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  • 网络wagashi;cake box
  1. 她把花生酱和果子冻混合在一块三明治里。

    She mixed peanut butter and fruit jelly in a sandwich .

  2. 属灵恩赐和果子的终极目标是使人归向上帝。

    The ultimate goal of spiritual giftedness and fruitfulness is to point men and women to God .

  3. 有时候,女孩们会带着饭和果子露,成群到河边野餐。

    Sometimes a group of girls would go down to the river for a picnic with pots of rice and sherbet .

  4. 望到那里我们的视线又会遇到一排黑板窗,板窗上钉了几条和果子面包一样黄的横木,使它牢固。

    There he encountered a barrier of black shutters , re-enforced and fortified with transverse beams of wood painted a gingerbread yellow .

  5. 周四晚上在巴黎,奥朗德总统用龙虾焙盘,大比目鱼、奶酪和果子露招待了卡梅伦。

    In Paris with President Francois Hollande on Thursday night , Mr Cameron was treated to lobster tureen followed by turbot , cheese and sorbet .

  6. 同样地,请想一下上帝在第三天创造了植物和结果子的树。

    Consider also day3 when God created plants and fruit-bearing trees .

  7. 我们餐后甜点有香草冰淇淋和柠檬果子露。

    For dessert we have vanilla ice cream and lemon sherbet .

  8. 他得让自己看起来像个野蛮人才能吓怕那些烦人的,爱吃粮食和啄食果子的乌鸦们。

    He 's got to look like a wild man before he can scare those pesky , seed-guzzling , fruit-pecking crows .

  9. 饭后甜点,我给那个胖子推荐了今日特别推荐的绿灯侠(一种带沙司的布丁蛋糕)、芝士蛋糕、香草冰淇淋和菠萝果子露,让他任选其一。

    For dessert , I say to the fat man , there is the Green Lantern Special , which is a pudding cake with sauce , or there is cheesecake or vanilla ice cream or pineapple sherbet .

  10. 有趣的是,没有发现显着相关性之间的尺度任何放射性或MRI测量参数和临床结果子。

    Of interest , no significant correlations were found between any of the measured radiological or MRI parameters and clinical outcome sub scales .

  11. 北美胡桃树,有浅褐色的木头和可食用的果子;一种浅褐色染料的来源。

    North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts ; source of a light-brown dye .

  12. 同样地,神要祂的儿女分散在各地居住,也是希望他们在不同的地方成长和结出果子。

    Christ puts his children in places where he wants them to grow and bring forth fruit .

  13. 而这种娇柔对于一个女人,正好象香气对于花和美味对于果子一样,美并不是我们对于花和果所要求的唯一的东西。

    It is that indefinable charm which is to a woman what perfume is to the flower and flavor to the fruit , for the beauty of either is not the only quality we seek .

  14. 不可把两样种子种在你的葡萄园里、免得你撒种所结的、和葡萄园的果子都要充公。

    Do not have your vine-garden planted with two sorts of seed : or all of it may become a loss , the seed you have put in as well as the increase .

  15. 用盐酸左旋咪唑和吡喹酮驱虫后,白鹇、孔雀、山鸡、红腹锦鸡和果子狸粪中虫卵减少率分别为100%、100%、90.6%、86.7%。

    The decrease rate of eggs of them was100 % , 100 % , 90.7 % , 90.6 % , 86.7 % after treatment with Levamisolum and Praziquantel .