
chónɡ mínɡ
  • the cry of insects
  1. 至于夏日的是虫鸣之声,Coketown所能提供的是一年到头,从星期一早上到星期六夜晚终日不绝于耳的机器轮轴发出的急促嗓音。

    while for the summer hum of insects , it could offer all the year round , from the dawn of Monday to the night of Saturday , the whirr of shafts and wheels .

  2. 平静的,夜里寂静的,能听见虫鸣的,声音。

    The stillness of the night of quiet can hear the sound of honking worm .

  3. 希望生活在一个能听到鸟语虫鸣,与自然和谐共生的地方几乎成为人们奢侈的想象。

    It almost is luxury who can live in the house that can be harmony with nature .

  4. 伴着夜里的天籁和虫鸣-落向她的树叶轻而又轻,她漂向卡默洛特;

    The leaves upon her falling light - Thro ' the noises of the night She floated down to Camelot ;

  5. 我流经山谷,看过鸟语花香;我走过草地,听过虫鸣蛙鼓;

    I flow by valleys seeing birds sing and flowers radiate their fragrance ; I walk by grassplot hearing insects and frogs sing .

  6. 现在它是一整个圆了,它的速度很快,快到无暇估计路边的野花,无法辨清细微的虫鸣。

    Now that it was a perfect circle , it could roll very fast , too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms .

  7. 夏天,它展出柔柔的身姿,无数翠绿欲滴,晚上,坐在墙边,会听见在爬山虎屏障下的虫鸣。

    Summer , it display soft soft posture is about to drip , countless green , at night , sitting in the wall , will hear the worm in Boston ivy barrier sing .

  8. 乡村的春是如此的美丽:到处射放出明媚的阳光,到处炫耀着五颜的色彩,到处飞扬着悦耳的鸟叫虫鸣,到处飘扬着令人陶醉的气息。

    Village of Spring is so beautiful : every shot out of the sun was shining everywhere to show off a five-color Yen , around the beautiful birds flying insects , flying around with an intoxicating flavor .

  9. 埃德:事实上,对此我只会付诸一笑,因为比起警笛,我会更留心我在康涅狄格探望朋友时所听到的鸟叫虫鸣。

    Ed : Well , the fact is and I 'm smiling as I say it that I would be more conscious of birds chirping when I go visit my friends in Connecticut than I would be of that siren .