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  1. 方法:采用发射光谱法测定鲜品炮制的全蝎和市售全蝎药材的宏量元素Ca、Mg及微量元素Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb等7种元素的含量。

    METHODS : Macro-elements Ca , Mg and trace-elements Fe , Cu , Zn and Pb in crude scorpion were determined with emission spectrometric method .

  2. Maire菌丝体生长的最适碳源是葡萄糖、羧甲基纤维素钠和市售白糖;

    Maire are glueose , carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt and commercial sugar .

  3. 采用阳离子染料对芳纶(Nomex)织物进行高温高压载体染色,比较自制载体AC-101和市售载体SA对芳纶织物染色性能的影响。

    High-temperature-high-pressure carrier dyeing process of Nomex fabric is carried out with cationic dyestuffs . Effects of self-made carrier AC-101 and commercial carrier SA on dyeing behaviors of Nomex are compared .

  4. 由于州政府和市政府试图打击不法的旅馆经营者,明年可能会出台一项规定。而与此同时,房产租赁网站Airbnb将游说政府改变法规。

    A reckoning could come next year as the state and city attempt a crackdown on renegade hoteliers while the online company Airbnb lobbies for a change to the law .

  5. 那会让警察局和市政府很为难的。

    It could be embarrassing for the police and the city .

  6. 州里正在调查郡里和市里的事。

    The state is looking into country and town affairs .

  7. 预报集采用自制的模拟样品和市售的复方磺胺甲恶唑片的吸光度数据。

    The predict set was absorbance data of simulated sample and compound sulfamethoxazole tablets .

  8. 明清时期湖南的城镇和市墟

    Urban Towns & Their Markets in Hunan during the Period of Ming and Qing Dynasty

  9. 测定了所研制破璃的一些技术性能,并且和市售技术玻璃的性能做了比较。

    Some technical properties of the glasses are determined and compared with those of commercial ones .

  10. 如你方的价格有竞争力,交货日期和市,我们打算大量订货。

    Should your price be found compeitive and delivery date acceptable , we intend to place a large order with you .

  11. 清代移民与鄂西北的商业和市镇发展&以十堰市为例

    The Immigrants in the Qing Dynasty and Development of Commerce and Towns in Northwest of Hubei & Taking Shiyan City as an Example

  12. 本文以省科技攻关项目和市重点科技攻关项目为背景,采用基于图像的无标定视觉导引方法来控制系统运行。

    This paper takes projects of province and city for tackling key problem as research background and applied vision control method to guide turbine blade repairing robot arm .

  13. 作者探讨了城市规划研究中的城市地域概念问题、居住分化问题、城市形态演化的阶段性问题和市域城镇体系规划问题。

    The paper deals with some important problems including urban area concept , residential structure , urban morphology evolving by stage , and urban system planning of municipal area .

  14. 党的县(旗)、自治县、不设区的市和市辖区的委员会,每届任期五年。

    The Party committee of a county ( banner ), autonomous county , city not divided into districts , or municipal district is elected for a term of five years .

  15. 因此,尽管许多州在19世纪上半叶批准进行改革,但是改革的反对者在州议会和市议会成功地废除了主要的改革内容。

    Thus , in many states , opponents of the reforms enacted in the first part of the19th century won repeal in state legislatures and in municipal councils of key elements .

  16. 对沈阳市来自中国医科大学附属医院、省肿瘤医院和市5院的已确诊的126例不吸烟女性原发性肺癌病例进行1:1配对的病例对照研究。

    Matched case - control study was carried out in Shenyang , China . The cases came from accessorial hospital of Chinese Medical University , Tumour Hospital in Liaoning province or shenyang cit-y.

  17. 各区县政府和市体育局各职能部门制定配套规划并组织落实,确保各项工作任务的完成。

    All district and county governments and the functional departments of the municipal sports administration should formulate supplementary plans for the implementation of the municipal plan to ensure the fulfillment of all tasks .

  18. 第三,因为海军工业园区被指定为州和市的开发区和工业区,因其创造就业机会而得到很多的税收优惠。

    Third , the Navy Yard is designated by the State as an Empire Zone and by the City as an Industrial Business Zone , thereby providing significant tax benefits for creating jobs .

  19. [方法]对1990~2004年龙岩市职业病防治院和市以上职业病中毒诊断小组确诊的慢性铅中毒患者资料进行分析。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the data of the lead poisoning cases during 1990 to 2004 diagnosed determinately by Longyan hospital for occupational disease control and prevention and the diagnosis groups for occupational disease .

  20. 又如在银行、邮局、图书馆、公园游乐尝幼稚园以至移民厅和市镇会办公处,我见到不同种族的工作人员和谐地在一起工作。

    In banks , post offices , libraries , parks , playgrounds , kindergartens , immigration offices and town council offices , I can see people of different races working and playing together in harmony .

  21. 对自制黄芪多糖Ⅱ(其为D-葡聚糖,分子量约为12300)和市售D-葡聚糖(分子量在15000~20000)进行硒化反应后,用在小鼠上具有各种免疫作用。

    Seleno reaction products of self made Astragalan ⅱ( a kind of D dextrans , 12 300 ) and market sold D dextran ( 15 000 ~ 20 000 ) were found to have immunological effects on mice .

  22. 对于非流通股的现时价值确定的课题,本文提出了一项创新:以每股净资产为基础,以平均净资产收益率和市净率水平为调整变量的计算方法。

    The paper expound an innovate method to confirm the prohibited shares ' present value : the price is based on net assets per share , and adjusted by average return on equity and P / B level .

  23. 随后分别应用市盈率和市净率法比较了中国创业板公司与国内外可比公司,认为创业板公司估值水平过高。

    Then the valuation method of PE and PB were applied respectively in Chinese GEM , compared with the Chinese GEM companies at home and abroad , believed that the home companies ' valuations were highly above abroad levels .

  24. 作者选择了河南和市桥两个典型地区,通过对演变和原因的分析,得出了这样的结论:明清番禺的城镇有两种类型,一为外向型,一为内向型。

    Henan and Shiqiao are chosen as two typical cases . Bases on the analysis about evolution and reasons , the conclusion is drew that in Panyu there are two kinds of town : outward-looking economy and domestically-oriented economy .

  25. 通过研究得出的以下结论:1.宜春市政府和市武术协会对争创全国武术之乡高度重视,投入较多资金开展武术活动。

    The conclusions can be drawn as the follows : 1 . Attaching great importance to the achievement of " The Wushu County of China ", the government of Yichun and Yichun Wushu Association invest a great amount of funds to launch Wushu activities ; 2 .

  26. 河南省和郑州市防汛抗旱总指挥部均将防汛应急响应级别提升为Ⅰ级。

    Both Henan provincial and Zhengzhou municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters have raised the emergency response for meteorological disasters to level I.

  27. WTO和天津市农业现代化

    WTO and Agricultural Modernization of Tianjin

  28. SunChen:这座纪念碑的兴建,还是一个合作项目。王室,当地区政府,和伦敦市政府在委员会里占有等同的人数。

    Helen : A commission was set up between the government and the City of London .

  29. 我国加入WTO和温州市的行政区划调整,给鹿城带来了前所未有的机遇。

    Wenzhou , China 's accession to WTO and the adjustment of administrative divisions , giving Lucheng unprecedented opportunities .

  30. 主要包括了风景旅游城市杭州会议旅游发展模式分析和桂林市会议旅游发展SWOT分析。

    Including development pattern of conference tourism about Hang zhou , SWOT analysis on conference tourism of Guilin .