
jī yí
  • principles of action;guidelines;principle of act;reason
机宜 [jī yí]
  • (1) [guidelines; principle of act]∶依据当时情况处理事务的方针、办法等

  • 面授机宜

  • (2) [reason]∶指事理

机宜[jī yí]
  1. 造粒尾气风机宜设置在吸收设备之前,以提高NH3的回收率;

    The granulation offgas fan should be installed before the absorption equipment , so as to increase the NH3 recovery ;

  2. 手术时机宜在发病后3~4周。

    The reasonable operation timing is 3 or 4 weeks after the onset of illness .

  3. 当地人互授机宜——狡猾的借款人,在故意拖欠他们的第一批抵押贷款之前先买第二套住房。

    Locals swap stories of cunning borrowers who buy second homes for a song before deliberately defaulting on their first mortgages .

  4. 结论挫伤性玻璃体积血的手术时机宜选择在2~4周,可减少并发症的发生并获得较好的视力。

    Conclusion The proper timing for surgery may be 2 ~ 4 weeks after ocular blunt trauma . Early operation results in better visual acuity beside fewer complications .