
jī dòng
  • motor-driven;motorized;flexible;expedient;locomotive;automotive motorized;power-driven;mobile;kept in reserve
机动 [jī dòng]
  • (1) [locomotive;automotive motorized;power-driven]∶用机器开动的

  • 机动车辆

  • (2) [flexible;expedient;mobile]∶视情况做适宜的变动的

  • 机动处置

  • (3) [kept in reserve]∶准备灵活运用的

  • 机动时间

机动[jī dòng]
  1. 考虑道路容量的部队机动路线选择模型

    The Choice Model of the Troops Motor-driven Route Considering the Road Capacity

  2. 第四章防治机动车船排放污染

    Chapter IV Prevention and Control of Pollutants Discharge by Motor-driven Vehicles and Vessels

  3. 驾驶测试中会要求你做几个标准的机动动作。

    You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test .

  4. 人们必须以书信方式重新登记机动车辆。

    People had to renew their motor vehicle registrations through the mail

  5. 机动车辆偷盗案上升了15.9%。

    Theft of motor vehicles is up by 15.9 % .

  6. 保险杠是机动车辆的一部分。

    A bumper is a part of a motor vehicle .

  7. 你可以根据情况机动灵活地处置。

    You can deal with it flexibly as you see fit .

  8. 加州机动车辆管理局(CaliforniaDepartmentofMotorVehicles)从4月份开始发放许可证,允许公司在公共道路上测试真正的自动驾驶汽车。

    The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads .

  9. 世界各地的发明家都在争先恐后地来造机动车辆

    Inventors everywhere were scrambling to build motorized vehicles .

  10. 曼施坦因在最恶劣的严冬条件下,出色地施展了灵活机动的战术,终于完成了任务

    This Manstein did , with some brilliant maneuvering under the worse winter conditions .

  11. 机动式引信安全性X射线检测系统研究

    Study on the Maneuverable X-ray Examinating System for Fuze Safety

  12. GPS机动车辆管理系统实现方案分析

    Scheme for Mobile Management System based on GPS

  13. 基于多特征联合的高分辨率SAR图像机动目标快速获取

    Fast Acquirement of Vehicle Targets from High-Resolution SAR Images Based on Combining Multi-Feature

  14. 采用最新DSP技术设计旋转机械的整机动平衡仪。

    We designed a new overall machine dynamic balancing instrument for rotating machine by the DSP technology .

  15. 三状态样条Kalman滤波与目标机动检测

    Three-state Spline Kalman Filter and Target Maneuvering Detection

  16. 用于机动目标跟踪的Kalman滤波器的设计

    Design of Kalman Filter for Maneuvering Target Track

  17. 机动目标情况下FFT比相测距方法研究

    A Study on Ranging Method Based on FFT Phase Comparision for Maneuvering Target

  18. 防空兵群火力单位机动部署的Hopfield神经网络模型研究

    Hopfield neural network model for flexible deployment of air-defense group fire unit

  19. UPF与RBF结合的机动目标跟踪算法

    Algorithm of Tracking Maneuvering Target With Combination of UPF and RBF

  20. 一种实现机动目标跟踪的STF动态模型PDA算法

    An Algorithm STF-PDA for Maneuvering Target Tracking with Dynamic Model

  21. 对BTT导弹拦截机动目标进行了全弹道仿真。

    The simulations of BTT missile against maneuvering targets are studied .

  22. 结合ISO14556标准对于仪器化冲击试验机动态力值采集和处理系统的技术要求,简要介绍了夏比V缺口冲击仪器化试验方法的原理。

    The principles of the instrumented Charpy impact testing with the technical specification for the design of dynamic load sampling and processing system issued by ISO 14556 were briefly introduced in the paper .

  23. 基于GT-POWER的车用汽油机动力性能优化

    Optimized Dynamics Performance of Vehicle Gasoline Engine on GT-POWER

  24. 认为WR型增雨防雹火箭具有催化面积大、机动、灵活、快捷、安全的特点。

    The rocket is proved to be flexible , quick and safe with large catalytic area in operation .

  25. 给出了一种利用自适应转弯速率模型的IMM跟踪算法,可以用于机动目标的跟踪中。

    This paper presents an interactive multiple model algorithm ( IMM ) utilizing adaptive turn rate models to track a maneuvering target .

  26. TWS雷达中的机动目标跟踪问题

    Maneuvering Target Tracking in TWS Radar

  27. 非线性Gauss-Hermite滤波与机动目标的反干扰跟踪方法

    Method of nonlinear Gauss-Hermite filtering and anti-interference tracking of maneuvering targets

  28. 针对红外机动目标跟踪仅有角度量测的特点,引入了基于修正球坐标系的扩展Kalman滤波器,并对目标状态模型及其线性化方程进行了推导,建立了扩展Kalman滤波方程组。

    The extended kalman filter is introduced based on modified spherical coordinates used to infrared maneuver target tracking with angle-only measurements , with emphasis on inducing the mathematical model of target dynamic and the extended Kalman filter equations .

  29. 针对机动目标的Jerk模型,从理论上证明了该模型的局限性,提出了一种机动目标的当前统计Jerk模型。

    And then , for jerk model of maneuvering target , its performance is proved limited through theoretic deduction , a ' current ' statistic jerk model is proposed .

  30. 该算法可适用于机动目标和平稳目标的ISAR成像,其成像清晰度优于传统距离-多普勒算法。

    This new algorithm can be available for the ISAR imaging of both the maneuverable and stationary targets , and the imaging definition is superior to the traditional range-Doppler imaging algorithm .