940 married , the marriage maintained for21 years ;

  7. 费雯丽:内心的斗争(2)

    Vivien Leigh : Internal Struggle ( 2 )

  8. 我喜欢费雯丽在《乱世佳人》中扮演的角色。

    I like the role Vivien Leigh played in " Gone With the Wind " .

  9. 电影刚拍摄完毕,费雯丽便马上为电影《蝴蝶梦》试镜。

    As soon as the filming was finished , Vivien did a screen test for the film , Rebecca .

  10. 自从寻找斯佳丽这一行动胜利告终后,费雯丽就大出风头,让盖博黯然失色。

    From the moment the search for Scarlet had been triumphantly concluded , Gable had been overshadowed by Vivian Leigh .

  11. 虽然费雯丽的南方美人口音有点不靠谱,但她穿战前服装的优雅方式无可挑剔。

    Vivien Leigh 's Southern-belle accent was slightly wonky , but the graceful way she wore her antebellum wardrobe was impeccable .

  12. 一九五一年的这部影片结果仍然造成轰动,也许是费雯丽最成功的作品,为她再次赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。

    The resulting film in l951 was still powerful , perhaps vivien 's finest achievement , winning her a second best actress oscar .

  13. 这部电视剧将会讲述费雯丽职业上的起起伏伏:她出生在英国统治下的印度,在1939年的《乱世佳人》中饰演郝思嘉、在1951年的《欲望号街车》中饰演布兰奇·杜波依斯,征服了好莱坞。

    The series will follow the ups and down of Leigh 's career : Born in British-ruled India , she went on to conquer Hollywood as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind ( 1939 ) and Blanche DuBois in the film version of A Streetcar Named Desire ( 1951 ) .