
  • 网络RoboCop
  1. 例如,美国证交会几年前推出了一个绰号为“机械战警”(Robocop)的计算机程序,它的正式名称是“会计质量模型”。

    For example , a few years ago the SEC rolled out what has been dubbed its " Robocop , " a computer program more formally called the " Accounting Quality Model . "

  2. 当你拿简爱和机械战警作比较,实在太有趣了。

    It was just so funny when you started comparing Jane Eyre to robocop .

  3. 随着米高梅逐渐恢复元气,以《霍比特人》三部曲、《龙虎少年队》(21JumpStreet)和《机械战警》(RoboCop)等影片提高产量,这些债券持有人得到了回报。

    Those bondholders have done nicely as the studio has recovered , upping its production with films such as the Hobbit trilogy , 21 Jump Street and RoboCop .

  4. 在片中,好警察墨菲将会被歹徒杀死,然后被机器人公司OmniCorp改造成半人半机器的机械战警。

    In the film , the good cop Murphy will be killed by scoundrels , and be transformed into a half man half machine Robocop by the robotic company Omni Corp.

  5. 收购米高梅将使亚马逊获得更多的电影、节目和著名角色,包括《洛奇》、《机械战警》和《粉红豹》。

    Buying MGM will give Amazon access to more films , shows and famous characters , including Rocky , RoboCop and the Pink Panther .

  6. 关于美国证交会“机械战警”的具体情况,人们知之甚少,但尤萨发现了多个可能暗示着潜在会计问题的重要指标。

    The details on the SEC 's Robocop are sparse , but Mr Jussa found several important indicators that could hint at potential accounting mishaps .

  7. 1987年的原版电影曾巧妙地讽刺了美国文化,新版《机械战警》则通过对美国无人机空袭场景的刻画,在某种程度上与前作产生了共鸣。

    Compared with the 1987 original , which was a smart satire of American culture , the new RoboCop resonates to some degree with its depiction of military drone strikes .

  8. 1987年荷兰导演保罗•范霍文拍摄了经典科幻片《机械战警》。在看过巴西导演何塞•帕迪利亚翻拍的最新版本后不得不说,两部影片的高度类似不禁叫人替翻拍版本捏了把汗。

    After watching Brazilian director Jose Padilha 's reboot of RoboCop - the 1987 classic sci-fi movie by Dutch director Paul Verhoeven - it 's fair to say that the remake comes dangerously close to the latter .