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chóng zhù
  • damaged by worms
虫蛀[chóng zhù]
  1. 木头上有好些虫蛀的窟窿眼儿。

    There 're a lot of worm-holes on this piece of wood .

  2. 本文介绍了PILODYN无损检测技术在古建筑旧木构件腐朽与虫蛀程度检测中的应用。

    The application of PILODYN non-destructive evaluation technique in assessing decayed and insect-attacked ancient wood members was introduced in this paper .

  3. 平均单果虫口密度3头左右时,虫害果较健康果相比,出种率下降2.5%,健饱种数下降18.3%,虫蛀种子率达16.2%,千粒重下降0.93g,发芽率降低28%。

    Comparison of infected cones averaging 3 pests with healthy ones showed that seed amount declined by 2.5 % , full-filled seed reduced by 18.3 % ; pest damage rates 16.2 % ; thousand grain weight decreased by 0.93g and germination rate lowered by 28 % .

  4. 如果你房子的木料有虫蛀,要请专家来治理。

    If your house timber has woodworm , get expert treatment .

  5. 红麻原料发生霉变或虫蛀对化机浆性能的影响

    Properties of CMP Made from Mildew Deteriorated or Moth-Attacked Kenaf

  6. 我把那只被虫蛀了的玩具熊塞到她旁边。

    I tucked in the moth-eaten Teddy beside her .

  7. 它们重量轻,防虫蛀,价格便宜。

    They 're lighter , mothproof and cheap .

  8. 橡子虫蛀率的变化影响鼠类的觅食活动。

    Variation of insect infestation of Quercus serrata acorns can affect rodent foraging activity .

  9. 他用小刀去苹果皮并切离虫蛀的部分。

    With a penknife , he peeled the apple and excised the wormy part .

  10. 查尔斯环视被烟熏黑的墙壁和虫蛀的楼梯。

    Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls , the worm-eaten staircase .

  11. 他的冬衣被虫蛀得很厉害。

    His winter suit has been badly wormed .

  12. 颜色:正常,不发黄,无霉变,无虫蛀,无害虫。

    Color : Normal color , non-yellowing , Free from live insects and mould .

  13. 彼得说,这「基业」是不能被虫蛀坏,它不能被罪玷污;

    Peter says this inheritance can 't be attacked by anything like months or rust .

  14. 令我们吃惊的是,一半以上的花生竟是虫蛀的。

    To our astonishment , over half of them be in and out the worm-eat peanut .

  15. 红麻贮存中霉变和虫蛀对化学组成和制浆性能的影响

    Effects of Mildew and Moth ─ Eaten on Chemical Composition and Pulping Properties of Stored Kenaf

  16. 我使以法莲如虫蛀之物,使犹大家如朽烂之木。

    I am like a moth to Ephraim , like rot to the people of Judah .

  17. 圆顶的、虫蛀的木牌子无依无靠,歪歪倒倒地插在坟墓上。

    Round-topped , worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves , leaning for support and finding none .

  18. 检查一下有没有虫蛀或小孔。

    Check for holes and blemishes .

  19. 楼上的架子现在不能装因为我们订的松木被虫蛀了

    And upstairs , the shelves are late ...... because the pine we ordered has beetles .

  20. 为了防止衣服被虫蛀,他在衣柜中放了许多樟脑。

    To prevent moths from eating the clothes , he put a lot of camphor in the closet .

  21. 这种贝叶经啊不会被虫蛀,也不会风化。保存的时间特别长。

    Such palm-leaf scriptures are resistant to moth damage and weathering and can be kept for a very long time .

  22. 设有无烟楼层、商务楼层和残疾人房间。查尔斯环视被烟熏黑的墙壁和虫蛀的楼梯。

    Special rooms available for the disabled . Charles looked round him at the dingy smoke-discolored walls , the worm-eaten staircase .

  23. 你们应在天上积聚财宝!那里既没有虫蛀,也没有锈蚀,也不会有贼来挖墙洞偷窃。

    Store up treasure for yourself with God , where no moth or rust can destroy nor thief come and steal it .

  24. 佩妮姨妈在第二间房子里找到了一些发霉的毯子,并且给达力在一张虫蛀过的沙发上铺了一张床。

    Aunt Petunia found a few moldy blankets in the second room and made up a bed for Dudley on the moth-eaten sofa .

  25. 紫外线灭菌灯、电加热干鞋器的设置使得湿鞋得以干燥、防止衣物虫蛀;

    The ultraviolet sterilizing lamp and the electric-heating shoes dryer can dry wet shoes , and can prevent insects from eating the clothes ;

  26. 你们不要在地上积聚财宝,因为地上有虫蛀和锈蚀,也有小偷挖墙偷窃。

    Do not store up treasure for yourself here on earth where moth and rust destroy it , and where thieves can steal it .

  27. 采用布袋包装的辐照莲子经仓库贮藏观察,贮藏期达三年之久,不虫蛀、不霉变。

    The irradiated seeds packaged in the cloth bags and stored in the storehouse were not damaged by the insects and moulds for three years .

  28. 通常情况下,药材自身含水量高,贮藏保管过程就容易虫蛀、霉变,造成品质的下降。

    Usually , because that herbs have high water content , they are easily harmed by mildew and insect , and the quality could decline .

  29. 霉烂、变质、虫蛀、污染的饲料,不得用于饲喂实验动物。

    No feed that has become mouldy and rotten , or deteriorated in quality , or moth-eaten or polluted may be used for feeding experimental animals .

  30. 我的肢体会被烧焦,还有我的智力。这样它们就没有被虫蛀和腐化的危险。

    My extremities well charred , and my intellectual part too , so that there is no danger of worm or rot for a long while .