
  • 网络deliver the goods;Delivery of the goods;deliVery;Cargo Delivery
  1. 我们分批交付货物。

    We deliver the goods in batches .

  2. 第一,一种离开对政府管理经济的依赖而走向大为增强对市场能力的信心的动向,相信市场能够公平和交付货物。

    The first is a move away from counting on governments to manage economies and toward a much greater confidence in the ability of markets to function fairly and deliver the goods .

  3. 本项规定同样适用于未经WIRTGENCHINA事先同意改变所交付货物的情形。

    The same shall apply to any alterations made to the delivered goods without the prior consent of WIRTGEN CHINA .

  4. 对交付货物的瑕疵所作的质保承诺应当包含修复或更换(由WIRTGENCHINA选择)的瑕疵救济措施。

    The warranty against defects in the delivered goods shall comprise the remedy of defects either through repair or replacement , at WIRTGEN CHINA 's option .

  5. 所交付货物必须与样品一致。

    The goods delivered must be in conformity with the sample .

  6. 对凭银行保证书交付货物问题的探讨

    An Approach to the Delivery of Cargo against Bank Letter of guarantee

  7. 变更卸货地交付货物

    The cargo was discharged at San Francisco . Alteration Delivery

  8. 承运人需凭正本记名提单交付货物吗?

    Does carrier need to deliver goods by original straight bill of lading ?

  9. 关于无正本提单交付货物

    Delivery of Goods Without Original Bills of Lading

  10. 直接接收和交付货物的飞机传送处的雇员。

    An employee of a freight carrier who directs the receipt and delivery of goods .

  11. 船舶代理交付货物风险

    The cargo risks delivered by ship agents

  12. 以及买家可以减少对提供有关款项交付货物金额叛逃文章。

    As well BUYER can reduce an amount of payment for goods delivered on the sum of defected articles .

  13. 买卖双方的一个协议,按照这个协议,买方在生产和交付货物之后才付款。

    An arrangement between the buyer and Seller whereby the goods are manufactured and delivered before payment is required .

  14. 任何交付货物的卖方或服务代理买家不完全符合的陈述。保证。契约或其他义务的规定。

    Any GOODS DELIVERED by SELLER or SERVICE AGENT to BUYER that are not in full compliance with any representation .

  15. 请联络我们所提供的照会银行名单。承运人需凭正本记名提单交付货物吗?

    Please contact the references we have submitted . Does carrier need to deliver goods by original straight bill of lading ?

  16. 如果损失或损坏不明显,则通知应在交付货物的三天内提交。

    If the loss or damage is not apparent , the notice must be given within three days of the delivery .

  17. 但是,即使没有要求赔偿金,也并不能解除定约人交付货物的义务。

    However , there shall be no liquidated damages shall not release contractor from its obligation to deliver the delayed goods .

  18. 买方仅能够将软件和需要用到该软件的所交付货物一起使用。

    The Buyer may use the software only in conjunction with the delivered good for which the software is to be utilized .

  19. 如果卖方在规定的日期前交付货物,买方可以收取货物,也可以拒绝收取货物。

    If the seller delivers the goods before the fixed date , the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery .

  20. 但是,如果卖方已交付货物,买方就丧失宣告合同无效的权利。

    However , in cases where the seller has delivered the goods , the buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided .

  21. 提前交付货物的,到期付款日应当以原先已达成一致的交付日期为起算点。

    In case of acceptance of early deliveries , the due date for payment shall be based on the originally agreed delivery date .

  22. 出于一些商业原因,在向客户交付货物时,销售商通常不愿意向客户透露商品的实际价值。

    For business reasons , the sellers may not want to reveal the actual commercial value of the goods to the buyers upon delivery .

  23. 交付货物的技术规格应与本招标文件中技术规格的规定相一致。

    The technical specifications of the goods to be delivered shall be in conformity with those specified in the technical specifications of the bidding documents .

  24. 这包括销售时(网上或通过电话)的事务以及在向客户交付货物前的最后检查。

    This includes transactions at the time of sale ,( either on the Web or by phone ), as well as a final check before the delivery of goods to customers .

  25. 交付货物是货物运输合同下承运人的主要义务之一,也是运输合同的主要目的之一。

    To deliver cargo is one of the main obligations of the carrier under the contract of carriage , and also one of the main purposes of the contract of carriage .

  26. 承运人应对其接收货物时起至交付货物时止的货物灭失或损坏负责。

    The carrier shall be liable for loss of or damage to the goods occurring between the time when he receives the goods into his charge and the time of delivery .

  27. 对货物的权利包括拒绝交付货物的权利、留置权、停止货物送运、转卖货物的权利。

    The rights against the goods include a right to withhold delivery of goods , to a lien , to stop the goods in transit and a right to resell the goods .

  28. 第四章分析了控制权与中途停运权、交付货物、提取货物、权利凭证、权利转让之间的关系,从控制权与其他制度的关系角度考察了控制权的影响。

    The fifth chapter discusses the relation between right of control and stoppage in transit , delivery of goods , right of taking delivery of goods , document of title , and transfer of right .

  29. 对交付货物的接受应受制于为确保货物无瑕疵(特别是在准确度、完整性和可操作性方面)而对检验结果进行的保留。

    Acceptance of delivery shall be subject to reservation as to the results of an inspection to ensure that the shipment is free from defects and , in particular , accurate , complete and serviceable .

  30. 提单在国际贸易和航运中充当承运人收受货物的证据,又是运输合同的证明以及承运人交付货物的惟一凭证。

    A bills of lading is regarded as the certificate of carrier 's receiving goods , and the proof of transport contract and the only certificate of carrier 's delivering goods in international trade and shipping .