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  1. 控制近交和世代离散情况下多性状、多QTL的最优化选择

    The Optimal Multiple Traits Selection for Multiple QTL with Discrete Generation and Control of Inbreeding

  2. 介绍了在石油化工工程设计、采购、施工(EPC)总承包项目中,采购部门在供货商的选择和管理、设备的催交和检验等方面应采取的一些做法;

    The vendor selection and management , expediting the delivery and inspection of equipment in petrochemical EPC project are described .

  3. 这个算法本质上是通过不交和运算生成一些新网络来计算其ST可靠性或生成可靠性表达式。

    An algorithm for computing ST reliability is presented , it computes ST reliability or produces a ST reliability expression by enumerating a class of special networks of given networks .

  4. 本文论述了与数控加工数据转换技术有关的曲线、曲面、等距曲面、曲面求交和曲面修剪的算法。重点对有理B样条表示曲线曲面的方法及特点进行了探讨。

    This paper expounds the algorithms of curves , surfaces , equidistant surfaces , surface intersection and surface trimming related to the NC machining data conversion , it emphatically discusses the methods and characteristics of representing curves and surfaces by using the rational B-spline .

  5. 关于系统可靠性计算问题,利用不交和(SDP)已给出了多种算法。

    Several algorithms have been developed to solve the reliability problem by using the sum of disjoint products ( SDP ) approach .

  6. 通过以携有主基因sd-1的半矮秆水稻品种南京11号与F2代中的半矮秆个体成对测交和自交分离、获得了一种新的矮秆主基因单独控制的半矮秆系新桂矮。

    Nanjing 11 , a semidwarf cultivar carrying major gene sd-1 , was used as tester to croes with semidwarf plants selected from F_2 generation individually .

  7. 采用杂交育种与系谱选育相结合的方法,选择优良亲本材料。经3轮选择、互交和控制授粉后,从轮选群体中选择优良可育株(复交F1),进入系谱选育程序。

    We use both hybrid breeding and strain breeding to choose choiceness parent materials . The recurrent selection population was formed by mixing the hybrids equally from each backcross .

  8. 基于这个框架,在工作站网络上实现了CAREL不交和算法的并行化版本。

    Based on the framework , a parallel version of an SDP algorithm called CAREL on a network of workstations is implemented .

  9. 他告诉我说他明天交和我一起去。

    He told me that he would go with me tomorrow .

  10. 答辩必须在7日内呈交和送达。

    The defence must is file and serve in seven day .

  11. 这种算法通过构造树的方法产生不交和。

    The method can generate disjoint sums by constructing a branching tree .

  12. 给出网络可靠度一种新的不交和算法。

    A new algorithm for generating the sum of disjoint products is proposed .

  13. 哈密顿图的邻域交和邻域并条件

    Neighborhood Intersection and Neighborhood Union Conditions for Hamiltonian Graphs

  14. 光成型法三维模型的动态截交和实体重现仿真

    Simulation of Dynamic Slicing and Solid Rebuilding of 3D Model in Stereo Photo Lithography

  15. 三交和双交组合加性-显性-母体效应的遗传模型及豪特卡罗模拟分析

    Genetic Models with Additive-dominance-maternal Effects and Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis for Three-way and Four-way Crosses

  16. 基于容斥原理与不交和公式的一个计算网络可靠性方法

    A Method for Computing Reliability of Networks Based on Inclusion-Exclusion Principle and Disjoint Sum Formula

  17. 反交和自交通常不包括在内。

    Reciprocals and selfs are usually excluded .

  18. 二圆互交和三圆互交哲学模式及其在中医教学中的应用

    The Philosophic Mode of the Bi-cyclic and Tri-cyclic Mutual Crosses and its Application in TCM

  19. 可靠性分析的并行不交和算法

    Parallelizing SDP Algorithms for Reliability Analysis

  20. 这可能与较小的群体规模、近交和远系繁殖、选择以及存在无效等位基因等因素有关。

    It may be related with minor population scale , inbreeding , outcrossing and invalid allele .

  21. 1不交和方法是一种有效的计算网络可靠度的方法。

    The sum of disjoint products method is efficient for computing the reliability of a network .

  22. 提出了对这些不交和算法实行并行化的通用框架。

    In this paper , the authors present a general framework for parallelization of these SDP algorithms .

  23. 一种是结合最小割用不交和的方法计算系统失效概率从而得到系统可靠度;

    One of them is that the system unreliability is deduced by using the sum of disjoint products method .

  24. 一种基于加减法求交和顶点类型的凹多边形水平扫描填色算法

    A horizontal scan color filling algorithm based on finding crossing with addition and subtraction and vertex type for concave polygons

  25. 有一年,宋(人名待议)交和宋吉两兄弟(改为:宋郊和宋祁两兄弟)一同上京赶考。

    One year , the brothers Song Jiao and Song Qi went to the capital together to take the examinations .

  26. 负责采购合同和采购订单的状态监控,设备的现场检验,合同的催交和付款进度的更新。

    Responsible for status monitoring of purchasing contract and purchasing order , on site inspection for equipment , updating the payment status .

  27. 人类又来到了一个新的世纪之交和千年之交的重要历史时刻。

    Mankind is again at an important historical juncture when it is about to enter a new century and a new millennium .

  28. 改进和扩展了系统数学函数库部分算法(自由曲线求交和物性计算);

    Some algorithms ( mainly include intersection algorithm between free-curves and physical feature algorithm ) of the calculation library are improved and expanded .

  29. 初盛唐之交和盛唐时期另一种造像风格开始变化发展,而且又同时出现于上述三个地区。

    In prosperous Tang another kind of style starts changing the development , and appear at the same time again in above three regions .

  30. 另外,通过实时显示,动态地展示了截交和三维再现的过程,以便于检验所得平面图形数据和成型物的正确性。

    Through real-time displaying , the process of slicing and rebuilding is shown dynamically so as to check the validity of 2D-planar-layer data and rebuilt model .