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  1. 人们和售主讨价还价吗?

    Do people bargain with the seller for a lower price ?

  2. 优良的过程服务和售受服务翘楚行业。

    Excellent services and the sale process by the service industry leaders .

  3. 给出了垃圾处置收费和售电价格对于混烧电厂的经济影响。

    Economical influences of waste fee and electrical price on waste co - combustion plants were analyzed .

  4. 着重分析我国电力行业的发电、输电、配电和售电4个方面。

    Focuses on analysis of the electric power industry generation , transmission , distribution and sale of electricity four aspects .

  5. 指出在发电侧和售电侧需要引入竞争的必要性。

    Pointed out that the sale of electricity in the power generation side and the necessity of introducing competition side needs .

  6. 电力市场环境下,发电、输电、配电和售电等业务分别有不同的经济实体提供。

    In electricity market , power generation , transmission , distribution and sale of electricity and other services , respectively , have different economic entities .

  7. 发电量和售电量呈低速增长,购电比重上升,购电成本增加;

    Secondly , the generation of electricity and the sale of electricity increase slowly , the proportion and the cost of purchasing electricity go up .

  8. 在节能调度环境下,电力公司购电环境和售电环境与以前的计划调度环境相比发生很大的变化。

    In the energy-saving dispatching environment , the environment of power companies ' purchase and sale electricity changed a lot , compared with the previous ones .

  9. 这家汽车制造商将在未来几周内敲定协议,通过上述两方的投资和售股筹集约30亿欧元。

    The carmaker will hammer out a deal in the next few weeks to raise about € 3bn from investments by the two parties and a share sale .

  10. 公司同时建立了完善的供应体系和售服团队,成为业界极受好评的专业安全机房设备供应商。

    In the meantime , we have also set up perfect sales and after-sales service team , which make us well-received in this line and professional supplier for safe computer-room equipment .

  11. 传统电力产业是发电、输电、配电和售电垂直一体化经营的,被认为是具有较强自然垄断性的基础产业,因而受到政府的严格管制。

    The traditional power industry consists of generation , transmission , distribution and sale of electricity . It was once thought to be a natural fundamental monopoly industry , so the government controlled it strictly .

  12. 在不确定的电力现货市场条件下,讨论了发电商和售电商关于长期合约交易与现货交易之间的最佳选择策略方法,提出一种(随机)二层规划理论模型及其求解算法。

    A stochastic bilevel programming model and its algorithm of optimal bidding strategies , between power seller and buyer for contracting arrangements of the long-term contracts and the spot markets transactions under uncertain electricity spot market , is proposed .

  13. 大用户直接购电是电力工业市场化改革后引入的一种新型购电模式,其主要目的是为了促进发电侧和售电侧的竞争,满足用户的需要。

    The direct power-purchase for the large user is a new pattern for purchasing power after the reform of marketization of power industry with major aims at improving the competition between the generating electricity party and the seller and meeting the requirements of users .

  14. 方法:采用发射光谱法测定鲜品炮制的全蝎和市售全蝎药材的宏量元素Ca、Mg及微量元素Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb等7种元素的含量。

    METHODS : Macro-elements Ca , Mg and trace-elements Fe , Cu , Zn and Pb in crude scorpion were determined with emission spectrometric method .

  15. 目的:比较自制的两性霉素B脂质体注射剂(amphotericinBliposomes,LAmB)和市售两性霉素B注射剂(marketamphotericinB,MAmB)在家兔体内的药代动力学行为。

    To compare the pharmacokinetic characteristics of amphotericin B liposomes injection ( LAmB ) with market amphotericin B injection ( MAmB ) in rabbits by intravenous administration .

  16. Maire菌丝体生长的最适碳源是葡萄糖、羧甲基纤维素钠和市售白糖;

    Maire are glueose , carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt and commercial sugar .

  17. 用自制的PBS液和市售的林格氏液作冲卵液和保存液的对比试验中,证明二者差异不显著(P>0.05);

    The results of transplantation showed no significant difference in contrast experiment with self-make PBS and sold compound Nacl which were used as flushing egg liquid and keeping liquid ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 近期如操纵libor利率和滥售支付保护险(paymentprotectioninsurance)之类的丑闻暴露了一些行为,它们不仅不满足受托责任标准,而且已经堕落到违反得体、合法这些日常要求的地步。

    Recent scandals , from LIBOR fixing to the mis-selling of payment protection insurance , have revealed behaviour which not only fails to meet fiduciary standards but has been so low as to violate everyday requirements of decency and legality .

  19. 采用阳离子染料对芳纶(Nomex)织物进行高温高压载体染色,比较自制载体AC-101和市售载体SA对芳纶织物染色性能的影响。

    High-temperature-high-pressure carrier dyeing process of Nomex fabric is carried out with cationic dyestuffs . Effects of self-made carrier AC-101 and commercial carrier SA on dyeing behaviors of Nomex are compared .

  20. 目的为调查河北省既往是否曾发生肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7感染疑似病例,了解动物带菌和市售食品、饮水的污染情况。

    Objective To investigate whether probable cases of E. coli O157 ∶ H7 infection were occurred in Hebei province in the past , and to obtain surveillance information on the prevalence of E. coli O157 ∶ H7 in animal hosts , food products and drinking water .

  21. 以木瓜和市售各种带酒味的腐烂水果表面为分离源,分离得到68株酵母菌,经过3级筛选,获得3株适合酿造木瓜果酒的酵母菌,编号分别为Y-3-1、Y-4-1和Y-9-1。

    Sixty eight yeast strains were isolated from the surface of papaya and various kinds of rotten fruits . After 3 steps of screening , 3 strains suitable for fermentation of papaya fruit wine were obtained , and named as Y-3-1 , Y-4-1 , Y-9-1 , respectively .

  22. 航空客运舱位控制和超售综合静态建模研究

    Integrated Static Modeling of Airline Seat Inventory Control and Overbooking

  23. 预报集采用自制的模拟样品和市售的复方磺胺甲恶唑片的吸光度数据。

    The predict set was absorbance data of simulated sample and compound sulfamethoxazole tablets .

  24. 可转换债券经常含有其他的嵌入期权,如赎回和回售条款。

    Convertible bonds often contain other embedded options such as call and put provisions .

  25. •现金和可售证券:658亿美元,高于1季度的597亿美元

    • cash and marketable securities : $ 65.8 billion , up from 59.7 in Q1

  26. 对自制果汁牛奶和市售类似产品进行了流变学研究。

    Rheology tests were carried out on self-made fruit juice milk and market analogous products .

  27. 测定了所研制破璃的一些技术性能,并且和市售技术玻璃的性能做了比较。

    Some technical properties of the glasses are determined and compared with those of commercial ones .

  28. 金矿开采难度加大和央行售金协定将抑制黄金的供给。

    The rising difficulties in gold mining and Central Bank Gold Agreement would restrain the supply of gold .

  29. 本文研究航空运输收益管理的舱位控制和超售综合静态建模问题。

    The integrated static modeling of seat inventory control and overbooking for airline revenue management was studied in this paper .

  30. 零售商和网售商挑战出新的动机不大,一点也不奇怪。

    It 's little surprise then that there 's not much incentive for retailers and e-tailers to challenge the status quo .